Day 7 and Lydia's Happiness

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It's the last day of Alec in his baby form and Lydia is dreading it. She gets out of bed to take a quick shower before Alec wakes up. Magnus wakes up to find the bed empty beside him, confused. He gets up and is about to look for her when Alec wakes up, giving a loud hungry cry. Magnus sighs and lifts the baby into his arms, trying to calm him down so he can change him and feed him. He walks past the bathroom and hears the water running, figuring out that Lydia is showering. He changes Alec quickly and puts him in a little tiny tshirt and shorts, thinking it looks adorable. He then takes Alec with him to the kitchen to prepare his bottle. "You sleep well my little turtle? Today's the day that you grow up again. Mama and I have a lot to tell you when you can properly understand us." Alec just taps Magnus's forehead and babbles a bit, making the warlock laugh. "I couldn't agree more, Alexander."
Lydia comes out towel-drying her blonde hair and sees Magnus feeding Alec. She smiles and approaches. "Ready for Alexander to be taller than you again." "Nope. Should we tell him?" "He deserves to know what is going on with his caregivers. Maybe he can even help in some way." Lydia nods and pets Alec's hair. "Want coffee?" "No thank you. I think I'm going to just relax and watch him after I finish feeding him. I feel rested enough to not need the caffeine." Lydia nods and goes to make herself a cup, she definitely needs it. They both know that they have five hours until Alec is big again so they want to soak in every second with him.
Both adults are currently lying down on the floor with Alec sitting between them. He's babbling happily while playing with a few toys. Magnus looks at the time and sighs. "Five more minutes. I'm sure that he can feel it and is trying to age up." Lydia nods before fanning her face. "But not before one last poop." Magnus laughs, Alec's butt was very close to Lydia's face. She lifts him into her arms and goes to change him. Once he's in a clean diaper and Lydia notices that it's almost time, she places him in the giant crib and puts clean clothes on the dresser, knowing he will be out of headspace when it wears off. Lydia returns to Magnus and sighs. "Any second now."
Alec blinks rapidly, eyes adjusting to his surroundings. He groans and stretches before getting out of the crib. He changes his clothes and heads out to the living room to see Lydia staring at her hands and Magnus watching the hallway. Magnus smiles at his boyfriend and gestures for him to sit beside him. Alec sits with Magnus and looks at Lydia.
"We're going to do a quick recap of all that happened this past week and then talk to you about something that is troubling Lydia." Alec nods. Lydia and Magnus explain everything that happened over the past seven days, skipping over the part where Lydia had her moment of wanting a pregnancy for the moment. After they finish, Alec looks at Lydia. "And there's something bothering you, right?" She nods. "I desperately want a baby... Like I want a pregnancy and everything so Magnus and Luke are both helping me find a way to make it work. I'm going to start dating shadowhunters to try and find someone to have the baby with so I may not be around as often." "I am even working on some things with  my magic that could help her become pregnant without the use of intercourse." Alec nods, trying to figure out how he can help. He then thinks about Magnus's words. "Let's say you find a sperm donor, like a guy who's willing to help her get pregnant but not necessarily get involved with Lydia, they don't need to have sex?" "No they wouldn't need to. Why are you asking?" Alec looks Lydia dead in the eyes. "I'll do it."
Lydia looks at him in shock, she wanted to ask him before but was too scared of his reaction. Magnus raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure, Alexander?" "I mean yeah of course. If it helps Lydia out and I don't need to actually... do that... I am more than happy to do this." Lydia nods. "Think of it, in a way, the baby would be my brother or sister when I ageplay actually so if they're related to me it's better. Plus a shadowhunter is best for this anyways." Magnus and Lydia nod in agreement. "When shall we do this? I can have everything ready within minutes." "If Alec is absolutely positive about this..." Alec gets up and kneels in front of her. "I am. Let me do this for you." Lydia wipes a tear from her eye. "I'm ready when you two are." Magnus nods and heads to his office to get what he needs to start.
Magnus sends Luke a text letting him know that Alec volunteered and contacts Catarina so that they can start. Catarina gets what she needs from Alec and Magnus gets Lydia ready. The spell takes an hour to compete and check for results so Alec reads to pass the time. Magnus comes out and sits with Alec, placing his head on Alec's shoulder. "Things go well?" Magnus shrugs. "Catarina will tell us the results in ten minutes." Alec nods and pulls Magnus close to cuddle him.
Ten minutes pass and Catarina comes out to the living room with Lydia. Both men look at her in anticipation. "Well?" Lydia looks up and tears well in her eyes. She nods and smiles. "I'm pregnant." Alec hugs her tightly and Magnus hugs her afterwards. She wipes her eyes and runs a hand through her hair. "Should we tell the others?" Magnus nods. "Shall we say that it's Alexander's?" "Yeah I'm cool with that. Izzy will flip her shit." There's a collective nod. "I'm going to go through some prenatal care tips with Lydia while you invite everyone." Catarina goes with Lydia to her bedroom to talk about things as Magnus invites everyone over to his home.
Within ten minutes, the loft is filled with everyone who knew about the ageplay. Izzy looks at Magnus. "Why are we all here again? You just said there was an important announcement." "Patience, Isabelle." She huffs and Alec smiles, cuddling Magnus on the couch. "Trust me, it's worth it." Lydia and Catarina emerge from the bedroom and all eyes are on them. Jace raises an eyebrow. "Is Catarina joining in?" "Nope." The female warlock nods at Lydia and she smiles. "I'm pregnant." Izzy and Clary scream and run to hug her. Luke smiles, his hand subtly holding Maryse's. Max uncovers his ears and looks up at Jace. "Who's the dad?" Simon looks at Alec and raises an eyebrow. Alec nods. "But you're gay!" All eyes are on Simon due to his outburst. Alec shakes his head. "Have you ever heard of a donor before?" Simon still looks confused and Izzy slaps his head. "Idiot. Alec gave his sperm to impregnate Lydia." Simon nods in understanding. He then smiles. "Congrats!" Everyone facepalms at the daylighter. "I volunteered to give my sperm because Lydia deserves to be happy and I figure that it's one of the very least things I could do to make it up to her for all that she's done for me." Everyone gives their congratulations and leave after half an hour, leaving only Magnus, Alec, and Lydia in the living room.
The female shadowhunter groans and stretches. "I think I might nap or something." "Have a good rest." "Yell if anything." "Will do!" She heads to her bedroom and closes the door. She lies down on her bed and falls asleep with a hint of a smile on her face.

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