Little Day P1

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A Little day was needed, everyone was stressed. It's been about three months since Alec and Magnus got home from their week long vacation and Maia and Lydia officially got together. Magnus had Maia move into Lydia's room since she helps with the baby and helps with Alec when he ages down as well. Pandora is about five months now so she's more alert and fun to interact with.

Maia puts Alec's onesie on as Lydia helps Pandora sit up, learning that she's at the age where she can start to. Maia smiles at her girlfriend and the baby interacting, clipping Alec's pacifier to his onesie. Alec hears Pandora laugh and he laughs in return, making both women smile. Magnus walks in and smiles.

"Isabelle is on her way with Biscuit and Luke and Maryse are bringing the boys. How's our little princess?" He crouches to Pandora's eye level and taps her on the nose. She laughs and makes a grabbing motion towards him. Magnus lifts her into his arms and smiles. "Looks like she just needs some time with her Ayah. Isn't that right, yang kecil?" Pandora just gets comfortable in Magnus's arms, making the others in the room smile. Alec was in turn getting attention from Maia and Lydia so he didn't mind, mama and auntie Maia kisses were great too. Maia lifts Alec onto her hip and everyone goes to the living room.

Izzy and Clary arrive first and Clary is still big. She sits on the blanket beside Alec and hugs him. She's trying to age down and playing with him works within seconds, sending her to her toddler space. Izzy takes her niece from Magnus and smiles when she feels a chubby tiny arm wrap slightly around her neck. "Oh Raziel she's becoming affectionate I love that!" Lydia smiles and nods, leaning on Maia as they sit on the couch. Magnus smiles and watches the two Littles as two more enter the loft along with Luke, Maryse, and Max. Maryse immediately strokes her granddaughter's small tuft of black hair before greeting everyone else. Max sits with Simon and Jace on the blanket as the Littles all interact with each other. Maryse sits next to Izzy and leans on Luke, the alpha placing an arm around her shoulders.

"How does this Alec feel about not being the center of attention?" Lydia laughs at Luke's statement. "Actually, since Maia started helping out and now that Pandora is big enough for him to kind of play with, he loves it." Maryse smiles. "Is that so?" Maia nods. "Earlier when I was getting him dressed, he was laughing when Dora was." Maryse places a hand over her heart and Luke smiles. Izzy continues to cuddle her baby niece close. "What makes her laugh? I want to hear that so bad!" Lydia smiles and takes her daughter, much to Izzy's dismay.

She sits next to Alec with Pandora in her arms, making a heartmelting scene as he kisses her tiny nose. Pandora starts to laugh and Alec laughs a bit too. Lydia blows raspberries on both babies' cheeks, eliciting laughter from both of them and smiles all over the room. Clary, Simon, and Jace go sit by Lydia to get a good look at the laughing baby girl. Jace places his head on Lydia's shoulder and she kisses his temple as Alec cuddles in on her other side.

Clary smiles and goes over to put her head in Izzy's lap, wanting her mommy. Izzy smiles and pets the bright red hair that cascades over her legs. Simon walks over to Luke and sits on his lap as Maryse tickles him a bit. Maia goes over to Max and ruffles his hair, keeping the actual child from feeling left out while everyone else paid attention to the Littles and his niece. Max almost curls into Maia's lap as they sit together. Magnus smiles and takes a picture of everyone, loving the family he sees.m

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