Izzy babysits Alec

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Izzy knocks on the door to the loft, she knows she can just let herself in but wants to be more respectful in case Alec is in the middle of a change or someone is getting dressed. Lydia opens the door and hugs Izzy, pulling her in. Izzy laughs. "Hey to you too Lydia." "Sorry I just woke up in a really good mood today." "Another night with the baby?" "Of course. The three of us stayed in Magnus's bed to prevent another nightmare and he was so cuddly." "I heard my name." Magnus walks in with Alec on his hip, sucking on his pacifier. "Hey Magnus." "Hello Isabelle. Thank you again for watching him while we go take care of a few things." "It's no problem. Clary is on an all day patrol anyways and I have nothing scheduled." "We should be back in a few hours. I just want to visit a few stores to get Alexander what he needs and Lydia is in desperate need of a new wardrobe." "No I'm not! Now give me my baby so that I can say bye and we can leave." Magnus nods and hands Alec to Lydia, who cradles him while kissing his forehead. She places him on the blanket on the floor, he lies down immediately. "He's feeling very little right now and just woke up so he will be very cuddly for a while. He needs a bottle in twenty minutes and you know where his diaper stuff is kept. We will call you for updates." "Okay Magnus geez you sound like an actual parent. I'm sure Lydia sounds the same." "Oh you have no idea a mundane asked me how my husband reacted when I was first pregnant then asked me about how I breast feed." Magnus snorts, trying to contain his laughter. Lydia rolls her eyes. "Be good, bunny." "Buh bye mama." She kisses his head and Magnus does the same.
Once they leave, Alec crawls to Izzy. She sits on the floor and lets him get comfortable. He hugs her and places his head on her chest, a position he's used to with Lydia and occasionally Magnus. She smiles at her brother and pets his hair. "Still sleepy, honey?" Alec only nods, feeling very nonverbal. Izzy kisses his eyebrow and adjusts him on the floor for a moment so that she can lie down with him. He sucks on his pacifier and cuddles into his sister. "Izzy?" "Yes, honey?" "Hungwy..." "Okay let me go for a few minutes so I can get your bottle, okay?" He lets her go reluctantly and she gets up to make his bottle. Alec stays on the blanket cuddling Church to his chest, the stuffed cat was newly washed and he hadn't played with it in days.
Izzy returns with a warm bottle and puts the back of Alec's head on her chest so she can support him. He drinks it slowly and Izzy rubs his belly, remembering that he loves that while he's fed. He gives a happy hum and continues to drink from his bottle. Izzy smiles and kisses the top of his head. "Is it good?" Alec hums and continues to drink.
Once he finishes and burps, Izzy puts on the tv for background noise. "What do you want to play with, Alec?" The Little reaches for a block and shows it to her. "Blocks? That sounds really fun." They start stacking blocks together. After a few minutes, Alec can feel a familiar twist in his stomach. His control had gotten from 'slightly able to hold it' to 'zero control' quickly. He knows he can't stop it so he just sits up a bit more so he's not completely on his butt, feeling the back of his diaper fill and the warmth spread throughout. Alec's gotten into the habit of crying immediately after he uses his diaper, much to Magnus and Lydia's approval of his vocalization and dismay of his discomfort, so he starts to cry loudly after he finishes unloading. Izzy looks at him with worry filled eyes. "What happened? Are you hurt? Here let m-" She smells it and figures it out, she was aware of Alec losing all control of both bowels and bladder but wasn't warned about the crying. She pets his hair and helps him lie down. "It's okay, sweetie. Let's get this icky and stinky diaper off and go back to playing with toys, okay?" He nods and Izzy wipes away his tears with his blanket. She grabs his diaper supplies quickly and changes him as quickly as possible but still making sure that he wouldn't get a rash. Once his onesie was snapped back up, Izzy gets up to dispose of the full and messy diaper and wash her hands. Once he's cleaned up and relaxed, Izzy puts a movie on for him in hopes of him completely unwinding.
Throughout the movie, Alec had gone from one side of the blanket to the other side in Izzy's lap. The female Lightwood complies as he cuddles, loving the comfort she brings him. Alec sucks on his pacifier and lets Izzy run her fingers through his hair, very happy and comfortable in his current state. Izzy has been stacking and unstacking Alec's blocks unconsciously and now the Little is just watching her. Izzy notices and smiles.
"Here. You stack them for a bit." Alec starts to and gets frustrated when a couple block fall from being unevenly stacked. Izzy notices and she stacks a few unevenly on purpose, causing them to fall. Alec looks at her. "See? It's okay for it to fall over because you just try again, right?" Alec nods and continues while Izzy gets a couple more puzzles together for Alec, finding the large wooden puzzles adorable. Izzy's phone goes off and she smiles. "It's your papa." Alec isn't even paying attention.

"Hey Magnus."
"Hello Isabelle. How is he?"
"I'm fine thanks for asking." She laughs. "Alec is great he had a bottle and a change earlier and now he's playing with his toys."
"Good. Hope he didn't cry too much. He's gotten into that habit now."
"I noticed. One moment he's silent and the next second he's wailing."
"Sorry for no warning." Lydia's voice is heard.
"Don't worry it wasn't and issue for me. How are the errands?"
"Good. Magnus is grabbing more diapers and I just picked out a couple onesies for him. Damn Bane made me go clothes shopping for myself and shot down so many things."
"Sounds like him. Would you be okay with me taking Alec out in public?"
"Go for it! Magnus has a special stroller that if you strap Alec into it, it glamours him as an infant so you can take him outside without judgement."
"That's awesome! I think I'm going to do that."
"Great. We'll call again later okay?"
"Alright bye Lydia. Say bye to Magnus for me."
"Bye Izzy. Magnus says bye too."

Izzy hangs up and goes to find that stroller. Once she does, she takes Alec to change into warmer clothes before putting him in. She manages to get Alec into it and Lydia was right, he looked like a baby again. The stroller is set up where he's facing Izzy so that if she needs to change him while they're out she doesn't have to take him out of the stroller. She grabs his diaper bag and makes sure to grab two bottles for him, one with water and one with his normal formula, and they head out.
Izzy takes Alec through the park, bringing him close to some flowers. She smiles as he stares and reaches for them. A mundane woman holding hands with two toddlers walks by and stops at the sight. "Oh he's absolutely adorable! How old?" "Oh Alec is about eleven months I think." His headspace is just under a year so Izzy says the first number that comes to mind. The woman smiles. "He must look just like his father." "Yeah he does." She grabs his bottle with water and puts it in his mouth, knowing that he should remain hydrated. "Are you two planning another one?" "Excuse me?" Izzy nearly drops the bottle. "You and your husband." "Oh no Alec isn't mine he's my nephew actually." "Oh I'm so sorry for the assumption." "Don't worry about it, he's so cute I wouldn't mind being his mom but he has an incredible one anyways. You don't even understand how much your mama Lydia loves you huh?" Alec smiles around the nipple of his bottle. He finishes the water and laughs as a white butterfly lands on his nose. Izzy smiles and takes a picture. "That one is going straight to your mama and papa." The mundane woman smiles then looks at her twins as Izzy texts the photo to Lydia and Magnus. "Well they're getting tired it seems so we're going to head back home. Nice speaking to you and your adorable little nephew." "You too, ma'am." As the mundane woman leaves, Izzy smiles. "Imagine her response if she knew that you were my older brother." Alec is too preoccupied by the butterfly on his nose to listen to Izzy. The caretaker shadowhunter smiles and records a video.

~Alec is trying to touch the butterfly and Izzy giggles. "You got it, almost." The butterfly flies away and makes Alec sneeze. "Aww bless you, sweetie." Alec giggles and reaches out to Izzy. She gives him her hand and laughs as he plays with her fingers.~

She sends the video to Magnus and Lydia as well before taking Alec home. Once inside, Alec starts to whine a bit. Izzy takes him out of his stroller and notices that he's wet. She changes him quickly before he starts to really cry and pulls him close to her.
Twenty minutes later, Magnus and Lydia return home to Alec being bottle fed by Izzy. "Hey guys, how was shopping?" "Crazy but we got a lot done. The picture and video are the cutest thing by the way." "She nearly squealed in the middle of a store and when someone looked at her she said 'look how adorable my son is with his auntie how could I not react like that!' And the woman accepted it and moved on." "Could you blame me? His little sounds kill me!" "Lydia I swear you're such a mom." "Oh not you too Izzy!" Alec finishes his bottle and reaches for Magnus while Lydia goes to put stuff away. "Thank you again, Isabelle." "Of course Magnus anytime." Magnus cradles Alec in his arms and watches Izzy leave. Lydia comes out after a few minutes. "Everything is put away." She sits beside them and puts a pacifier in Alec's mouth. Magnus looks at Lydia. "Have you ever thought about having your own child?" "I would if I could, but sadly that's never going to happen so Alec is my pseudo-son when in little space." Magnus smiles sadly at Lydia and places Alec in her lap. "I'm making tea, want any?" She nods and starts playing with Alec.

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