Part 1 of 2 of Lydia Centered Day

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Lydia wakes up in her bed, wearing pajamas that she doesn't remember having. She remembers that Magnus bought them for her during their shopping day and smiles. She then wonders how she's wearing them and how she ended up in bed. She figures that Magnus did everything for her and sighs happily. She checks the time and is in shock that she overslept. She sighs, but before she can get up, there's a knock at her bedroom door.
Magnus walks in with a toddler headspace Alec trailing behind him. He places a tray of breakfast beside Lydia's bed and smiles. "Sleep well?" "What is all this?" "Just showing you that we love and appreciate you." Alec gets onto Lydia's bed and sits beside her, hugging her then kissing her cheek. "Thank you both for this. I really appreciate it." Lydia takes a sip of her coffee and starts eating. "So what do you two have planned today? I know I have a ton of reports to go through so I'd just like to know if my boys will be occupied." "We planned a day with you actually. Maryse and Isabelle are taking care of your workload today so you're free." She raises an eyebrow at Magnus. "What did you do?" "Nothing! I just... I just want you to feel appreciated and loved since I know you still have your moments where you feel the opposite." Lydia's eyes widen in shock and she gets out of bed, hugging Magnus tightly. "Thank you." She gets back into bed so that she can sit with Alec and he gives her a paper. It's a drawing, a pretty damn good one too, of the three of them. She smiles. "Thank you, sweetie. Did you help papa?" Alec nods. "You happy, mama?" "Very happy, bunny. How about we get dressed?" "Kay! Papa help me so mama can ress." Magnus smiles and follows their running toddler to his room. "You have five minutes until he'll want to come back." Lydia smiles and gets dressed.
The weather is warming up a bit so Lydia wears a blue sundress that matches her eyes and a white cardigan, figuring that they can at least run a couple errands that she wants to run and plus the outfit is comfortable. She sits on the couch and finishes her coffee as a certain Little wearing blue overalls with a green tshirt underneath runs into the living room. "Hi mama!" "Hi, bunny. Wow you look so cute! How old are you today, sweetheart?" "Four!" "Four?! Wow you're mama's big boy today huh?" "Yeah! Papa still make me wear diaper though." "Did you argue with papa?" "Yes he did." Magnus walks in, smiling at how Alec is snuggling her. "You look nice." "Thanks. I have no idea what to do with my hair though." "How about you entertain the monkey a bit and I braid it?" "Thank you." She gives him access to her long blonde hair as she tickles Alec a little bit. He laughs and both caregivers smile.
"Why don't we glamour him and take him to the park like Izzy did? He had fun that time and now that he's older he might have more fun." "I have another idea. I perfected a potion that, for six hours, can turn Alec physically to his headspace age so we won't have to glamour him." "If he doesn't mind it." Alec nods. "I wanna be smaller! Is easer to be carrieded." Lydia smiles and nods. "Go for it." Magnus grabs the potion and has Alec drink it. Within minutes, he's physically four years old and looks adorable in his caregivers' eyes. Lydia pulls him into her lap and blows a raspberry on his cheek. Alec laughs loudly and Magnus takes a video of her doing it two more times. Lydia goes to grab the diaper bag and puts Alec's shoes on, already wearing hers. Once he's ready, they head out.
Alec holds both Magnus and Lydia's hands as they walk to the park. They lift him up by the hands a couple times, eliciting giggles from the boy. They get to the park and both adults let go of Alec's hands, letting the child run a bit. Lydia sits on a park bench as Magnus pushes Alec on a swing. She smiles and watches them both as a mundane couple sit beside her.
"Oh your dress is so beautiful! Where did you get it?" Lydia looks at the woman and smiles. "It was a gift actually I'm afraid I'm not sure." The wife nods. "I'm Leslie and this is my husband Mark." "I'm Lydia." She shakes both of their hands. "So which one is yours?" "Our little Jessica is over on the slide. She's four." "She's the same age as my Alec." Sure enough, a certain laughing little boy is running towards Lydia.
"Mama help! Papa a monster an he gonna get me!" Lydia watches as Magnus pulls him into his arms and blows a raspberry on his cheek, causing Alec to laugh loudly. The other adults laugh as well and Magnus walks closer, tickling Alec slightly. "Alright let him breathe!" "Oh you love his laugh just as much as I do." "Very true but I would rather have him quiet and conscious than my baby be passed out from laughter." "I no baby! I big boy mama!" "Oh that's right! Silly mama of course!" She takes Alec from Magnus and holds him in her lap. "Having fun?" "Yeah! Papa push the swing super high!" "Wow!" The adults laugh at the little boy's adorable enthusiasm. Leslie looks at Magnus. "You must be his father?"
Lydia and Magnus share a look and decide to play mundane couple for a bit. "Yes, I'm Magnus. I see you have met my wife, Lydia." They go through introductions. "Have you two thought about having another?" They look at each other and decide that Lydia should answer and let Magnus agree. "Well we thought we would wait a bit longer since we want Alec to have all the love and attention possible before we bring another into the equation. I'm a stay at home mom so the day may come sooner than we think." Magnus knows she's not being serious but even he believes her. The couple nod in agreement.
Mark looks at Magnus. "I'm sorry to ask this, but are you sure that Alec is yours?" "Why wouldn't he be?" Magnus raises an eyebrow. "Well he does look a little like Lydia but he looks nothing like you." Magnus takes a step closer to Lydia and places an arm around her shoulder, he's still standing so it partially forces her head against his torso. "If you are implying that Alexander is the result of infidelity, I highly suggest that you keep your opinions to yourself. Since Lydia and I have been married, we have been completely loyal to each other and I'm offended that you think my wife would have an affair with me." Mark throws his hands up in surrender and Leslie looks away. Lydia places a hand on Magnus's and pulls Alec closer. "Calm down a bit... Your anger is making him a bit antsy." Magnus kneels to Alec's eye level and kisses his nose, calming the squirmy boy.
A little girl runs over to the group. "Mommy! Daddy! I'm hungry!" Leslie gives her a bag of snacks and smiles at her. "Is this Jessica?" She nods at Lydia's question. The girl looks at the family beside her and doesn't even say hi before laughing at Alec. "Mommy look! That boy wears diapers and he's my age!" Alec starts to cry a bit and turns his face into Lydia's chest. "M-mama..." The shadowhunter rubs his back and shushes him. Leslie looks at Magnus. "Is he..." She makes a gesture that Magnus assumes means she's asking if he's disabled. Magnus gives her a look. "Alexander has issues as far as his excretory system that he cannot help due to my wife getting hurt in an accident during her pregnancy and if I wanted you or your child to judge him or make him cry, I would have asked you to. Lydia let's go. I'm sure you both are tired and I do not wish to do something I will regret." Magnus grabs Alec's bag and starts walking away. Lydia stands, still rubbing Alec's back in hopes of soothing his cries, and follows after him. She doesn't even acknowledge the other couple attempting to apologize as she tries to calm Alec.
They get back to the loft and Lydia lies down on the couch, Alec curling up on her chest. He's calm now, but he still wants to cuddle. Magnus kneels by her head. "I hope you don't mind how I called you my 'wife' or brought up a pregnancy." "Not at all. Like I said, it's never going to happen for me so might as well play pretend with it." Magnus gives a sad smile and pets her hair. "Don't say that. It will." "The only man I ever loved is dead, Magnus. It's not going to happen. I'd rather just be Alec's mama when he's Little than get my hopes up and expect something else. Plus, this fills that void." Lydia wipes away a stray tear and kisses Alec's head, he's falling asleep on her. Magnus sighs and looks at Lydia with so much sympathy in his eyes. "What if you adopted a child? You could raise them here and I would help you." "Thank you Magnus, but that's still not what I'm saying. That is something I know I can have anytime." It clicks for Magnus, she wants to have her own child but given that there would be no father, it's not going to happen. "Oh, Lydia." She looks away from him and tries not to make it obvious that she's close to crying. She just cuddles the sleeping toddler on her chest more and distracts herself so that no tears spill. "I'm going to put him in his crib for the rest of his nap and take a shower." She gets up and still won't look at Magnus. The warlock listen to her humming slightly as she places Alec in the crib, kissing his head once he's settled. She walks to her bedroom and collects what she needs, determined to wash away all negative feelings even if for only a few minutes.

Little!Alec and Others AdventuresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora