More Big Alec and Magnus moments

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Alec and Magnus cuddle together on their bed. They both know that sleep is the furthest thing from their minds, but Magnus's silk sheets are too comfortable not to wrap yourself in them. Alec starts to let go of Magnus and get out of bed.
"And just where do you think you're going shadowhunter?" Magnus keeps his hold on him. Alec blushes. "I'll be right back... I'm just going to use the bathroom really fast..." Magnus smirks. "And why would you need to get up for that?" "Magnus no I am not doing that while not in my headspace." "Well then you better age down because I am not moving." Magnus gets closer to Alec, practically on top of him. "Damnit Magnus..." Alec tenses up, too embarrassed about the fact that he has no choice but to wet himself with his boyfriend cuddling up to him. He tries not to think about it as Magnus plays with Alec's hair, attempting to get lost in the feeling of the ringed fingers against his scalp. Magnus has an idea, and he KNOWS that Alec will be upset with him afterwards. Once he notices that Alec has completely  zoned out, but still hasn't gone, he scares him by jerking his body slightly and letting out a small yell. It scares the piss out of Alec, literally, as his diaper swells in the front. Alec looks mortified as he pushes Magnus away slightly.
"Cmon Magnus that's not cool!" "You're right I'm sorry... Here let me help y-" "No I got it." Alec was a little angry at Magnus's actions and the warlock understood. Alec gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Magnus sighs as he hears Alec tear the diaper off, not bothering with a new one since he didn't remember how. He did apply the rash cream however, wanting desperately to get rid of his rash. Alec slips on a pair of underwear that he kept under the sink then he puts his sweats back on. He opens the bathroom door to see Magnus watching him, a worried expression on his face. Alec walks over to Magnus and kisses his lips gently.
"I'm not mad anymore... Just don't do that again... I hate being embarrassed like that..." "I understand Alexander, I'm sorry..." Alec kisses him again and hugs him close when they part. "It's fine. I love you." "I love you too darling." They smile at each other and hug for a little longer. Magnus raises an eyebrow and looks at Alec, cupping his ass.
"Is this smart?" Alec blushes. "Hey I've been aware of when I've used those... you know... so I know that I'm not going to piss my pants anytime soon. I'll wear one when we go to bed but for now I won't." Magnus shrugs. "Do as you please darling." Alec hides his face in Magnus's neck. The warlock chuckles softly.
"I love how you cannot say the word. It's adorable, but not nearly as adorable as you~" "M'not adorable Mags..." Alec buries his face further into his boyfriend's neck as he mumbles his response. Magnus shakes his head and playfully slaps Alec's ass, causing him to be on the receiving end of a glare from Alec.
"What? Your ass is pretty sexy Alexander~" "Aaaaaaand I'm done with you." Alec lets go and starts to walk away, only for Magnus to wrap his arms around Alec's waist. "No wait I'm sorry I love you don't leave." Magnus buries his face in Alec's back as he hears him give a light chuckle. "Fine fine I guess I'll stay." He turns and kisses Magnus's forehead, pulling him close. "You're lucky that I'm obsessed with you, Mr. Bane~" Magnus shutters slightly. "Indeed I am Mr. Lightwood~" Alec lifts Magnus and carries him back to the bedroom.

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