Alec ages up and Magnus has a moment with Lydia

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Jace and Alec play together on the blanket, looking incredibly adorable. Lydia continues to grab her wrist while looking for her stele. Magnus approaches her. "That bad?" "I can barely move it." He examines it and sighs. "Your wrist is sprained. Here." He summons a brace and puts it on her wrist. She looks at it and turns to Magnus. "I can just heal it with an iratze or you can heal it with magic. Why the mundane way?" "To show Alexander what happens when he hits. Think of it as indirect discipline." "You're going to make him feel like shit, Bane." "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." She rolls her eyes and decides to just go with it. Lydia goes to grab her laptop so that she can continue to work as she watches the boys play. As she works, she catches Alec looking at the black thing encasing her wrist. She doesn't notice him approach her until she feels a giant hand on her knee. She looks down at Alec and smiles.
"Need anything sweetie?" He points to her wrist. "Oh this? It's just to help my wrist heal that's all. Go play with Jace and papa. They look like they want to play with you more." He nods and kisses her brace before going back over to the toys on the blanket. Magnus saw what Alec did and smiles. "Hey, Alexander. Did you know that baby kisses are the best medicine to heal mamas that get hurt?" Alec gasps. "That's right. So you have to give your mama lots of kisses so that her wrist gets better." Alec nods and crawls over, kissing the brace again and hugging Lydia. She smiles and puts her laptop away. "Alright no more work for mama because she has a sweet little baby, a shy little baby, and a papa who she wants to spend time with." Alec smiles and crawls back to his spot, Lydia trailing behind. Jace crawls over to Lydia and settles in her lap so that Alec can be with Magnus. The warlock summons a bottle for Alec since he didn't drink the last one and starts feeding it to him. There's a knock at the door, Simon walks in afterwards. "Can't stay long just wanted to check on my- Lydia what happened?" "Dada!" "Acknowledge him first." Simon lifts Jace into his arms and looks at Lydia for an explanation. "Alec threw a fit and hit my wrist, causing it to bend in the wrong direction and sprain it. I'm letting it heal the mundane way to show Alec what hitting does to others, plus if I can't carry Alec or Jace or any other little with this brace on, then I'm no better than Magnus and I want to show him up at least a little." Simon laughs and Magnus pouts playfully, putting more attention into Alec and feeding him. Lydia stands and takes Jace back in her arms with ease as Simon kisses his head. "I'll be back in a few more hours okay?" "Kay dada." "Okay be good for auntie Lydia and uncle Magnus okay?" He nods and kisses Simon's nose. Simon leaves and Jace cuddles into Lydia. Magnus is playing with Alec's hair as he finishes his bottle. "How about I primarily deal with Alexander and you handle the Herondale?" "Alright sounds fair given that you still don't like Jace and I feel like he'll be easier on my wrist." Magnus nods and holds Alec close as Lydia leaves the room with Jace, taking him to the nursery for a quick change.
Magnus had opened Alec's onesie and has been blowing raspberries on his belly, loving the sound of his laugh. Alec ended up laughing so hard that he wet himself and got embarrassed, he's in his between space. "Pa-uh Mags wait..." Magnus looks at him confused and sees the familiar look in his eyes. "Age back down or age up?" "Don't know... but..." He looks away as Magnus checks his diaper. "Here." Magnus uses his magic to clean him up, knowing he'll hate a full change right now. He closes the onesie back up and has Alec look at him. "Darling? You alright?" "What happened when I was little? I can't remember this time." Magnus explains everything that happened to Alec and he looks guilty. "I yelled at you guys? And I hurt Lydia?" He's fully adult at this point and groans. "She probably wants to leave at this point..." "Quite the opposite darling. She's in the nursery with Jace if you want to talk to her." "In a minute..." Magnus feels Alec's hands on his waist and locks eyes with the shadowhunter. He tries not to laugh. "This looks ridiculous. After all, you're in a bright pink onesie with a cartoon squid on it." Alec rolls his eyes and grunts, pulling Magnus closer. "Just ignore it and kiss me before they get back." Magnus obliges and straddles Alec, kissing him passionately as they stay on the floor. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Alec whispers against Magnus's lips. "You have. Now say it again~" "I fucking love you Magnus Bane." "I love you too, Alexander Lightwood." Magnus tangles his hands in Alec's hair as their lips crash together once again. They continue to make out until they hear a throat clear behind them.
Magnus and Alec turn around to see Lydia covering Jace's eyes with her braced hand. "Oh no don't mind us boys please continue to suck face in the middle of the living room." Magnus laughs as Alec groans in embarrassment. The warlock gets up and helps his boyfriend stand. Alec approaches Lydia and looks guilty at the brace. "Lydia I'm so sorry about that... Does it hurt?" She smiles. "Eh not really I'm fine. Thanks though. Just glad that you and your little side learned not to hit me." She adjusts Jace on her hip and Alec messes up his hair. Jace laughs and reaches out to hug Alec, who takes him into his arms. "Okay I'll admit you're cute." Lydia laughs and goes to stand by Magnus.
"Warms my heart to see him happy like that." "You are such a mom you know that?" "Fuck off Bane stop ruining our moments." He laughs a bit and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Sorry. It's just hilarious to see your little pout." "I don't pout!" "Oh yes you do." "Ugh!" She groans and pushes her face into Magnus's chest, flipping him off at the same time. He laughs and rests his chin on her head, wrapping her into a hug. Their relationship is a strange one, almost like companions without the romantic aspect, but they care for each other. Alec watches them interact with each other and smiles, they make him think of him and Izzy interacting when he's big. He adjusts Jace in his arms and decides to leave them to their little moment together. Lydia wraps her arms around Magnus after two minutes of him just holding her and sighs in contentment. "You know? You almost feel like a brother to me sometimes... I guess I don't hate you." Magnus laughs, he feels Lydia smile against his chest. "Yes I guess you're tolerable as well, Branwell." Lydia keeps hugging Magnus for a minute before letting go. "You should go check on the boys while I go and start lunch." "Alright. Call me if you need any help, Lydia." "Thanks, Magnus."
Simon returns to collect Jace after another two hours, leaving Lydia, Magnus, and a now adult-dressed Alec to spend the rest of the evening on the couch together.

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