Incident at the Institute

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Lydia gets up before Magnus, hearing Alec wake up. She rushes to his room and turns the baby monitor off so Magnus doesn't wake up to them. She turns on the nursery light to see Alec sniffling in his crib. He reaches for Lydia immediately.
"Mama?" "I'm here, bunny." She lowers the crib bars and looks at him. "How old are you today?" Alec holds up three fingers. "Three? Wow that's so cool." She helps him out of the crib and onto his changing mat. She's really tired but refuses to let Alec see that. She changes his diaper and he whines. "What's wrong sweetie?" "Icky..." "Yeah very icky huh? How long were you awake?" She notices a rash forming. "While..." "Next time call for me or papa when you wake up okay?" Alec nods and lets her continue changing him. She puts some diaper rash cream before closing the clean diaper and throwing away the full one. She gets Alec dressed, the entire time trying not to yawn. She had a nightmare last night about them losing Alec and it kept her up a bit. Lydia takes Alec with her to the kitchen and has him sit at the table as she starts breakfast. She decides to get Magnus back, using food as the method. Instead of using sugar in his waffles or tea, she uses salt. She puts Magnus's food aside, hearing him approach the kitchen, and continues to cook food for her and Alec, who's content drinking apple juice from a sippy cup.
Magnus sits beside Alec and kisses his head. "How's my angel this morning?" "I got a owie and wokeded up icky." "Oh that's no fun." He looks at Lydia for details. "Full messy diaper that he wore for too long so he has another rash." "Ouch. Poor thing." He kisses Alec's head again before taking a bite of his food. He grimaced at the taste and takes a sip of his tea, which makes it worse. "Lydia what is this?!" She shrugs and serves Alec his food. She already cut it up so he takes a piece with his fingers and eats it. Magnus watches for his reaction, before becoming confused at him enjoying it. He takes one of Alec's pieces and eats it, noticing that it's actually pretty good and looks at Lydia. "What did you do?" "You know, you should really organize ingredients better so that way the sugar doesn't get MISPLACED and I have to use salt until I find the sugar." She smiles at him before sipping her coffee. He glares at her and sighs. "Alright. You got me back. Happy?" "For now." Magnus pouts and conjures up his own food. He eats in silence as he watches Lydia interact with Alec. Magnus and Lydia both look at each other when Alec's phone goes off. Lydia gets up to look and sighs, walking back to Alec.
"Sweetheart. I need you to age up okay? Can you do that for mama?" Alec starts making himself age up. He looks at Lydia, she can tell that he's an adult now. "What?" "A Clave representative is requesting a meeting with you in two hours. Apparently even Maryse tried to get him to reschedule or speak to her instead, but he insists on speaking with the Head himself." Alec groans and gets up to get dressed properly. Magnus sighs. "He really doesn't want to do this and given that he HAS to be diapered I can assure you that he's dreading this even more." Lydia nods and prepares for them to leave.
She sees Alec fully dressed, but wearing normal underwear. "Alec." "I'll be fine, I'll just try not to piss my pants." "Alec. I'm more concerned with you shitting yourself." "What? I've been doing that?" "Catarina even checked you out and we've been changing messy diapers as well. Just wear one. If the Clave representative asks why you're wearing one, say that something happened like an injury or a curse where you cannot currently control it. Alright?" "Lydi-" "Alright?" She's using her 'mama' voice, Alec sighs. "Okay fine... Help me out?" He blushes darkly and she nods. Once he's diapered and his pants are back on, Alec goes to put his boots on while Magnus grabs Alec's diaper bag. "We won't need it." "Just let her take it with you two. It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Don't fight Alexander I see that look in your eyes." He groans and gives Magnus a passionate kiss. "We'll be home soon. Hopefully it won't take too long." "Go do your job shadowhunter. I love you." "Love you too. Let's go Lyds!" "Coming!" Her heels can be heard as she runs over to Alec. "Ready?" "As I'll ever be."
The meeting is approaching its second hour and Alec can feel his stomach cramping. He puts up a hand to stop the representative before he continues his thought. "Excuse me for one quick moment. Myself and Ms. Branwell have something we need to touch base on before she leaves for her patrol. I will return within ten minutes." He stands and the representative sees Alec's underwear choice. "Um... Mr. Lightwood... What are you wearing?" Alec freezes. "It's for health reasons, Sir." He tries to remain calm. "Is that what Ms. Branwell is helping you with?" He flushes a dark red. "Um..." He suddenly feels his bowels give and the seat of his diaper fill. He's facing the representative so he didn't see it happen, but he starts to smell it. "M-Mr. Lightwood... Did you...?" "I-I'm sorry. Give me a few minutes and we'll finish when I return." Alec tries not to let his mortification take over. "Don't even worry about it. Thank you for your time. We can reschedule and continue at a later date. I will not inform the rest of the Clave of your situation." He shakes Alec's hand. "Thank you again for speaking with me." The representative leaves and Alec groans.
Lydia's phone goes off.

AL: Help

Given Alec's text, she assumes that he's little and rushes over. She opens his office door and sees Alec standing there, face bright red and he looks like he might cry. She can see how much he went based on how much his diaper has expanded in the back. She's immediately by his side. "Oh what happened, sweetie? Do you need mama to change you? It's okay bunny it's alright." She pets his hair and uses her baby voice on him, making it worse. It's not even aging him down it's making him worse. To make him feel even more traumatized with embarrassment, he starts wetting himself which causes the front to expand to the point that Lydia notices. He messes a bit more as well, he's definitely ready to cry now. Lydia strokes his hair. "It's okay baby it's alright. You're padded up for a reason right? Accidents happen it's okay. Here let mama change you and we can go home and take a nap okay?" Alec's face cannot get any redder and he feels tears collect in his eyes. "L-Lydia please..." "Oh shit Alec I'm sorry I assumed that... Yeah let's help you out with that." She immediately makes him lie down carefully and changes his diaper. He hides his face, hating that he's big while getting changed out of a diaper that was at capacity of not just pee. Lydia finishes quickly and helps him put his pants back on. "Ready to head home? You can do everything else there, right?" "Yeah..." Lydia gets rid of the full diaper and texts Magnus to create a portal, bringing them home.
Alec immediately goes to his and Lydia's office to work while Lydia explains everything that happened to Magnus. The warlock sighs and goes to check on Alec, who's busy with work. He turns to Lydia. "Let him just distract himself. He'll be fine soon and possibly a toddler again, so be ready." Lydia nods and goes back to her work.

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