Institute Incident with Lydia

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Pandora is about a month and a half old and Lydia is finally comfortable with letting Magnus watch her for a couple of hours. Alec finished getting dressed before Lydia did so he's helping out by changing Pandora's diaper, with Magnus there to help of course. About halfway through the change, Pandora starts peeing and it gets on Alec's sleeve and hand. "Damnit! I thought I was actually getting this." He covered her before any more could get on his clothes. Magnus laughs a bit. "You were doing fine. That happens much more often than you may think. Just be glad she's a girl or your face may have been a target." Alec shakes his head and finishes the change. Magnus helps him by getting the pee off of his clothes as Lydia walks in.
"Alright I've pumped enough milk just in case she needs to be fed before we get back, I have her schedules written down, I have her blankets laid out on my bed if she gets cold-" "Lydia relax I know how to take care of a baby. If anything I will contact Lucian." She nods and adjusts her shirt. "Alec we should head out the meeting is scheduled for an hour from now but you know that they will be early." "Ready when you are." "Okay." She nods and kisses Pandora's head one last time. "I still feel weird about leaving her..." "I will send you pictures of her throughout my time watching her if it will help alleviate your concerns." She nods and heads for the portal Magnus opened up, Alec trailing closely behind after he kisses Magnus.
The meeting started early, as expected, and Alec and Jace are sitting on either side of Lydia. A shadowhunter looks at Lydia with a confused look in her eye. "You just had a baby why are you here?" "My daughter is being watched by someone I trust so leaving her for a couple of hours is difficult but doable." The other shadowhunter nods in understanding and the meeting continues.
About halfway through, Jace looks around the table and sees Raj staring at Lydia in curiosity and horror, maybe a bit of humor even. He turns his head to the side to see her and tries not to laugh. No one else has noticed but her breasts leaked through her shirt slightly. He tries to subtly cover it with a folder while making a point but she looks at him. "What are you doing?" "L-Look down..." He's trying so hard not to laugh. Her and Alec both look at her chest and see the two, now larger, wet spots on the front of her top. She gasps and Alec looks away as she covers her chest with the folder in Jace's hand. A Clave representative looks at Lydia. "Lower the folder. Did something happen?" She reluctantly places the folder on the table and Raj bursts out laughing. "I'm breastfeeding stop laughing at me, Raj. It's completely inappropriate." She's mortified and Jace offers her his hand. "I have a few shirts that you can change into. We will be right back." Jace leads Lydia to his room and makes Raj's chair fall as they pass him.
Once inside of Jace's room, he pulls out a few different shirts and a towel that he places on his bed before turning his back to avoid making her uncomfortable. Lydia immediately takes off the wet shirt and puts the towel on her chest, hoping to dry her bra at least a little. "That was so fucking humiliating I cannot go back out there!" "Lydia relax it's alright. Raj is just an ass what happened was out of your control." "You laughed too!" "I was trying not to and I'm sorry. I'd never seen that before so it threw me off and made me laugh a bit." Lydia sighs, Jace can hear a muffled sniff. He turns around to see Lydia clutching the towel to her chest, her hand over her mouth and nose. Without thinking about the fact that she's not wearing a shirt, Jace hugs her close. He rubs her back and strokes her hair. "Hey it's okay. There's no need to cry Lydia it's fine. If anyone else says anything, I'll start swinging. Please don't cry, I hate seeing you upset." She manages to calm down and just lets Jace hold her, needing the comfort. "I'm sorry. I'm just overreacting over something dumb. Let me put a shirt on and we can finish this dumb meeting." Jace nods and reluctantly lets her go, grabbing a shirt and helping her put it on.
The moment Jace and Lydia sit back down at the table with Lydia wearing one of Jace's black tshirts, Alec can see that Lydia's eye makeup is slightly smudged but it's hard to notice unless you're beside her or know how to spot the difference. Alec places a hand on Lydia's knee under the table, making her look up at him. He mouths 'You okay?' and she nods, Alec can tell that she was crying but doesn't plan to press it. He strokes her knee with his thumb slightly before returning his attention to the meeting, everyone knows that Alec is the father of Lydia's baby so no one says anything about his behavior towards her.
During all of that mess, Magnus spends time lying down on Lydia's bed with Pandora. He chose Lydia's bed over his own thinking that the scent of her mother would be a comfort to her. He just finished feeding her a bottle and burped her so they're just lying beside each other. He runs a couple fingers over her belly in rhythm, noticing that those motions are enjoyable for her and keep her more relaxed. She starts to whine a bit after he stops to check his phone. Pandora doesn't start to fully cry but makes sounds to indicate her distress. Magnus takes her into his arms and strokes her face once. "What is it my yang kecil? What's wrong?" He bounces her very gently as he cradles her close. After about a minute, Pandora calms down. Magnus smiles. "You just wanted to be held, huh? Wanting attention from Ayah? You are lucky that I love you little sayang." Pandora starts to fall asleep and Magnus takes a quick picture of him holding her to send to Lydia.

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