Clizzy AgePlay

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Izzy and Clary are currently in their shared room. Clary is currently trying to get into a relaxed and childish mindset. The couple has tried ageplay a few different times and Clary is beginning to get the hang of aging down. Izzy already put her in a pink lace dress and a pull-up, Clary's headspace is between three and five. Izzy starts putting her hair in pigtails as Clary smiles at her.
"Hi pumpkin!" "Hi mommy!" Izzy smiles, glad that Clary agreed to this. She pulls her little girl into a hug after her hair is pulled back into matching pink bows. She cuddles her little girl close, she has a sippy cup of juice ready for her when she's ready. Izzy got a tv in their room so that they wouldn't have to leave unless necessary, putting on movies for her toddler. Clary settles in her mommy's lap and is engrossed in the movie. Izzy smiles and kisses her head. Jace knocks on the door and lets himself in. Clary doesn't even notice him, but Izzy waves hi. Clary looks at Izzy.
"Juice please, mommy?" "Of course pumpkin. Jace can you pass me her sippy cup?" He nods and hands it to her. Clary squeals at the sight of her favorite sippy cup, it's decorated with paint splatters. Both adults smile at her adorable reactions. "You've got a cute one I'll admit." "And you've got a goofy nerd. I think I win Jace." He laughs. "Hey I love my goofy nerd excuse you!" Clary just happily sips her juice, not paying attention to the adults around her. Jace leaves after a few minutes, getting a text from Simon of a list of things that they need before Jace heads over.
Clary starts to squirm a tiny bit, Izzy noticing immediately. "Pumpkin?" "No pause! I okay!" "Do you need me to take you to go potty?" "No." "Okay you just tell mommy if you do okay?" Clary nods, returning to the movie. Izzy keeps her attention on her little girl, checking for any signs that she should just take her. The movie finishes twenty minutes later and Clary is even more squirmy. The Lightwood taps her shoulder. "Want to try? The movie is over now and I know you don't want any accidents." Clary nods and Izzy leads her to their joined bathroom. She pulls down on the girl's pull-up and has her do what she needs. Izzy notices that Clary goes a lot and raises an eyebrow. "Did you lie to mommy earlier?" "I sorry mommy... I no want to pause the movie and I no had to go bad." Izzy shakes her head. "You still are not supposed to lie to mommy. Now I'm not mad at you but I think two minutes in the corner is a good idea." "Yes mommy." "Good girl." Izzy cleans her up and takes her to a corner in the room, new pull-up already on. She has Clary face the wall. "Alright two minutes."
After the timer goes off, Izzy pulls Clary away from the corner and has her face her. Her heart breaks at the tears in her toddler's eyes and her wet red cheeks. "Come here honey." Clary hugs her mommy and Izzy wipes her face with a tissue in one hand, the other around her waist. "Sweetie, I need to know that you understand why you had a time out." "Cuz I no asposed to lie to mommy cuz only want me safe and happy." "That's right, princess. So no more lying to mommy right?" "Yes mommy." "There's my sweet girl. Now where's mommy's kiss?" Clary kisses Izzy's cheek and she smiles, even more glad now that she made the suggestion to her girlfriend.

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