Hello Simon and Interactions

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Magnus remembers that Simon is still locked outside and decides to let him back in. Alec is still curled into Luke, only wearing his yellow shirt with a bunny on it, his diaper, and a pair of socks along with his pacifier. Magnus was about to put Alec's pants back on as Simon walked in.
"Hey why'd you lock me ou- what the fuck is this?" He seems very confused on why the stone cold shadowhunter that intimidated him looks like an overgrown baby. He's not judging Alec however, he's just confused. Alec hears Simon and immediately assumes that he's being judged. He hides his face in Luke's jacket, which he had yet to take off, and cries silently. Luke glares at Simon, unable to control the paternal nature that overcame him.
"Out." "Lucian calm down, he's not trying to be rude and we all know it." "Don't care. Alec's tears are seeping through my shirt and that's what I care about right now." Luke's eyes glow green as he cradled Alec to him, rubbing his back and shushing him gently. Simon takes a step further into the room, minding Luke's terrifying glare. Jace takes Simon's hand and guides him to crouch beside the weeping little with him. He doesn't let go of Simon's hand to show Alec to trust him, but also for his own selfish desires. Alec looks at Simon for a second and it makes him want to cry, seeing the pain and fear in his red and tear filled eyes. Luke continues to keep him close, curious about what Simon will do.
"Hey kiddo. I'm sorry I said a bad word and made it seem like I was being mean." Simon gives him that goofy grin of his, making everyone smile even Alec. The boy reaches a hand towards Simon, poking him on the nose. The daylighter sniffs as soon as the tip of Alec's finger touches his nose. Alec bursts into a fit of giggles at this, causing everyone to laugh. The little squirms a bit, attempting to get out of Luke's grasp. The alpha reluctantly lets him go and watches him crawl to Magnus. The warlock lifts his baby into his arms and smiles as Alec latches onto him. Simon tickles Alec's side slightly, loving the laugh he gets in return. They all enter the living room together, Magnus struggling to place Alec on the blanket he laid out on the floor. Luke tickles him a bit, causing him to lose his grip, and has Jace lower him to the floor. Alec pouts through his pacifier once his butt touches the soft material. He looks up at Magnus and reaches for him.
"Up! Papa up! P'ease?" Magnus feels his heart melt slightly but shakes his head. "I'll be right back my little turtle. I'm just grabbing something really quickly. Why don't you play with your sister or Clary? Maybe even show Simon your toys?" Alec just nods sadly and it breaks Magnus's heart. He leaves the room, going into the kitchen to grab things for everyone and to prepare Alec another bottle since he wants him to try and nap. When Magnus returns, he sighs in relief when he sees Alec playing blocks with Simon and Clary. Luke has Alec's back against his chest and Izzy and Jace are on either side of him. The warlock places everything on the coffee table and smiles at Alec. When the little shadowhunter looked up and saw his papa, he reaches for him instantly. Magnus happily obliges and holds him in his lap as he sits on the couch, bottle in hand. Everyone else gets closer to them and just watches as Magnus replaces the pacifier with his bottle. One of Alec's hands grips Magnus's shirt, the other plays with the hem of his own. Magnus holds the bottle for Alec as he drinks from it slowly. Both girls 'aww' at how cute he is, Luke feels nostalgic, and the remaining two are absently holding hands again as they watch the adorable scene unfold. Once the empty bottle leaves Alec's mouth, he lets out a huge yawn.
"I believe it's time for someone to take a nap." "Nonono papa." "Yes yes yes Alexander." Magnus adjusts his grip as he takes Alec back to his nursery. He places his sleepy baby into a giant crib with the side pulled down. It's big enough where Alec can move freely if he wanted to. Alec rolls over into his belly, attempting to get into a crawling position. Magnus foils his plan by placing a large and fluffy pink blanket over Alec's body. Once Alec's pacifier is back in his mouth, he starts to doze off. Magnus puts the bars to Alec's crib up, ensuring that he locks them, and watches his baby fall asleep. The warlock sets up his baby monitors and walks back to the living room with Luke and Izzy trailing behind him.
"How's the little guy?" "Fast asleep in his new crib. Which let me say I am very thankful that he fits in it and didn't put up a fuss." "Tired?" Magnus nods as he makes himself a cocktail and sits on the couch, leaning all the way back and putting his feet up on the coffee table. Everyone leaves so that Magnus could get a bit of rest before Alec wakes up from his nap in most likely a couple of hours.

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