Continuation of Day 1 and Bonus Madia

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Magnus returns to the living room to Alec kneeling so that his messy diaper doesn't press against his skin. Magnus gets closer and his eyebrows shoot upwards, the smell hitting him first. "Well good thing to know that this brand holds well. I think magic is smart to change you this time, darling." Alec's diaper looks like if he moves, the diaper will either leak or pop off. "At least you're cleaned out and healthier at this point." Magnus snaps his fingers and Alec is in a clean diaper. The toddler notices and sits comfortably on the floor, reaching out for Magnus as well. "Papa cuddle?" The warlock smiles and lifts him into his arms. Magnus strokes Alec's hair and kisses his head. Alec yawns slightly and buries his face in Magnus's neck. "I think my darling boy needs a nap about now." Alec shakes his head while Magnus sways gently, walking towards the bedroom with a pacifier in the hand not supporting Alec.

Magnus gently lies Alec down in the center of the bed and puts a pacifier in his mouth. "Call me when you wake up, darling." "Wuv you papa." "I love you too, Alexander." Magnus kisses his forehead and leaves him in the room alone. Magnus sits on the couch and checks his phone.

LB: Sorry I needed a nap and thankfully Pandora was tired as well. Alec looks so cute!
MB: Do not apologize you ladies need your rest. So Maia Roberts? ;)
LB: Might be working on it ;)
MB: Not giving up my Ayah position FYI
LB: How is Alec?
MB: Fixed his constipation issue and found out the capacity of his new diapers at the same time and he's currently napping
LB: Let's try to Skype later so that he can see his 'baby sister' and mama
MB: Will do :D

Magnus puts his phone down and picks up a book he brought with him while Lydia focuses on Pandora and Maia.

About a couple hours later, Magnus hears a faint 'papa' from the bedroom and goes to check on Alec. The Little in question is currently sitting in the middle of the bed, tears in his eyes as he reaches for Magnus. The warlock lifts him into his arms and strokes his hair. "What's wrong, darling?" "B-bad dweam... Papa hurt... Scawed..." Magnus nods in understanding and cradles Alec close. "Papa is fine darling, alright?" He strokes Alec's hair slowly as the toddler's tears fade. Alec looks up at Magnus and kisses his cheek. "Happy you 'kay papa." Magnus smiles at Alec. "I am too, my sweet boy."

Pandora is sound asleep, meaning that Lydia can relax for a bit. Maia smiles at her. "Thank the angel for stamina runes you're a beast at this." The shadowhunter smiles at her werewolf friend and nods. "How do mundane mothers do this? It may not be difficult for me but I can thank my angel blood for that." Maia nods and pats the spot on the couch beside her. Lydia sits down and practically deflates, nearly on top of Maia. The werewolf laughs. "I'm glad that you invited me over, Lydia. I like having the opportunity to get to know you better." "Agreed." Both women look at each other for a few seconds, letting the silence envelop them. Lydia places a hand on Maia's cheek and Maia does the same. They lean in and their lips meet in a slow and gentle kiss. Maia runs her fingers through Lydia's hair as the shadowhunter rests her hand on the other's neck. Once they part, they simply look into each others' eyes. "Wow... You think Dora would mind having two moms?" Lydia snorts and starts laughing along with Maia. "She already has two dads. Might as well even it out right?" Maia nods and kisses Lydia's cheek.

Little!Alec and Others AdventuresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora