Birth of Pandora and Interactions

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Izzy continues to pace the living room, feeling anxious. Magnus sent everyone a text saying that Lydia is having the baby so his living room is packed. Clary takes Izzy's hand, making her stop. "Relax, babe." "Why is it taking so long?! Is this normal?!" "Isabelle, calm down. Remember how long I was in labor with Max? It takes time, she may not be ready to give birth just yet." Maryse strokes Max's hair with one hand and is holding Luke's hand with her other. She's feeling anxious as well but is attempting to remain calm. Luke strokes the top of her hand with his thumb and looks at Simon and Jace. "How's Alec doing?" Jace puts a hand over his parabatai rune. "He's anxious, stressed, excited, and I can feel that his right hand is in pain." Simon looks at him. "Most likely that's the hand holding Lydia's." There's a collective nod. The group can hear Lydia yell in pain once from her room.
Magnus wipes off Lydia's forehead, she's sweating like crazy. Alec continues to hold her hand and just talk to her. "You're doing great Lydia you're doing so incredibly. Deep breaths remember Cat said deep breaths you're alright." She nods and puts her head on his shoulder. He pets her hair with his free hand. "Can't you guys give her anything?! She's suffering!" Catarina shakes her head. "I'm afraid not. Lydia you're fully dilated so the moment you feel another contraction, push." Lydia nods as Catarina gets in position to help deliver the baby properly.

About five minutes later, a loud and shrill crying fills the room. Lydia catches her breath and looks at Alec, a big smile on his face. "Told you that everything would be fine." Alec cuts the cord and pets Lydia's hair. Catarina places Pandora on Lydia's chest, the crying newborn squirming slightly against her bare skin. Lydia smiles and strokes her face. Magnus uses his magic to clean everything up and put a diaper on Pandora. Catarina takes Pandora to wrap her in a blanket and place a pink beanie on her before handing her back to Lydia. The shadowhunter holds her newborn daughter close, smiling as she soothes her cries. Alec smiles at her and gently runs a finger down the baby's cheek. "Want to hold her, Alec?" "No she is way too tiny I'll break her!" Lydia laughs a bit and hands her over. Alec takes her nervously and holds her close to him, Catarina helping him out so Pandora is comfortable.
Magnus enters the living room and everyone stands up. "She's perfectly healthy." There's a collective sigh of relief. "How did Alec react?" "He was terrified to hold her but the moment she was in his arms, you could see the love in her eyes." "What's her name?" Luke, Maryse, and Max didn't know her name beforehand. "Pandora Isabelle Branwell. Lydia told me the first name was due to the fact that Pandora means 'gift' in Greek, Isabelle because of how big of a help she's been, and of course her own last name." Everyone nods and smiles.
Lydia has Pandora back in her arms as Catarina leans over them. "Are you planning on breast feeding her or formula?" "Which do you recommend?" "Breast feeding, more benefits." Lydia nods and Alec just clears his throat, trying to to be uncomfortable by the conversation. "Why don't you go join the others? I'm going to show Lydia how to get her to latch now since there is nothing in her system that could harm the baby." Alec nods and goes out to the living room as Catarina shows Lydia what to do.
Alec is immediately tackled by Izzy. He laughs as he stumbles back, stroking her hair a bit. Everyone smiles at him. "How are they?" "Good. Lydia seems a bit tired but she refuses to rest right now." "Tell her to apply a stamina rune, raising children was my primary reason for using them." He nods and texts Lydia the information, not wanting to see her feeding Pandora. Jace pats Alec's shoulder. "How does it feel?" "Like nothing I've ever felt before. The moment I saw her I knew I loved her and that I would protect her." Magnus places his hand on his own chest, feeling a deep warmth in his heart at Alec's words.
After an hour, Catarina let's everyone into Lydia's room to see the baby. Pandora is wide awake and staring at Lydia with wide blue eyes that match her mom's. Lydia smiles at everyone as they walk in. Izzy puts her hand over her mouth and Clary does the same. Alec takes his place in the chair beside Lydia's bed where he was before. Maryse wipes away a tear and Luke places a hand on her shoulder. Max takes a cautious step closer. "Want to see her?" He nods and Lydia lets him climb beside her onto the bed. He looks at Pandora and smiles. "She's so cute. Good thing she looks more like Lydia." Everyone quietly laughs at the comment, not wanting to startle the newborn. Lydia looks at the small crowd around her. "Anyone want to hold her? Izzy looks like she's going to explode." The Lightwood nods and takes the infant carefully into her arms. "Lydia she's beautiful." "Thank you." Izzy smiles at the baby in her arms and talks to her softly. "Hi there. I'm your aunt Izzy, the reason your middle name is so cool. This is Clary. We're going to be there for you throughout your life so we can always keep you safe." She kisses Pandora's forehead before handing her to Maryse, after clearing it with Lydia. Maryse holds the bundle like a pro and strokes her cheek. "She has your eyes and Alec's hair color. She's going to be trouble with so much beauty." Luke laughs softly and melts when a tiny hand touches his finger tip as he adjusted her blanket. "Welcome to this crazy family, Pandora Isabelle Branwell."
Maryse stayed behind when everyone, except Luke and Max, went home. Catarina gave them what they may need before she left. Lydia is taking a nap, desperately needing to rest, and Luke is helping Alec change Pandora's diaper. "Geez I'm going to screw up so many times." Luke smiles. "As long as you keep at it, you'll do fine." He nods. Alec then remembers what Magnus said earlier and goes to him, both heading for the bathroom. Luke rocks Pandora gently once she's cleaned up and gets her to fall asleep. The alpha places the infant in her crib by Lydia's bed and leaves the room, letting both girls sleep. Alec comes out of the bathroom with Magnus behind him and sits with Maryse and Max. Magnus looks at Luke. "Still asleep?" "Yep. Pandora fell asleep after I changed her so I put her down as well." Alec nods. "Thank you all so much." "Don't even thank us. Magnus, if I may, is it alright if i stay for the next week or two? Just to help Lydia adjust to motherhood properly." The warlock nods and, with a flick of the hand, has a guest room ready for her. "Will Max be staying as well?" "Mom said I could stay with Luke." Magnus smiles and nods. Magnus sends a portal so that Maryse can collect her things from the Institute.
Robert sees Maryse leaving the bedroom with her things. "Leaving so soon?" "Not at all. I'm simply staying with Magnus for a couple of weeks to aid Lydia." "She gave birth?" "Yes. Now please step aside because I would really rather not have this conversation anymore and get away from you." He grabs Maryse's arm as she tries to walk around him. "I want to see her." "What?" Maryse looks at him in shock. "The baby is still technically my granddaughter and I want to see her." "You would have to ask Magnus, Lydia, and Alec for that given that it is Magnus's home and she is Lydia and Alec's daughter." She shakes her arm out of his grip and leaves.
Magnus receives a fire message from Robert requesting to see the baby and reads it aloud. Alec hates the idea. "I know my father and he will find some way to see Pandora. Might as well let him then kick him out afterwards. Though check with Lydia first." He hears Pandora start to cry, then stop within a minute. "Wow she's fast."
Alec goes to the bedroom and sees Lydia feeding Pandora. "Oh sorr-" "Don't be. Come on in if you want I don't mind." Alec sits beside Lydia and looks at her. "You're a natural." "You sound like Magnus." Both laugh a bit and just look at the tiny baby eating. Alec sighs. "My father wants to see her." Lydia looks at him in disbelief. "I don't know if I like that idea..." "I agree but Robert is persistent. I say let him see her for two seconds but not touch her and kick him out, just to get him away." Lydia looks at her daughter and sighs. "Fine. But if he tries anything I will slit his threat with my seraph blade." "Not if I do it first." Lydia and Alec smile at each other and she nods. "Let the bastard come."
Robert knocks on the front door. Magnus lets him in and glares. Luke and Maryse are in front of Alec and Lydia, Max is off to the side a bit. The alpha reluctantly pulls Maryse to the side with his arm around her waist to show that she's with him and he won't let Robert upset her. Alec stays in front of Lydia and Pandora. "You do know I'm not going to hurt the baby right? I just want to see her then I'm on my way." Alec moves to kneel beside Lydia so that Robert can see the baby. The mother holds her close to her chest protectively. Robert kneels down to get a better look at her and smiles. "Congratulations. She's cute. On that note I will take my leave. Thank you for allowing me to see her." Lydia nods and starts to very subtly bounce Pandora as she starts to whine. Alec escorts Robert out and returns to Lydia's side immediately. "She's a good judge of character." "That she is."
Alec kisses Pandora's head, relaxing her instantly. "Watch her be a huge daddy's girl." "Or Ayah's girl I will make sure of that one." "Don't spoil her Mags." Alec scolds playfully, causing the warlock to laugh. Pandora gives a large yawn for someone her size and Lydia smiles. "I think she's had enough excitement on her first day for a bit so I'm going to put her to bed." Alec goes with her, to learn how to in case he ever tries to help Lydia. Magnus smiles, glad that he helped bring her into their family.

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