A Lydia and Jimon Day

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Lydia gets a text from Jace asking if she wants to come to the park with him and Simon, who aged down. Lydia replies with a yes and starts getting Pandora ready. Within 20 minutes, there's a knock at the front door. Lydia lets Jace and a tiny Simon in. The shadowhunter smiles and grabs Pandora's diaper bag and stroller.

"Auntie Lydia is bringing the baby?" Simon looks very excited by that statement. Jace smiles and nods. "Yeah buddy. Your baby cousin will be with us." Simon claps slightly and heads for the door. "Better follow him Jace." "Yeah yeah yeah." He smiles at his pseudo sister and they all leave, Pandora being pushed in her stroller by her uncle.

Lydia holds Simon's hand as they get to the park, walking with him to the swings. Jace sits on a bench and takes his baby niece out of the stroller. He kisses her nose and holds her as he watches Lydia push Simon, loving how happy the Little is. The two month in his arms blinks up at him and touches chin with a tiny hand. He smiles at her.

"Well hello there. This is your first time outside huh? Don't worry, Uncle Jace is right here to protect you from anything bad, especially ducks." He's too distracted by talking to Pandora that he doesn't notice the mundane couple beside him. "Aww she's beautiful!" Jace internally cringes, recognizing the voice of the mundane woman.

"Leslie, Mark, how are you two?" "Oh we're great! Is that Pandora?" Jace nods while smiling. "Yeah. Lydia's over there with my son Simon. Magnus had to take Alec to an appointment so we figured a little outing couldn't hurt." The couple nods in agreement. "Is Simon's mother around?" Jace doesn't look at them, coming up with a story. When he turns back, the fake pain in his eyes looks extremely believable. "She actually passed away shortly after he was born. Lydia and Magnus helped me raise him along with a family friend. I never knew my own mom so I know it hurts not having a mom around, but his life is full of love."

Lydia and Simon had walked back at the beginning of his explanation. She kept the Little distracted so he wouldn't hear the story but Lydia listens so that she can back it up. She rests a hand on his shoulder and he looks up at her. "Hey Lyds." "Hey Jay." She hugs him slightly then takes Pandora into her arms. "I think a certain boy wants his daddy." Jace smiles at Simon taking to Jessica and opens his arms wide when Simon turns to him. The boy jumps into his lap and gives him a big hug. "Love you daddy." "I love you too, buddy." "Auntie Lydia is real fun." "Yeah. Daddy has a great big sister huh? Even if I'm the prettier one." "In your dreams, Jonathan." Both Lydia and Jace start laughing. Lydia greets the mundane couple beside Jace.

"Congratulations on a beautiful little girl, Lydia. Dark hair and light eyes are a dangerous combination." "Thank you. And I know I made her a onesie that says '#1 Heartbreaker.' for that reason." "Wait you made that one? Damn I thought Magnus bought it." "Yeah. I've made a couple of Alec's shirts as well. I have hobbies believe it or not." "You're such a workaholic though." "My job is being a stay at home mom of course I am." "Well before that you were worse." "Oh shush!" They sound like siblings which unintentionally solidifies the lie the mundanes were told. The couple laugh and all four adults chat for a while as Simon and Jessica play together.

After a couple of hours, the mundanes leave. Lydia is letting Jace bottle feed Pandora as she plays with Simon, knowing that trying to take her daughter away from Jace won't happen. She sneaks a picture of Jace kissing Pandora's head as she drinks her bottle to Magnus, receiving a pic of him and Alec cuddling on the couch with glasses of wine in both of their hands. Lydia looks at Jace and smiles.

"So you plan on protecting my daughter from ducks?" "Ducks are fucking spawns of hell if one comes near her the entire damn species will be extinct. I'm not even kidding. Fuck those damn birds." Lydia bursts out laughing and shakes her head. Jace scowls at her and she smiles. "Quack." "Okay the baby is mine now I will not allow my niece to be exposed to this!" Lydia falls over from laughing so hard. "Don't change her diaper then I'm pretty sure the design on the waistband has ducks on it." Jace's eyes widen. "This poor girl." Lydia wipes the tears from her eyes, stomach cramping from how hard she was laughing.

Jace and Simon stay at the loft when they all get back home, Simon aging up by then. The men cuddle on the couch as Lydia changes Pandora's diaper, placing the baby in a cartoon duck-covered  onesie. She wraps her in a blanket and takes her to the living room. "Simon could you hold her while I go pump really quickly? She wants attention but it's hard to hold her at the same time." "Yeah no problem." Simon cradles her close and lets the blanket fall, trying not to laugh too loudly when he sees Jace fall of the couch flailing his arms.

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