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Magnus contacted everyone saying that they need a day where they get all the Littles under one roof for a playdate. All caregivers and Littles agree and arrangements are made. Magnus knows that there will be an equal number of Littles to caregivers, but invites Maryse to join as well. The Littles include Alec, Clary, Jace and Simon with Magnus, Lydia, Izzy, and Luke looking after them so having Maryse there could just supply more control especially since two Littles are babies and the other two are very energetic toddlers. All of them require too much attention for an equal number.
Lydia helps Magnus set everything up at the loft while they wait for Alec to wake up and for everyone to get there. Luke is the first to show up with Jace on his hip and Simon holding his hand. Luke places both Littles on the blanket in the center of the room. The baby monitor goes off, signaling that Alec is awake, and Lydia gets up to check on him. Luke stops her though.
"Hey Lydia I have a couple questions for you if I may ask?" "Of course. Magnus?" "Already on it." Magnus goes towards the nursery. "So what-" "Shh... Wait for it..." Both stay silent until they hear Magnus yell. "REALLY LUCIAN?! YOU KNEW AND MADE ME DO IT YOU'RE DESPICABLE!" Lydia looks at Luke confused until realization hits. "How bad?" "I hear Magnus trying not to gag." Both adults erupt into laughter until Magnus comes out with Alec on his hip. "We are no longer friends." Luke falls to the floor from laughing so hard. Simon rushes over to him. "You 'kay?!" "Don't worry kiddo Uncle Luke is fine." He hugs Simon to reassure him that nothing is wrong. Simon then goes back to where Jace is playing and sits with him. Magnus places Alec beside Jace and the cutest parabatai hug ensues. Everyone, including Izzy who just walked in with Clary, cooed at the adorable scene. Clary runs over to the blanket and starts playing with Simon. Izzy sits beside Lydia.
"So we're just waiting on mom?" "Nope. She's on her way up as we speak." Lydia opens the door right before Maryse knocks. "Lydia Branwell?" "Hello Maryse, come in." "Are you...?" "I help Magnus with Alec. While Magnus is 'papa', I am 'mama' to Alec." Maryse nods in understanding and feels her heart melt at the sight she sees. Izzy gets up and hugs her mom immediately. "I've become Clary's mommy actually." "Oh how cute! Lucian? Which one is yours?" "None of them. I've become 'Uncle Luke' and given that Simon and Jace are both switches, I tagged along to lend a hand." Maryse nods and sits beside Magnus and Izzy. She just watches Clary and Simon talk and play with more 'complicated big kid' toys as Jace and Alec play with their baby toys and laugh.
Maryse looks at Izzy with curiosity. "Why don't you and Clary have a relationship like Jace and Simon? I'm sure it would be more beneficial to both of you." Izzy gives her a look that says 'You've got to be kidding me!' while the other caregivers just laugh hysterically. "Mom, I love you, but you're WAY off. I adore caregiving and personally could not see myself on the other end." Maryse nods and goes back to just watching. Clary walks over to Luke and just hugs him, not uttering a word. He smiles and pulls her into his lap. "Hey Clare-Bear. Having fun?" She nods and buries her face in his neck. Luke tears up a bit. "It feels like she's a little girl again, but actually three not just playing three. I still remember watching her back then." He wipes his eyes and holds Clary close. Jace looks at Maryse and smiles at her. She smiles back and kneels beside him and Alec. They both turn to her and reach out for hugs. She pulls them both close and kisses both of their heads, hearing them both giggle. Magnus walks over and ruffles Simon's hair, not letting him feel left out. He hands the daylighter a sippy cup of blood and goes to get Clary juice and bottles for the other two boys.
Magnus returns, handing Clary her sippy cup of juice and a bottle to Lydia so that she can feed Alec this time. Magnus and Lydia have a turn-based system when it comes to feeding or bathing Alec, and Magnus fed Alec the last time while Lydia bathed him so it was her turn to feed him. Magnus then looks at Izzy and Maryse.
"Either of you want to feed Jace?" "May I?" Maryse volunteers and Izzy nods, smiling at her mother. She sits beside Lydia on the floor and pulls Jace into a position similar to how Alec is currently lying on Lydia. Magnus hands her the bottle and she begins to feed it to Jace, feeling tears collect in her eyes. Lydia watches and smiles, adjusting Alec so that he relaxes a bit more. Once both boys finish and burp, they both cuddle into whoever fed them. Lydia kisses Alec's forehead and cradles him to her, slightly rocking at the same time. Maryse does the same out of instinct.
Luke looks at his watch and at the yawning toddler on his lap, Simon decided that he had comfortable thighs. "I think it's time for a certain four to go down for a nap." Jace sloppily rubs his eyes with a closed fist and Alec yawns. Clary tries to hide her yawn and shakes her head. "No! I no need a nap!" "Clary there's no need to yell." "But naps are dumb!" "Clarissa, I think you need corner time and then a nap." The moment she hears her mommy call her by her full first name, she knew she was in trouble. She nods and lets Izzy put her in a time-out. Simon gets off of Luke so he can stand then holds his arms out, wanting to be carried. Luke carries him to the nursery, putting him in Alec's large toddler bed. Magnus looks at Lydia and Maryse. "You know, Alexander's crib is large enough for both of them." Lydia activates her strength rune and carries Alec to the nursery, Maryse doing the same and following close with Jace. Izzy lets Clary out of the corner after two minutes and takes her to nap as well. Alec's toddler bed is large enough for her and Simon to share so she gets tucked in beside him. Lydia changes Alec's second messy diaper of the day and makes a mental note to ask Magnus if he can check it out as Maryse changes Jace's wet one. Both babies are tucked into Alec's crib and fall asleep instantly. The nightlight is turned on and the main light is shut off. The baby monitor is set up and the five adults head to the living room.
"Wow four Littles are a handful." "Well said, Isabelle." Luke chuckles at Maryse agreeing and Lydia goes to put the empty bottles and sippy cups in the sink. Magnus magics them clean and lets Lydia relax with the others. "So how's the co-parenting going for you two?" "Pretty well actually. Magnus and I have a lot of communication between each other. Which reminds me, can you have Catarina maybe check on Alec? Last time I checked he had more bowel control." "Wait, a second one?" "Yeah. And I never noticed him even go." "I'll contact her immediately. One moment everyone." Magnus gets up to find his phone. Luke smiles. "If I didn't know better, I would think that you two were a married couple that had an actual baby together like with a full pregnancy and everything." Lydia laughs a bit. "Feels like it sometimes. The married couple and parenting not that I was pregnant with Alec." Maryse and Izzy laugh at the statement and see Magnus returning. "I've contacted Catarina. Tomorrow I'll be taking Alexander to her place to get properly checked out." "I have a meeting in Idris tomorrow. I won't be home until late, do you think Alec will be alright with me not being here?" "He should be fine but call every now and then if you can do he can hear your voice." Lydia nods in agreement. The five adults continue to chat together until the Littles wake up nearly three hours later. They play for another two hours before everyone leaves, leading Magnus and Lydia to lie on Magnus's bed with Alec between them, just cuddling until they all fall asleep from exhaustion.

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