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Jace hasn't been feeling very great either, but he was supposed to spend today with Simon. He got a remedy recommendation from another shadowhunter and did it as quickly as possible. Apparently, vervain has healing properties when it comes to congestion and inflammation as well as pain, so that made up for the bitter taste of the tea he drank. Once he drank the vervain tea and got his bag ready, Jace heads over to Simon's place.
Simon opens the door and throws himself into Jace's arms, causing the shadowhunter to laugh. He places the daylighter on his hip, he's already dressed in his Little attire consisting of a green t-shirt that says 'Daddy's Little Man', shorts, and a matching pacifier clipped to the shirt. The moment Simon is in Jace's arms, he's immediately in headspace. Jace smiles and kisses his toddler's head. "Daddy?" "Yes, bug?" "I'm hungry." "Alright I'm gonna put you down and get you some blood okay? Would you be okay with some of my blood in it too?" Jace remembered that once during sex a few months back that Simon likes the taste of his blood. Simon nods happily and kisses Jace's cheek before running off to play with a couple toys he had. Jace puts blood in a sippy cup for Simon and adds some of his own before closing the cup, not thinking that the vervain in his system would affect him since he hadn't learned before if it would be a problem. He hands it to Simon and ruffles his hair, starting to clean up the toys he's done playing with.
After Simon was about halfway done with his little sippy cup, so like three sips later, he started coughing. Jace looks at him and notices different parts of his skin turning red. "Simon?!" He rushes over in time to get Simon's vomit on his chest, which was just blood but looked horrifying. Simon starts to breathe heavily as Jace scrambles for his phone. He calls Magnus.
The warlock hears his phone go off and sighs, silently asking for Lydia to grab it for him since Alec decided his lap was a great spot to nap. Magnus keeps his voice quiet.

"Jace? What is it?"
"Something's wrong with Simon! He's vomiting and his skin is red and he's panting!"
Magnus's eyes widen in shock and concern. "Alright was there any change to his diet? Sounds like anaphylaxis."
"Can vampires get that?!"
"Yes. Especially if vervain is ingested."
"Wait did you say vervain?"
"Did you give him some?"
"No I drank some vervain tea earlier and Simon had some of my blood. SHIT I POISONED HIM!"
"I'll be right over to help him out. Alexander and Lydia will be with me most likely and I need you to be SILENT. Alexander is napping."

Magnus hangs up the phone and has Lydia hold Alec while he summons a portal. He grabs a bag full of what he needs and all three step through.
Lydia walks with a sleeping Alec in her arms to the far side of Simon's home. Magnus kneels beside Simon's convulsing form and starts to heal him, giving Jace a medicine that he had to force down his throat. "Given that he's a vampire I cannot give him what you would give a mundane for something like this. Make sure he stays awake." Jace nods, panicking and full of guilt.
Simon's skin starts to return to its usual paleness and his breathing evens. He looks up at Jace with tears in his eyes. "D-Daddy...?" Jace tries not to cry as he pulls Simon into his arms. "Buddy I'm so incredibly sorry I didn't know that would happen. Daddy feels so bad and would never hurt you on purpose. Can you forgive me?" Jace has tears stream from his eyes. Simon nods and kisses Jace's jaw sloppily, like a baby kiss. "Is Kay daddy... Got scared... and it hurt... But no be sad daddy..." Simon cuddles into Jace, only making him cry more. Alec wakes up and sees his parabatai crying. He gets out of Lydia's arms and rushes over, hugging them both. He pushes his pacifier against Jace's cheek. "Thanks, Alec." The baby Lightwood only nods and goes back to his mama. Magnus smiles and opens a portal. "Call me in one hour with an update." The little family leaves and the portal closes.
Simon ages up and looks at Jace, wiping his tears away. "Hey. It's okay I'm fine." "Babe I'm so sorry I never should have drank that stupid fucking tea..." "You didn't know that it was a poison to vampires, I didn't either. Don't blame yourself baby, I'm fine really." Simon kisses him and hugs him tightly afterwards. Jace can only nod and bury his face in Simon's neck, attempting to stop the flow of tears.
"Hey Jace? Since I'm big, why don't you age down? I can text Luke and have him come to help watch you and you can just relax. I'm sure seeing me like that was terrifying and you could definitely use a break." Jace looks away from Simon. "Or you just don't trust me to take care of you anymore and you would rather have Luke watch me so that I don't accidentally kill you again..." Simon can hear both his and Jace's hearts breaking. "Oh baby no... That's not it at all..." He makes Jace look him in the eyes. "I would trust you with my entire being... I love you so much... I have more trust in you than anyone else I promise you that... I just thought that you went through a traumatizing experience and needed to spend a bit of time away from everything..." Jace breaks down into heart-wrenching sobs and clings to Simon, hands clutching fistfuls of Simon's shirt. He pets Jace's hair and lifts him up to change his clothes, knowing he crashed and that he should get Jace out of the shirt with his blood vomit on it before he notices. Simon sends a quick text to Luke as he takes his own shirt off along with Jace's.
Luke finds Simon struggling to get Jace to lie down and laughs. "Here you occupy him and I'll diaper him, got it?" Simon groans and nods, walking out of the way. Luke gets Jace to lie down and has Simon play with his hair. Luke diapers Jace quickly and gets a onesie on him, wanting to get him comfortable as soon as possible. He hears Simon giggling like he's being tickled and, sure enough, sees Jace tickling around his dada's hairy chest. Luke smiles and helps Jace sit back up, lifting him into his arms. Simon fills Luke in on what happened and Jace starts crying into the alpha's shoulder. Luke bounces him in his arms and rubs his back. "Go get him a bottle and I'll watch him okay? I'll calm him down." Simon nods and kisses Jace's head before going to get him a bottle. Luke manages to get his cries to become silent sobs and sighs, glad to make progress. "Don't cry, kiddo it's alright." "No I bad..." "It was an accident." Luke kisses the top of Jace's head and hugs him tightly. Jace finally calms down as Simon approaches with a bottle in hand. Simon sits on his bed and takes Jace into his arms, feeding him and cuddling him at the same time. Luke smiles and leaves, knowing a nap is about to follow them.
Once Jace finishes his bottle, he yawns and cuddles further into Simon. The daylighter smiles and lies down, letting his baby get comfortable against and partially on top of him.
"Wuv you dada." "I love you more, buddy. Sweet dreams." Jace passes out and Simon holds him, glad that he's relaxed.

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