Lydia Reaches Full Term and The Pregnancy is Fully Public

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Lydia has hit the full term mark and is huge. She's looking at herself in the mirror, wearing one of Alec's shirts since they fit. She groans and goes into the living room, sitting beside Alec and burying her face into his shoulder. "Sleep well?" "Nope. Pandora had a dance party last night and kept me up. Magnus can I please have coffee? Just a little?" "It's bad for her if you consume that and you know it." "But Magnus!" She starts whining and Alec tries not to smile. He puts an arm around her shoulders and rubs her upper arm. She buries her face again and sighs. "Fuck, I need to pee again." She tries to stand up, but can't lift herself more than a couple inches above the couch. "Fine fuck it I'll just live on the damn couch!" She pouts and crosses her arms. "You made me gigantic you know that? I hope you love it in there because pretty damn soon it's eviction time!" She rubs her belly as she talks, feeling her daughter kick in response. Alec stands and offers her both of his hands. She takes them and he helps her stand up slowly. "Need help to the bathroom?" "Nope I got it. Thanks, Alec." She waddles to the bathroom and shuts the door behind her. Alec smiles and shakes his head. "Am I an ass if I think she's adorable right now all pouty?" "Not at all, I agree completely. Just don't let her hear that, Alexander. If she does then both of us are dead men." Alec nods and covers his smile when Lydia walks back out.
She heads to the kitchen and both men follow her. She tries to reach for a cup in the cabinet but can't reach since she can't put pressure on her belly. She groans and Magnus puts one on the counter for her. "I could've gotten a spoon or something and knocked it down you know?" "Yes but I figured that would've been easier. What if it fell off of the counter? You cannot bend down with a thirty-six week pregnant belly that is larger than a watermelon." She nods and pouts. "So I am fat. I knew it." She starts to tear up and Alec scrambles to hug her. "No you're not fat at all! You're just pregnant. Watch after Pandora is born you're going to look great. You'll lose the baby weight fast and look amazing again." He never thought she was hot because gay but knows it's what she needs to hear. She wipes her eyes and nods. She suddenly leans forward and takes in a deep breath, alarming both men beside her. "What's wrong?!" "Nothing. She just moved suddenly and I felt a large shift. Catarina says I should feel these on occasion until she's born." Magnus nods but Alec does not look convinced. He makes Lydia sit down and gets water for her himself. "Alec I don't need you catering to me I'm fine." "Just let me." She sighs and concedes, letting him actually carry her to the living room and lying her down gently on the couch.
After a good hour of Lydia and Alec going through reports on the couch and Magnus working on a translation for a client, a fire message appears near Lydia. She grabs it and Alec reads it with her. Lydia lets out a groan in frustration while Alec runs a hand through his hair. "Why, today of all fucking days, would the Clave demand us all to be at the Institute?!" "Lyds calm down. If you get too worked up it could be bad for Pandora." He rests his hand on the very swollen belly and she sighs, nodding and placing her hand on top of his. "Magnus!" The warlock walks in at the sound of Lydia calling his name. "Is there an issue?" She nods and hands him the fire message. He reads through it and sighs. "Direct Clave order. Alexander cannot get out of this one given that he's the Head of the Institute, but maybe you can?" "People will talk and come hunting for me. Alec help me get to my room so I can get dressed quickly." "What?! But what about-" "We will be fine. Actually Magnus help me. Alec needs to get ready and it may be easier given your magic." Magnus nods in agreement and takes Lydia to her room as Alec goes to his and Magnus's shared room.
Both shadowhunters meet in the living room. Given that her old clothes don't fit, Magnus conjured clothes that resemble Lydia's usual attire but to accommodate her pregnant belly. Alec grabs what he needs when Magnus kisses him. "You're good? Don't need a change?" "No I'm fine, Lydia helped me just before the fire message." He nods and they kiss again. "Be safe and look out for the girls." "I will. Ready Lydia? You better not wear fucking heels." "Nope. Flats. Let's go." She grabs what she needs and hugs Magnus quickly. They receive a portal to the Institute via Clary so it's easier, they learned that portal travel wasn't dangerous for the baby once Lydia was seven months so they have taken advantage.
They enter the Institute from Alec's old office and Lydia needs to use the table to stabilize as she catches her breath. Alec rushes to her side. "I'm alright. Just a little winded. Let's go." She places some things down by Alec's desk and heads for the door. Alec does the same and stays directly behind her. Most shadowhunters haven't seen Lydia since before her pregnancy, so there are multiple shocked expressions across the floor. Lydia puts a hand on her belly and looks at Alec. "Isn't that your dad?" Robert was with two other representatives in the crowd on the far side, he hasn't noticed Lydia or Alec yet. The Lightwood groans. "Fuck. Of course it's him." Robert looks up and sees Alec talking to Lydia, her swollen belly between them.
"Lydia Branwell." She turns to look at the Clave and nearly trips given the shift in her weight, Alec catches her immediately. All eyes are on them and Raj starts to get closer, ready to protect Lydia of necessary to prove his remorse for his actions towards her. Robert and the two other Clave members approach them. The eldest Lightwood male gives her a once over. "How far along?" "Full term sir." "Who's the father?" "I am, Robert." "That's father to you, Alexander. Is this true, Ms. Branwell? Is Alec the father to your child?" "Yes. He is the father to my daughter." "A girl? Congratulations. We will make this quick so that you may return home, being up and active at full term could be a health hazard." He turns and walks away, the other two Clave members giving them looks of slight sympathy which, if they were mundane, would look beyond empathetic and sympathetic. They follow Robert and Lydia sighs. "You don't think you and I will be forced to marry for the sake of our daughter, do you?" "I sure hope not. No offense to you obviously it's just that I'd really rather marry Magnus." "I know." She smiles at him. Jace, Izzy, Clary, and Raj approach them, Alec standing in front of Lydia when he sees Raj. "I am not here to fight, Lightwood. Merely to apologize to you and Lydia. I'm sorry for all that I have done to both of you. Congratulations by the way on the baby." "Thank you, Raj. If Alec accepts, then so do I because he deserves your apologies much more than I do." Alec gives it a moment of consideration and nods. "You are forgiven. Now, do you know why they are doing all this?" "No, sir. I heard someone mention new recruits but the Clave would not come for something of that sort." Alec nods, turning to his siblings and Clary. "If any of you see anything off about Lydia and I don't notice right away, help her. She's ready to go into labor any second now." There's a collective nod.
The meeting ended up being about a lot of new recruits and took way more time than necessary. Once they get home, Alec rushes to go hide somewhere since he knows he's about to go. Lydia lies down on the couch and sighs. Magnus comes out of the kitchen and gives her tea. She thanks him and runs a hand over her face. "Didn't go well?" "Robert was there and now everyone in the Institute and three Clave members know that Alec and I have a daughter together on the way." Magnus's eyes open in shock and he sighs. "Well. Not like we could hide it much longer anyways considering that you could go into labor any second." Alec comes back into the room. "Hey, uh, Mags?" "I know. I could smell it from here." "Seriously?!" He gives an evil smirk as Alec turns bright red. "No of course not. But you hid the moment you got home." Alec flips him off and goes back to the nursery. Lydia smacks Magnus's arm. "Be nice to him. Now go help change him, he's mortified!" "I highly doubt he would want me to." "Fine, I'll do it."
Lydia goes to to help Alec, which he protests to. "Lydia go lie down or something." "You forget I changed you before the meeting." "But I only peed and I don't need to really lie down for those changes... This is different!" She rolls her eyes and grabs what they need. "Lydi-" "We're going to my room and I'm doing this on my bed, it's elevated enough where there shouldn't be any issue. Now stop arguing." She uses her 'mama' voice, instantly shutting Alec up and getting him to comply. She changes him in her room quickly and without protest. Once his pants are back on, he goes to throw everything away. "Lie down." She rolls her eyes but complies, knowing not to argue. She grabs a book and reads, wanting to at least keep her mind occupied.
Alec approaches Magnus in his office. "Hey Mags?" "Yes, darling?" The warlock looks up and meets his eyes. "Could we maybe... I don't know... try to potty train me? I mean with the baby coming it's going to be a pain to constantly change us both and..." Magnus lets Alec babble on as he finishes writing a sentence. "...and think about not taking out trash as often a-" "Alright. Alert myself or Lydia when you need to go next and we will get started." Alec's eyebrows shoot up. "Really?" "Yes. Alexander, it is something that we have brought up to you before. If you're willing to, then let's do it." Alec nods and gives a shy grin. "Thanks. I love you." "I love you too, Alexander." They share a gentle kiss.
Lydia rubs her belly, she's been feeling a sharp pain every now and then. She lets out a loud wince and a rush of fluid comes out from between her legs. She calls Catarina.

"Lydia? Is something wrong? Where are Alec and Magnus?"
"In another room. I've been feeling sharp pains and I can't tell if I pissed myself or-" Her sentence is cut off by a small yelp as a contraction starts.
"Your water just broke! Lydia, you're going into labor. I'll be there as soon as I can. Get the boys if possible. Just breathe Lydia and try to relax."

Catarina hangs up and scrambles to get what she needs. Lydia lets out a loud yell and grips the bedsheets beside her. Magnus and Alec run into her room. Magnus rushes to her side and assesses what he sees. "She's going into labor. Lydia I need you to breathe through the pain for me okay?" "C-Cat's on her way..." She takes deep breaths and feels a hand grip her own. She looks and sees Alec holding her hand. She takes a shakey breath. "Alec, I'm scared." "Don't be. Everything will be fine. Magnus and I will be right here the entire time." A portal opens up and Catarina walks through. She smiles at the three others.
"Let's do this, shall we?"

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