Little Day P2

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Alec and Jace start playing with blocks together, Lydia had to go feed Pandora. Max is still with Maia, liking that someone else is giving him attention without him watching them. Simon and Clary are playing with race cars again and Clary won, again. Simon looks upset and mad, frowning at his best friend. She smiles at him and he gets more frustrated. He pushes her, not factoring vamp strength, and ends up seriously hurting her. She lets out a yell in pain and holds her right shoulder. Izzy immediately rushed to her side. She tries to touch Clary's shoulder but she flinches hard.

"Magnus! Can you check her arm?" He nods and kneels beside Clary. He uses her magic to check it and shakes his head. "Fracture at the base of her humorous, around where her joint connects. Here, I will heal her quickly so that she is no longer in pain." Blue smoke envelops his hands as he heals her shoulder. The bone mends and Clary hugs Magnus. "Tank you, Unca Magus." "You're very welcome, Biscuit." Izzy stands up with Clary in her arms, taking her to change since she had an accident when she got hurt.

Luke looks at Simon. "You need to tell her you're sorry." "No! She win too much! No like Clary!" Luke stands up and walks over to him, making Simon stand up. He swats at Simon's butt three times, cupping his hand so it scares him more than hurts him. He makes Simon look at him. "Now when Clary comes back you are going to say sorry then five minutes time out, got it?" Simon sniffs and nods, close to tears.

Izzy comes back out with Clary and the baby parabatais give her hugs and pacifier kisses on the cheek. She smiles and thanks both boys. Simon walks over to her. "Sowwy Clawy..." "Is 'Kay... No do it 'gain..." Simon nods and hugs her before Luke takes him to the corner. He sets a timer for five minutes and checks Jace's diaper. "Phew! I'm gonna change this one. Be right back." Luke lifts Jace onto his hip and takes him to the nursery. Maryse looks at Magnus.

"He's become incontinent as well. Frequent bowel movements." Magnus nods. Alec looks at Magnus and reaches towards him. "You too, darling?" Alec whines and nods. Magnus lifts him into his arms and takes him to change, having him close enough to Jace that the boys can poke each other. Magnus looks at Luke.

"Maryse informed me. Want me to ask for Catarina to take a look?" "No need. Jace has no issue right now so we're not looking for solutions. He likes that he can be dependent right now." Magnus nods, petting Jace's hair slightly. "He's very happy as an uncle. Are you aware of his and Lydia's relationship?" Luke nods and smiles. "He's so happy. He feels like he has more family now, he told me before." Magnus smiles and looks at the boys interacting, babbling in almost their own secret language. After both boys are changed, they are taken back to the living room and placed on the blanket.

Lydia is on the floor with Max while Maia plays with Pandora, giving her little kisses on the nose to make her laugh. Lydia smiles at her girlfriend and daughter before teaching Max a few more things for when he patrols, promising to go with him on one in the future. Jace crawls over to them and places his head on Lydia's lap. She smiles and pets his hair.

"You two got close, huh?" Max looks at them both. Lydia nods. "He's like a brother to me when he's big. He's cute like this too so it's fun for me." Max nods and starts to play with Jace as Alec joins them, Lydia placing a kiss to his slightly stubbled cheek. Alec smiles and cuddles his mama, knowing that his papa is busy making his bottle. Magnus walks back into the room and takes Alec into his lap, feeding him and cuddling him at the same time.

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