New Member to the Makeshift Family

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Izzy, Jace, and Clary head over to Alec and Magnus's shared loft to spend time there. Alec is still little so they decided to pay the little guy a visit. When they enter the loft, Alec's head is on Magnus's chest as the warlock feeds him a bottle of warmed milk. Izzy and Clary try not to squeal as Jace smiles at the scene before him. Magnus nods his head, silently telling them to get closer. Alec continues to drink his milk as Magnus uses his other hand to rub his belly. Once the bottle is empty, Magnus pulls it out to replace it with his pacifier. The boy cuddles into his papa and smiles at his sister who has crouched down in front of him.
"Izzy!" His voice is slightly muffled by the pacifier, Izzy smiles at her baby brother. "Hi Alec. Wow you look comfy huh?" He nods and reaches over to poke her cheek. The moment his finger touches her skin, she puffs out her cheeks, making him laugh. Clary's heart melts at the sight of Izzy and Alec interacting. She goes to sit beside her girlfriend on the floor, smiling at her little friend. He smiles at her behind his pacifier and giggles as Jace tickles his belly a bit. Everyone tries to contain their comments on how adorable he was. Jace ruffles Alec's hair and helps him sit on the floor with him. Izzy looks at Magnus.
"How old do you think?" "Maybe younger than 2 at this point. He's not very verbal when he's little anymore. He may say a few words but he's starting to slip further and further down. I mean I'm not complaining but it makes me question why." He pets Alec's hair as he leans his back on the couch, playing with his blocks that Magnus gave him with Jace. Clary sits beside Alec and holds one of his hands, finding that he likes it when she does. Magnus feels a shift in his wards, getting up to take Alec to his nursery that he set up. Everyone hears a knock at the door and Alec looks a bit nervous. Jace picks up Alec and takes him into the room that Magnus just opened the door to. All four shadowhunters enter that room with all of Alec's little stuff from the living room and shut the door.
Magnus opens his front door and smiles politely at Simon and Luke, forgetting they were coming over. He welcomes them in and had them sit on his couch, using his magic to make the bottle on the floor vanish before anyone can notice it. "What can I do for you gents?" "Just wanted to drop by and say hey." Luke greets him as Simon just looks at his phone. The werewolf sniffs around. "Were Clary and Alec and the others just here? I can smell them." "Oh yes they had just left." Magnus tries not to be obvious.
In the nursery, Jace had placed Alec on the floor and started playing with him again. Clary and Izzy stayed close to Alec just in case something happened and he started crying, ready to silence him as fast as possible. All three are very thankful that Alec seems very content at the moment, not knowing how they will be able to explain anything to Luke or Simon. After a few minutes, Alec started to look upset. The three shadowhunters immediately approached him, trying to figure out why he was upset. He sniffs a couple times and there are a few tears, but he doesn't grow in volume. They all still struggle to try and figure out what has upset the boy even further. Izzy tries giving him his cat Church, but he pushes it away. Jace tries to offer him his pacifier that he spit out, but he throws it onto a nearby pillow. Clary offers him her hand, but he pushes it back towards her. He curls in on himself and continues to sob in silence, his cries escalating.
Luke can hear everything that's going on, but decides to keep quiet for now and to wait until he can ask Magnus. Simon gets up to go to the balcony, looking for better reception, when Luke goes to Magnus. "Did you know that someone is crying in your guest room and there are three others scrambling to make it stop?" Magnus looks confused and concerned. "I will go check on that." He starts to leave but Luke puts his hand on Magnus's sleeve. "It's discomfort, by the way." "What?" "Alec. He's crying in discomfort. Makes me think of when Clary was a baby. She cried that way, only louder, whenever she was uncomfortable." Magnus looked at him in shock. He then smirks slightly. "Would you like to assist me? You seem to know what you're doing much more than I do." Luke nods and follows him, making sure to lock the balcony doors so that Simon cannot get back in for a while.
Magnus opens the door with Luke trailing behind him. The three adult shadowhunters quickly step in front of Alec, but Magnus gestures for them to step aside. Luke crouches down and brushes his fingers across Alec's forehead, pushing his hair out of his face. The alpha points to Alec's diaper supplies and starts rubbing his back, hoping that Magnus acts quickly. He grabs what he needs as Alec burps loudly, his cries getting a bit quieter. "Alright halfway there. You want to take over from here? He might be more comfortable with you dealing with that than me." Magnus nods and changes Alec fast, Luke keeping him occupied so that it goes quickly. After Alec is out of his soaked diaper, he calms down, poking Luke in the chest. He smiles down at Alec and lets him do his thing. "Bane how dare you keep this cute little angel from me for so long? I'm gonna get you back for this I'm gonna teach him that pranking his papa is the best thing in the world." "Oh you better not Lucian!" Alec giggles and hugs Luke. "HA! See he loves Uncle Luke and I'm teaching him everything I can!" Izzy, Jace, and Clary laugh at the interaction. Magnus ruffles his boy's hair as he cuddles into Luke more.

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