Part 2 of 2 of Lydia Centered Day

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Lydia emerges from the bathroom, towel-drying her hair as she returns to her bedroom. Magnus watches her and decides to follow her. "Lydia?" "Yeah?" "Are you alright?" "Can we just... forget that I said anything? It was nothing anyways." Magnus looks at her in shock. "No we cannot just forget it. Lydia you're incredibly upset and it's heartbreaking to know." "It's just me being pathetically selfish Magnus just drop it!" Magnus pulls her into his arms, knowing she's about to cry. She breaks down immediately and Magnus has to catch her before she falls to the floor. He lifts her bridal style and sits on the couch, letting her sob into his chest. He strokes her hair in attempts to comfort her as she clings to him. "I'm sorry..." "Lydia whatever are you apologizing for?" "For being so pathetic..." "Stop." He makes her look at him and wipes away tears. "You. Are. Not. Pathetic." She shakes her head. "I'm sitting here crying into a man that only keeps me around because I help him out and I'm crying about never being able to have my own child I am pathetic..." Magnus uses his magic to get a box of tissues, wiping her face as she cries. "Lydia I want you to look at me and listen to what I have to say. You are not pathetic and I don't only keep you around for the help. I care about you Lydia and so does Alexander you are not here just to help. As for your reason for crying that is perfectly understandable! You are a woman who is still half human and has needs. Caring for Alexander like he's your own child will of course elicit these feelings and you are not faulted for them." Lydia can only blow her nose while listening to him. "You are worth much more than you think. I wish you could see that." She nods and wipes her face more. "When you're raised a shadowhunter, like Alec and myself, you're taught against being selfish and it's not about what you want, it's about what must be done." "Shadowhunters are supposed to have children to extend the legacy of your people." "But I want a child to love and care for and raise the way I wasn't."
Lydia hears a whine on the baby monitor and gets off of the couch, rushing to Alec's nursery. Given the potion he took and that he's aged down further, he's physically an infant which makes Lydia want to cry again. She lifts him into her arms and cradles him close. She taps his diaper, notices that it's full, and goes to change him but groans when she realizes something. "Magnus! He needs to be changed and we don't have diapers small enough!" Magnus walks in and sees Alec's current state, summoning what they need. Lydia changes him easily and cradles him close to her chest afterwards. "He's only like this for four more hours so I'm taking full advantage..." He stops crying and buries his face into Lydia's neck as she rubs his back. Magnus pets his hair a bit, glad that he's calmed down so quickly. He looks at Lydia, who's swaying slightly and bouncing Alec lightly in her arms to keep him content, and smiles sadly. He knows she would be an excellent mother, but also knows that there isn't really a way to fix that. Magnus can see that she's exhausted and sighs. "Why don't I hold him for a few minutes while you make yourself some coffee or even nap for an hour or so? You look like you're ready to fall asleep standing up." "That's what stamina runes are for, Magnus. Just hand me my stele." He shakes his head and takes Alec. "Go rest. I will wake you in an hour. Your body needs it." She knows that there's no point in arguing and decides to just go take a nap, setting two alarms for an hour from now, and passes out instantly.
Magnus cradles Alec against his chest and looks at the baby in his arms. "You know, you are one adorable baby my little turtle." He kisses his head and smiles as Alec plays with his necklaces. "Looks like it doesn't matter how old he is, Alexander Lightwood is fascinated by my necklaces." Alec reaches up and touches Magnus's bottom lip, aiming for his nose but his arms are too short. Magnus kisses the chubby tiny hand and smiles. He adjusts Alec so that he can look him in the eyes. The baby places his hand on Magnus's nose, causing the warlock to sniff and make him laugh. There's a knock at the door and Magnus lets the person in.
Luke looks at Magnus and baby Alec in confusion. "It's Alexander, I used a potion." He nods in understanding and sits beside the warlock. He takes a picture of the baby shadowhunter and sends it to everyone. "Where's Lydia?" "Resting... Lucian I don't know what to do..." "What happened?" Magnus tells him everything that has happened, from the first time that Lydia felt useless to their conversation from before Alec woke up. Luke looks at Magnus with concern. "Is there really nothing we can do?" "Not that I know of, I'm afraid. Unless we can find someone willing to give her a baby and her agreeing to it, there's nothing we can do." "What if we found someone?" "Not going to happen since the only men she trusts that would even be able to do that are Jace and Alexander and I highly doubt that it would happen." Luke nods. "I say give her a week of time with Alec as a baby, with his consent of course like don't just do it without consulting him, and see how she feels. You never know the feeling may pass." Magnus nods and just cuddles Alec close.
Lydia wakes up as her alarm goes off and comes out to see the men converse. She smiles in greeting and Magnus goes to hand Alec off. She declines for now and just watches them. "Let me wake up a bit more and trust me I'll hold him." Magnus nods and plays with Alec a bit in his lap. Luke smiles at Lydia and hugs her before he takes his leave. Magnus looks at Lydia. "When the potion wears off or Alexander ages up, whichever comes first, we should have a talk." "Magn-" "Luke made a suggestion and I feel that we should all talk about it." She nods and leans back. Magnus places Alec in her lap. "I need to check on a few things, keep him occupied?" She nods and taps Alec's nose, making him giggle. She smiles and hugs him a bit.
A few hours later, Magnus and Lydia are alerted by a loud sneeze that Alec is making his way to the living room. "Bless you, Alec." "Thanks Lyds." He sits down besides Magnus and kisses him, looking fully big but a bit tired. Lydia and Magnus give Alec the full recap of what happened while he was little, the warlock even included Lydia's breakdown. Alec looks at her with concern and she looks at the floor. "I'm willing to be a baby for a week if that's what you want. I honestly fucking love it like I'm starting to remember how it felt and I gotta say I love being carried like that. It makes me feel fully in Little space and it's a great feeling. I'm willing to go through with it, especially if it helps you out Lydia." She nods. "We'll plan a week where Maryse can come down and help take over your workload so that we can do that. I'll contact her in the morning so we can sort this all out, but only if you want this Alec. I don't want you to do it because you feel sorry for me." He walks over and places a hand on her shoulder. "I want to do this." Lydia nods, tears welling in her eyes. He hugs her tightly and rubs her back, allowing her to cry. Magnus and Alec share a look and Magnus goes to work on the potion and spell to do this properly.

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