Day 5 of Baby Alec Week

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Day five of the baby Alec week comes to a beginning as Magnus and Lydia are awakened by his crying. Magnus gets out of bed and signals for Lydia to stay, they've been sharing his bed all week with Alec's baby sized crib in the bedroom so it's easier if he wakes up at night. Magnus lifts him into his arms. "Alright you definitely need a new diaper." "You change him and I'm gonna get dressed, I want to go for a run." "Be safe." "Will do." Lydia goes back to her bedroom to put on her jogging clothes. Once she's dressed she kisses Alec's head and smiles at Magnus. "Text me if anything, I'll have my phone." "Take a seraph blade with you." She nods and glamours a thigh holster, strapping it to her left thigh. She puts earbuds in and starts jogging around the city.
At one point, while stopping to catch her breath, she nearly bumps into another jogger. "I am so sorry ma'am." "Don't be, I should've paid attention as well." Lydia gets a good look at the woman and sees that she's heavily pregnant. The woman smiles. "I'm Sandra. You seem like you have someone in mind when you see this." She strokes her large baby belly. Lydia nods. "My son, Alec." She's gotten into the habit of referring him as her son when speaking to others who don't know. "This is my second pregnancy actually, I know exactly how you feel right now. The feeling of wanting this all over again." Lydia nods and sighs, she can't suppress those feelings any longer. "I really want to be pregnant again I'll admit it." She adds the again bit for the sake of the lady. "I'm Lydia by the way." "Well I hope you get that soon. Best of luck!" "Thank you, Sandra." She watches the pregnant mundane jog away and sighs, not knowing what to do.
Once Lydia gets home, Magnus can tell that something it up. "What's wrong?" "I need to get something off my chest." He nods and places Alec on a play mat on the floor, letting him play while they talk. "While on my jog, I ran into a pregnant woman and... Fuck I want that so bad..." She looks ready to cry. "I've been trying to ignore those feelings but I can't. I think I'm going to start dating or something and try to find someone because I desperately want this... I want to be pregnant I want a baby I-..." Her statement is cut off with a sob. Magnus looks at her in shock, not realizing how much she wanted this. "Lydia..." He pulls her into a hug and rubs her back, noticing her starting to cry. "I will help you find someone. I promise." She can only nod. Alec starts to whine, causing both adults to turn to him. He makes a grabbing motion for Lydia. "Mama." She walks over and lifts him into her arms. She hugs him close and kisses his head, tears streaming down her face. Alec gives her a kiss on the cheek and buries his little head into her neck. Magnus starts to think of people he knows that could help her, feeling his heart break at her sadness. She just cuddles Alec close to her chest for a while as she calms down. She looks at Magnus. "What if we can't find anyone?" "We could find a donor, I could find a spell, this will happen Lydia I promise you." She nods and kisses Alec's head again, finding comfort in his tiny form.
Lydia lies down on the floor with Alec, placing him on his belly so he can crawl around. He climbs on her a bit, making her laugh. Magnus called Luke and he let himself in. "Luke?" "Hey Lydia. Just here to talk to Magnus. Hey buddy." He pets Alec's head and smiles when the baby laughs, both hands on Lydia's belly as he stands. "He's in his office I believe." "Thanks." Luke goes towards Magnus's office and walks in, closing the door behind him. "So what's up?" "Lydia broke down crying telling me how badly she wants to have a baby and go through a pregnancy. I was hoping you had some advice or knew of anyone who would be willing to help." Luke sighs and shakes his head. "The only ones I really know are members of my pack and that is way too dangerous. I can ask Clary to see about any shadowhunters but I cannot guarantee anything." Magnus nods in understanding and sighs. "I nearly cried while she told me. She wants this so desperately." "We'll find a way to help her. You can count on me." "Thank you, Lucian." "No problem. I'm gonna go play with Alec for a bit, think Lydia will let me?" Magnus chuckles. "She will."
Luke has Alec bouncing gently on his knee, the baby laughing hysterically. Lydia is sitting nearby, trying to read but getting too caught up in the sound of Alec's laughter. She watches them in silence when she feels Magnus's hand on her shoulder. "I think he needs a bath, we haven't bathed him in two days and it might feel good since it's getting warmer." Lydia nods and Luke hands him over. "I'm gonna head out. Have a good night you two." Luke leaves and Lydia goes to bathe Alec, which is something that Alec prefers Lydia do since she's so gentle.
Once he's wrapped in a fluffy towel and in a new diaper after his bath, he starts to show signs that he's tired. Lydia puts him in an adorable onesie and socks before grabbing his nighttime bottle. Magnus was on the phone with Catarina the entire time, discussing options for Lydia. He walks into the nursery to Lydia feeding Alec. He smiles at them. "He's tired?" "Oh yeah, yawned three times during his bath and keeps rubbing his eyes." He nods and makes sure the crib is ready. Lydia burps him and puts him in the crib, kissing his forehead as he falls asleep. Lydia is already in her pajamas so she just gets straight into bed. Magnus joins her seconds later, turning out the lights.

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