Alec's Incontinence Part 1 (Magnus)

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The next morning, Alec wakes up cuddled next to Magnus in only a diaper. They had sex the night before and Magnus was still ass naked, but Alec didn't want to risk anything. Sure enough, Alec's diaper is in a worse condition than he wanted. He starts to get up when Magnus grabs his wrist. "Where are you going?" "I need to change real quick." "You know that you can't change yourself, Alexander. Lie back down I'll help you." "No it's fine I'm just gonna take it off and shower. Just help me after." Alec freezes when he feels Magnus's hand grab the back of his messy diaper. Alec groans and hides his face. "...not again..." "Alexander it's alright. This is why you are diapered 24/7 at this point. We can figure out a way to help you but for now let myself and Lydia help you out. It's our job as your caregivers. Here if it makes you feel better I'll change you with magic." "No just change me normally... I need to learn to just accept it..." "Alright lie down then and I'll grab what I need from your nursery." Magnus puts on a pair of boxer-briefs and goes to Alec's nursery to grab the supplies needed. Alec lies down on the changing mat on the floor and groans, hating this. Magnus returns and changes him in silence, knowing Alec just wants it over with. Once Alec is cleaned up, Lydia knocks on the bedroom door.
Magnus lets her in. "Hey I have to head to Idris again to talk to the representative that Alec spoke to yesterday morning so I should be back by dinner." "Alright, be safe." Magnus gives her a hug and so does Alec. She smiles at both of them and leaves to the Institute, where a portal waits for her to transport her to Idris.
Alec sits on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. "Alexander?" "How could you still love me? How could Lydia not hate me? How could you both not kick me out by now?" "What are you talking about?" Magnus sits next to him, concern radiating off of his body. "I'm disgusting, Magnus! I shit and piss myself uncontrollably and need my boyfriend and ex-fiancé to change my diapers... I'm in my twenties and I'm incontinent because instead of dealing with my stress like I should I pretend to be a fucking baby... I inconvenience everyone around me... I hate this... I hate having to be so dependent on others when I don't deserve it... Jace does it for valid reasons and I'm sure if I knew about Simon and Clary's pasts they have very valid reasons too... Whereas I'm just some selfish ass... I'm so sorry Magnus..." Alec is on the verge of tears and Magnus felt his heart shatter long ago. He pulls Alec into his arms and tries not to cry as well. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood don't you ever say any of that ever again or by the angel I swear I'll..." He sniffs hard, a clear indication that he's starting to cry. Alec makes Magnus look at him and sees the pain in the older man's eyes. "Magnus...?" "How dare you speak so negatively about the man I'm so immensely in love with? Alexander I love you no matter what! Everyone around you loves you so much hell even Lydia loves you... You have every right to do what you do and be taken care of by us... If at any point any of us didn't like it, we would have left... Even your mother is a part of this and still loves you... Please see your self worth... And I can try to help you as much as possible as far as the incontinence goes... Catarina even suggested re-potty training you which if I need to I will and I know that Lydia would too..." Magnus wipes his eyes and kisses Alec gently. Alec breaks down sobbing and clings to Magnus, relieved by his words and overwhelmed by his love. They just sit there for a few minutes before looking at each other and smiling, wiping each others' faces. "Were both a fucking mess..." "Indeed Alexander. But I love you regardless." "I love you too." They kiss each other for a few seconds before Alec blushes.
"Um... can I at least put a shirt on or something?..." "Hmm... But then I'll be deprived of seeing your body~" "I'm in a super thick ass diaper Magnus let me at least have a fucking shirt." Magnus bursts out laughing as Alec groans. "Take me seriously! You know what next time you change me I'll just start pissing myself screw it more work for you and I'll be extra nice to Lydia so that she thinks I'm still an angel and you're just crazy." Magnus gives an overly dramatic gasp. "How dare you! Hope you like sitting in your own filth then." "Aww cmon I already have a rash." "And it will get worse." "This is officially the weirdest conversation that we've ever had." Both men laugh and Alec gets up to put clothes on.
Once Alec gets dressed, he meets Magnus in the kitchen. He avoids anything that he knows will make him use his diaper. He avoids coffee, other liquids, and almost anything except bacon, thinking that at least that has no fiber or anything like that. Magnus notices and sighs, deciding to just not bring it up. "I have to work with a couple clients, will you be alright on your own?" "Yeah I'm just going to work for a while. I promise to contact someone if needed alright?" Magnus nods and leaves, sending a secret text to Maryse that Alec will be alone and to come by if she can. Maryse is at the loft within the hour, letting herself in and sees Alec working hard. He looks up at her after hearing heels.
"Lyds? I thought you weren't going to b- Mother?" "Hello Alec. Magnus told me that you would be alone and I figured that me being here to help you if you need it would be a nice comfort, even if you end up just ignoring me." "Of course... Make yourself at home..." She nods and awkwardly sits on a chair in his office, reading a book she brought with her. Alec looks up at her. "Hey mom?" "Hmm?" "Can we talk? I've noticed you trying a lot recently and..." Maryse meets his gaze and smiles, approaching his desk and sitting on the edge of it. "Alec... I have been a horrible mother for many years... I mistreated your boyfriend even with discrimination... I want to apologize for everything and move forward... Be in your life more... I love seeing you happy even if it's not in the way I would have preferred..." She feels herself tearing up. Alec pulls his mother into his lap and hugs her close, petting her hair as she holds back a sob. "Mom... I forgive you... You were just going off of what you knew and I could never fault you for that... As for being in my life more, you have no idea how much I would love that..." She looks at him and feels her heart warm at his smile. "Really?" "Of course! Now, want to help me out with my work? The sooner I get done, the sooner we can just relax." She nods and takes half of his reports, returning to the chair she sat previously. "Mom?" "Yes, Alec?" "I love you." Maryse has to wipe a tear away from her eye. "I love you too..."
A few hours later, Magnus returns to Maryse in the middle of helping Alec change. "I really fucking hate this." She pinches his outer thigh. "Language, Alec." "Sorry..." She finishes and helps him stand as he pulls his pants up. "Oh hey Mags." Maryse turns to see Magnus and smiles at him. "Hello, Magnus." "Hello, Maryse. How was your morning together?" "More than I could have hoped for. I'll see you soon, Alec." He kisses her cheek. "Bye, mom." "Bye sweetheart. Bye, Magnus." "Goodbye, Maryse." She leaves and Magnus buries his face into Alec's neck. Alec chuckles softly. "Rough morning?" "UGH!" Alec laughs and hugs him close. "That bad?" "I need a drink..." "Make me one?" "Are you sure, Alexander?" "I shat myself in front of my mom I need this..." Alec looks down and Magnus sighs. He goes to make them each a cocktail and they both relax on the couch.
After a couple cocktails to help wind down and some time to sober up a bit, which ends up being a couple hours, Alec starts to get up and try to get to the bathroom. When he's almost at the bathroom door, Magnus hears a 'GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!' and decides to get up and check on him. "Need help?" "Maybe... I'm sorry..." "I already told you to stop that. Now come on, you're probably uncomfortable." Alec nods and lets Magnus change his messy diaper, covering his face with both of his hands. He's so embarrassed by this that he didn't notice right away that he needed to pee, very badly. Once he does notice, he decides to just wait until Magnus has him on a clean diaper but not closed up before he goes. The second that his set scenario is into play, he starts to go, hearing a gasp from Magnus and a faint hiss before he feels the diaper growing warm around him. He removes his hands and sees the growing yellow stain on the front of the diaper. Magnus raises an eyebrow and Alec plays it off. "Magnus I'm so sorry I didn't even know I..." He groans and covers his face back up, trying to make it more believable. Magnus takes it and just removes the newly soaked diaper. "You peed a lot are you sure?" "I didn't even notice I needed to go until I was." Which wasn't a complete lie. Magnus just goes with it for now and gets Alec in a clean diaper. He takes his pants though. "Uh, Mags?" "It's easier to change you without them darling." "Please! I hate seeing this thing!" "Alexander just relax." He pulls him with him to the couch and cuddles him close.
After an hour of just cuddling and Magnus feeling Alec nod off, he whispers into his ear. "I know that was on purpose by the way." "If I'm being entirely honest, it wasn't completely on purpose." "Really?" "Yeah..." Alec blushes and turns his head away. Magnus pulls him close and kisses his head. "Relax, darling." He covers up Alec's lower half with a blanket.
By the time Lydia got home, both of them were knocked out on the couch.

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