Month 5 and some very cute moments

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About a month later, Alec and Lydia are going through some reports while she eats her third apple in the past five minutes. Alec just watches her eat it nonstop and laughs a little. "Fuck you I'm having such a strong craving for fruit and these taste fucking amazing." Alec laughs a bit more. "Good to hear, I'll let Magnus know that he should stock up on them." "No because I have to be in the mood for it like yesterday with those weird chips." Alec nods and steals a bite, earning a whine from the pregnant woman. "Mean! You see this?! Your stupid dad is stealing my food!" She's stroking her belly as she talks. Alec can no longer contain it and bursts into a fit of laughter. Lydia glares at him playfully until she gasps in shock. Alec is immediately silent and looks at her shocked expression in concern. "What? Are you okay? What happened?" She looks at him without saying a word and grabs his hand, placing it on her belly. Alec immediately freezes as he feels something move against his hand. "I-is that...?" Lydia nods and smiles. "That's the baby... Ready to kick your ass." Alec smiles.
Magnus walks into their office and sees Alec's hand on Lydia's bare belly, she took her baggy shirt off because she was getting hot again and so they can better feel the kicking. "What is going on in here?" Alec looks up to see the smile on the warlock's face. "Mags! Holy shit have you felt this yet?" "Felt what?" "The baby started kicking and Alec is mesmerized by it." Magnus laughs a bit and kneels beside Lydia. "If I did not know any better, I would say that Alexander was Little right now given his adorably childish excitement." Alec looks at him with an expression of mock offense. "Oh yeah?! You feel and see how mature you are, right Lydia?" She only laughs and nods, guiding one of Magnus's hands where he can feel it. Alec moved his own hand so that Magnus can feel it better. Not even a second later, the warlock feels a kick against the palm of his hand and smiles widely. "Alright I concede, this is truly amazing." "Told you!" Lydia and Magnus laugh at Alec's enthusiasm. "You know, Lydia. I could find out and tell you the sex of the baby right now if you wanted." "No I already promised Izzy and Clary that they could do one of those mundane gender reveal parties after weeks of pestering. I scheduled an appointment later today with Catarina and the girls so that we can find out and they can start planning." Magnus nods and Alec pouts. "Hey I'm still technically the dad here shouldn't I get a say in this?" "If Izzy and Clary weren't so annoying about it, I would have asked you first." Alec can only nod in agreement, knowing that there was nothing he could say at that moment.
Lydia is sitting on a chair in a private waiting room with Izzy sitting beside her, Clary is in her little headspace so she's playing on the floor. Izzy has a hand on Lydia's belly, finding a spot where she can feel the baby. She looks at Lydia. "Could Clary feel? I promise that I'll make sure she's gentle." "Of course!" "Clary, honey? Auntie Lydia said that you can feel the baby moving if you're gentle." Clary faces them and lets out an excited gasp. "I be super gentle mommy!" Izzy pulls Clary into her lap and Lydia guides her hand to where the most movement can be felt. The toddler girl squeaks and doesn't move her hand, trying to be as gentle as possible.
Catarina walks in and smiles at them. "Ready to find out?" Lydia nods and Catarina has her lie down. "We're doing this the mundane way." She pulls over the ultrasound equipment and starts the process. She grabs the gel. "Warning, this will be freezing." Lydia squeaks when the gel touches her exposed belly. "By the angel you weren't kidding." "Sorry. Now let's see..." Catarina starts up the machine and glides the wand across her belly. A grainy picture of the baby moving appears on the monitor, making Lydia tear up. "Isabelle." Catarina guides her over and whispers the sex in her ear, causing the Lightwood to squeal. Catarina returns her attention to Lydia. "Growth looks great. Any concerns so far?" "Not that I can think of." "Alright contact me if anything. Let's get this crap off of you and send you in your way." Catarina wipes off her belly and lets her put her shirt back on. Lydia hugs the warlock before they leave. Izzy holds Clary on her hip as she glamours her to look like her headspace age.
Izzy adjusts the fidgety three year old on her hip as she walks through the park with Lydia. "Just wait, it will all be so cute! We should have something filled with the right color, not telling you, and have Alec shoot it with an arrow!" "Aww I love it." Carol, the mundane with twins, sees the two women and waves at them. "Aww Lydia congratulations!" "Thank you!" "Isabelle, right?" "Yes ma'am how are you?" "Good. Is she yours?" "Yeah this is my little daughter Clary. She's three." "She's beautiful. I gotta run but it was great seeing you!" Carol walks off and Izzy shares a look with Lydia. "Geez. Energetic much?" Lydia bursts into laughter and nods, leading her friends quickly back to the loft.
Alec and Magnus are on the couch, cuddling and kissing each other. Izzy wolf whistles as they walk in, making Alec blush and Magnus laugh hysterically. Lydia smiles and unglamours Clary. The toddler runs and hugs Alec, making him smile. "So how did it go?" "Healthy baby. Izzy knows what it is." "Alec I want your help with the big reveal! I'm going to fill a balloon with the correct color and you're going to shoot an arrow through the ballon so that when it pops, we know the gender!" Izzy is practically bouncing up and down. Alec smiles. "If Lydia is cool with it, I'm down." The blonde nods and smiles. "Alec go for it, I can tell that you're itching to age down." He nods and lets go of Clary. He goes and hugs Lydia while kneeling in front of her, finding when she strokes his hair that he ages down quicker. He slips into a toddler state and takes Clary's hand, running with her to the nursery to play. The caregivers laugh and Magnus raises an eyebrow at Izzy. "Any way that I can help?" "Oh definitely! Who else do we know that can plan amazing parties?" He smiles and goes with her to plan things out. Lydia takes the time to go over a few reports with a can of whipped cream by her side as she works. She has the baby monitor on in case one of the Littles in the other room need her.
Clary walks into Lydia and Alec's shared office, sniffling. Lydia looks at her before putting the can down. "Something happen, sweetie?" She nods and lets Lydia pull her close to her. "Want your mommy?" "No... She get mad..." Lydia looks at the girl in confusion. "What happened?" "I had a accident an mommy told me to ask her or you or uncle Magnus if I gotta go potty and I weted my pull-up..." "Hey it's okay accidents happen. How about we get you cleaned up and you go back to playing, okay?" Clary nods and lets Lydia take her back to the nursery. Alec is playing with Church on the floor when they walk in. "I'm gonna change Clary really fast and then how about the three of us play together or watch a movie?" Alec nods and Clary lets Lydia change her into one of the pull-ups they keep here for her. Lydia looks at Alec and sees him looking down. "You too, sweetie?" He nods. "M not messy though, juss wet." "Okay come over here and let's fix that." Lydia changes Alec quickly and kisses his head. "Go to the living room and I'll be there in a minute." Both kids nod and run to the living room.
Lydia enters Magnus's office and goes over to Izzy. "Clary okay? I thought I heard her upset." "She's better now, had a little accident and was afraid that you would be mad at her so she came to me." Izzy nods. "She's in a new pull-up and is going to watch a movie with myself and Alec." Magnus nods and Izzy smiles. "Thank you for helping her, I'm glad she trusts you." Lydia smiles and goes to the kitchen to grab juice and cookies before heading to the couch to be with the kids.
She places the plate of cookies in front of them and two sippy cups of juice. Once the movie starts playing, both Littles are mesmerized so Lydia just reads while petting Alec's hair. The other two caregivers enter the room about an hour into the movie and smile at the two Littles enjoying themselves.
There's a knock at the door and Magnus lets them in. "Got room for three more?" Luke walks in holding Simon and Jace on his hips. Magnus smiles and helps Luke get the kids situated, Jace deciding that cuddling beside Lydia on the couch sounded fun. The baby starts kicking again so Lydia smiles and looks at Luke. "Give me your hand." He complies and laughs at feeling the baby kick. "They're so active I swear. Constantly moving around." "Shadowhunter baby alright. Cool if Jace and Simon feel?" She nods and guides Jace's hand as Luke helps Simon. Jace just stares in silence and Simon starts giggling. Lydia smiles and pets Jace's hair. "There's a baby in there and it's saying hi." Jace mumbles a small 'hi' before smiling and cuddling into Lydia again, retracting his hand. Simon gives Lydia's belly a kiss before sitting down on the floor beside Clary. Alec looks and sees Lydia cuddling Jace and pouts. "Mama can I cuddle too?" She smiles and nods. "Come up here bunny." He smiles and cuddles her other side. "I cuddle when I big boy too?" "Mama is always available for cuddles, now matter how old you are." She kisses his nose and he laughs. By the end of the movie, all the Littles fall asleep and leave the adults to just talk about party planning for the gender reveal.

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