Magnus meets Little Alec

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Magnus portals into Alec's bedroom. He stays silent when he doesn't see Alec in hopes of hearing him. He hears a muffled sob and immediately rushes to his bathroom. He's sitting in the shower, pillow covering his face, knees hugged to his chest. His shoulders are shaking horribly, proof of how hard he's crying. It breaks Magnus's heart to see Alec like this. He approaches him slowly, already making sure that the door is locked in case someone tried to come in. He kneels beside the crying man and speaks in a soft voice.
"Alexander?" Alec looks at him, tears streaming down his face and fear, pain, and something else Magnus cannot quite identify in his eyes. He flinches slightly at the sound of his name. He shakes his head a little. Alec speaks with a voice so soft it's hard to hear him.
"No..." Magnus looks at him confused before he realizes the look that he couldn't identify was, it was a soft look, almost like a child. Magnus scoots closer, letting Alec see his hands the whole time. He smiles sympathetically at the frightened boy.
"Hey it's alright. You're okay now. Do you know who I am?" Alec nods and pokes his shoulder.
"Magnus..." The warlock nods and ruffles his hair a little.
"That's right. You know that you are safe with me right? I would never hurt or upset you in any way." Alec nods again and scoots closer to Magnus, eyes still full of pain and fear but he's starting to calm down. Magnus takes it as an okay to lay a hand on Alec's arm and when Alec doesn't flinch, he pulls him in for a hug.
"What happened my little shadowhunter?" "D-dad... mean... arm hurts..." Alec manages to say between small sobs. Magnus looks at Alec's arm and finds the marks from Robert. He is seething after that. He focuses on comforting Alec and distracting him with something else.
"Why don't we go home for a bit okay? You can relax, take a nap maybe, and just spend time with me for a little while. How does that sound?" He gives Alec a reassuring and hopeful smile. Alec nods slightly.
"Okay... but no nap... don't need i-" He interrupts himself with a large yawn that he fails to hide with the pillow he's still holding. Magnus chuckles softly at the action.
"I think you do. Now come on! Let's go back home and rest alright?" Alec nods and lets Magnus help him up. He opens a portal and unlocks Alec's door before they both step through. He sends a quick text to Isabelle explaining that Robert did something to Alec and that they're both at the loft. Magnus escorts the boy to the couch and sits beside him, pulling him close to his chest. Alec has calmed down but is still feeling little, so he just lies there quietly and cuddles Magnus. After a few minutes of silence, Alec's stomach growls loudly, signaling Magnus that he's hungry. Alec blushed and hides his face into Magnus's chest, causing the older man to laugh a little.
"Why are you being shy? It's alright. Cmon lets get you something to eat huh?" Alec only nods, hiding his face further. Magnus can't help the smile on his face as he summons up some takeout for them both. He makes Alec sit up, earning a whine of protest from the boy, and serves him. Alec struggles a bit with feeding himself and it frustrates him quickly, being in a younger headspace like the previous night. Magnus notices and takes Alec's fork from him, attempting to feed him. Alec shakes his head at first, but eventually gives in and lets his caretaker feed him. A certain warmth envelopes Magnus's chest as they continue. After they eat their lunch, Alec yawns again and starts rubbing his eyes with closed fists. Magnus stands up and offers him his hand.
"I think someone needs a nap right about now." Alec shakes his head sleepily and pouts up at the warlock, looking rather adorable if you asked Magnus. The older man sighs and ends up lifting Alec into his arms like a toddler, not even struggling with Alec's size. Alec whines and wiggles slightly to be put down, but Magnus ignores his pleas. He grabs a fluffy blue sweater and soft blue sweatpants for Alec to change into. He makes him use the bathroom first then helps him get dressed, not ready to talk about Alec's possible bed wetting with the little just yet. He tucks the boy into bed and lies down beside him. Alec looks up at Magnus.
"You stay?" He asks sleepily, yawning afterwards. Magnus nods affectionately.
"Of course. Now get some rest sweetheart alright?" Alec nods, already half asleep in Magnus's arms. Magnus smiles down at Alec and cuddles him close, showing him that he's safe as he naps.

((Okay I don't know when I'm going to update again since I wrote all of these today but I will probably soon))

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