Day 1 of Baby Alec Week

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Two weeks after the discussion, Alec is in his little space. He didn't age down the entire two weeks to ensure that he will stay little for an entire week and he worked his ass off, he generally avoids forcing himself to age down but he knew it was good for him and Lydia to get this time. The moment that Alec aged down, he cried for Magnus and Lydia since he was alone. Both adults ran in and saw the crying Little on the floor, rubbing his eyes and in obvious need of a change. Magnus has him take the potion and performs the spell as Lydia calms him down. Once Alec is in his baby form, Lydia changes his diaper quickly and holds him to her chest once he's clean. He stops crying and just looks up at Lydia. She smiles at him and hands him to Magnus. He looks confused at the shadowhunter as he bounces the baby in his arms. "I need to do one last thing on a quick report and make him a bottle. You can watch him for ten minutes right?" He nods and blows a raspberry on Alec's face. The baby Lightwood laughs and starts to tap Magnus's face with his chubby tiny hands.
Lydia finishes her report, alerts Maryse, and makes a bottle in record time. She returns to Magnus and Alec and smiles at the scene before her. "You want to feed him?" "I think you should. Get the full mother experience you know?" She nods and cradles Alec in her arms, feeding the bottle to him. He looks at Lydia's face the entire time and she just smiles calmly at him. Magnus takes a picture and sends it to Luke with the caption 'Perfect Idea, Lucian.' sending with it. "Why don't we take him out again?" "What if we run into that one mundane couple from last time and they notice us with a baby less than a year old instead of our toddler?" "We avoid them." She smiles and shakes her head. "Sounds good to me. Wanna go outside, bunny?" Alec smiles as she pulls the empty bottle from his mouth. "Still has Alec's appetite, he finishes his bottles way too fast." She burps him and hands him to Magnus. "Get him dressed. I'll change and get his bag ready. Stroller or carrier?" "Stroller and you push it." She nods and goes to get ready as Magnus gets Alec dressed.
Once everything is set and ready, they head to the park. Alec is playing with the toys hanging above his head in his stroller and Lydia talks a bit with Magnus about lunch plans and when Alec should nap. They reach the park and a woman approaches them with two toddlers trailing behind her, it's the same family that Izzy saw when she was here last. "I thought I recognized that stroller. Hi Alec." He smiles at her and Lydia and Magnus face the woman. "Sorry I met him while he was with his aunt last time." "Ah yes, Isabelle told us of your encounter. My name is Magnus and this is Lydia." "Nice to meet you miss, your twins are beautiful." Both girls smile at her. "Tank you..." "You're very welcome. How do you manage two kids?" "Way easier than you might think! They do everything together so its easy to monitor them. We have a son as well who's a couple years older than my girls and they get along perfectly. If you two plan on having another, do it while he's still little. If you wait too long, they may not get along too well. Also be sure to show them the proper way to behave with each other as they get to know each other to prevent sibling hatred." "Thank you so much for the advice miss..." "Call me Carol." "Carol." Lydia smiles. Alec reaches out from the stroller and Magnus takes him out. "Tired of your little seat?" Alec pokes Magnus's nose and the warlock sniffs, causing an eruption of giggles. Lydia can't help but laugh a little at the sight. "You can practically see the love radiating off of your body, Lydia." The shadowhunter looks at the woman and nods. "They're my entire world. I would never trade Magnus or Alec for anything. Before we became the family we are now, I had no one. If it wasn't for Magnus, I wouldn't be where I am today." Magnus smiles at her and gives her a side hug, one arms still occupied by Alec. The baby reaches for Lydia. "Mama..." Lydia smiles and holds him close. Carol smiles. "I hope you have a great rest of your day and I wish for good health for your precious little son. Let's go girls! The boys are waiting at home for us." The twins wave bye before holding their mother's hands. Magnus and Lydia wave back and the warlock looks at Lydia. "Did you really mean what you said to that mundane?" "Every word." She starts to walk again with Alec in her arms, forcing Magnus to follow with the stroller. He watches them interact in silence, thinking of what their future may hold.
Magnus recommends that they get something to eat soon since they haven't really eaten and Alec can get a bottle. They enter a little family restaurant and get a table, deciding against the high chair since Alec is only having a bottle this time and can just be in his stroller for it. Magnus puts the bottle in Alec's mouth and holds it as he eats. A couple across the restaurant watches them, Lydia can see the disgust. "Magnus, you see them?" "I'm choosing to ignore them." She nods and finishes her food before pulling Alec out of his stroller, burping him while Magnus finishes up. Alec gives a tiny tug on Lydia's hair that's hanging in her face and she grabs his hand. "No Alec no pulling." He looks upset and Lydia kisses his nose. "I'm not mad, honey. Just no pulling it doesn't feel nice." Alec gives Lydia's cheek an open mouthed baby kiss and Magnus smiles, wiping his mouth. Lydia puts a pacifier in Alec's mouth as Magnus asks for their check.
After they pay and leave the restaurant, the couple they saw from before approaches them with their kids. "Excuse me." "Can I help you, sir?" Magnus fakes politeness, an arm around Lydia's shoulders as she holds Alec closer. "Can you not do that in public?" "Do what exactly? Be out in public with my husband and son?" Lydia raises an eyebrow, Magnus squeezes her upper arm in warning. "Darling, ignore them and let's go." "Oh just be quiet!" The woman speaks up. "Your interracial love is disgusting! This poor baby is the result of a sin and doesn't deserve to endure that!" Lydia looks pissed. "Magnus, take Alec." "Lydia do-" "Take him." Magnus nods and pulls Alec into his arms. "Mama?" "Mama is going to talk to these people, okay? Stay with papa for a minute. Magnus start walking I don't want Alec to hear me." The warlock nods and walks away a bit. The husband gets closer to Lydia. "Martha, the car. Take the kids." His wife nods and escorts the children to a minivan. "Listen bitch-" "No you listen here you stupid ignorant prick. I bet you that my son is more loved than your children and more well rounded. You and your wife are fucking toxic with your mentalities! I may have a husband who is a different race, but that doesn't make him any less worthy! You filthy racist bigot you're the reason that this country is shit. If I ever see you or your family again and you say one damn word about my family I fucking swear that I will personally beat the shit out of you and your wife in front of your children. Got that?" The man has shrunk back some, very intimidated by her. He nods and walks quickly to his family, the wife looking confused at her husband's scared reaction. Lydia returns to Magnus and Alec. "Well hello mama bear." "Let's get out of here before he takes a seraph blade to the dick." Magnus nods and lets her push the stroller back home.
Once they get home, Alec goes down for a nap. Magnus and Lydia take the opportunity to rest as well.

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