Maryse meets her Regressed Son

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Maryse returns from Idris for a bit of time off and intends to spend a bit with Alec, wanting to check in and love on her first born. She gets to Magnus's loft and knocks on the door. Magnus goes towards the door, Alec was put down for a nap about forty-five minutes prior, and opens it. He looks at Maryse with a confused look on his face.
"Maryse? What brings you by?" "Hello Magnus. Is Alec home? I have some time off and was hoping to spend at least a day with him." Magnus sighs. He's unsure of whether to lie and turn her away, or let her in and allow her to see Alec. He ends up moving out of the way of the door, gesturing for the mother Lightwood to enter his home. She offers her thanks and sits on the couch. She notices a few toys in the room.
"Was that little warlock girl here before? Oh what was her name... Madzie! That was it." Magnus smiles at her, glad to know her in such a positive light. "Unfortunately no, we haven't really seen her in a while." "Really?" Maryse raises an eyebrow in confusion. She decides to press later. "So where's Alec?" "He's actually napping right now. Alexander is exhausting himself yet again." "Thank you for looking out for him by the way. I know you and I have not gotten along in the past but... I'm glad that we got this fresh start." Magnus places a hand on her shoulder as he sits beside her. He decides to tell her the truth, hoping things go well.
"Actually Maryse... The toys and the blanket and even the sippy cup... Those all belong to Alexander..." "Excuse me?" She seems very confused. Magnus nods and gestures for her to follow as he walks to Alec's nursery. "Now please do not say a word until we are back at the couch alright? I would hate for him to wake up now." She nods and is shocked by what she finds.
In the center of a pastel colored room, lies her eldest child in a massive crib. He appears to have a pacifier in his mouth and is wearing a brightly colored onesie. She looks at Magnus and he nods, closing the door and escorting her back to the couch. "A few months ago... After Robert and I had our falling out for what he said to Alec... Those clothes he was wearing... They had to do with this right?" Magnus nods. Maryse hears a sound come from the baby monitor and immediately stands, her maternal instincts took over instantly. Magnus looks at her and his eyes widen as she activates a strength rune. She freezes and looks at Magnus.
"I'm sorry I just... Hearing Alec stir like that sent me into auto pilot... You should go check on him... He's your responsibility after all..." Magnus shakes his head. "How about I make us some tea while you check on him?" She nods without hesitation. When she arrives at the nursery again, she opens the door slowly. She hears Alec sniffle a bit and turns the light on. She sees her crying son in his crib and rushes over, pulling down the bars and lifting him into her arms. She sits on a couch in the room and holds him in her lap.
"Hello sweetie. What's wrong?" Alec continues to cry and hide his face in Maryse's chest, seeking comfort. She holds him close and rubs his back to soothe him. "Shhh it's okay. You're okay Alec it's okay. You had a scary dream huh?" She feels him nod and kisses his head. "Aww my poor baby. It's okay I'm here honey..." She feels her heart warm as he cuddles into her, finding comfort in her warmth. Magnus comes in and smiles at the scene before him. Maryse has a few tears in her eyes and Magnus offers her a tissue. She smiles and takes it. "Thank you Magnus." "He seems to feel safe with you." "I am very grateful to that." She continues to cuddle him close. Magnus is relieved that Maryse did not react negatively to this at all, knowing that Alec would be crushed if his mother disapproved. Maryse rocks Alec in her arms a bit, humming softly so that he relaxes. He opens his eyes and sees more clearly now that it's Maryse, but he stays relaxed. "Hi sweetie." He smiles at her and hugs her again. She smiles and rubs his back. She raises an eyebrow and foams her hand down to his butt, patting his diaper to check it. Once she knows her suspicions are correct, she looks at Magnus.
"Can you get his stuff ready? I can change him." "Oh you don't have to." "I am aware but I want to." She gives him a small grin and starts changing Alec. She removes and changes the wet diaper with ease, thank the angel for muscle memory from three kids. Alec lets her, recognizing his mother and feeling safe with her. Once he's dressed again he puts his pacifier against her cheek.
"He kissed you." Magnus notices her look of confusion and informs Maryse of the meaning behind the action. She nods and wipes a stray tear from her eye. Alec grabs Church and makes it hug Maryse and she smiles. "Aren't you the sweetest little boy?" Alec giggles and Maryse kisses his nose. Magnus feels his heart melt at the display and leaves them be.
Four hours later, Maryse heads to the front door. Her eyes are red and her cheeks wet with tears. Magnus hugs her. "Take good care of him Magnus. I'm counting on you for giving my baby the life he deserves." Magnus nods. "Come by anytime. I'm sure he would love to play with you again." She nods and leaves.

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