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M'gann walks over to our table again and places two drinks on the table. "Deadly to humans, but a refreshing cocktail for the two of you."

"Did you order this thing?" I ask Mon-El. 

"Did I order this thing?" he asks M'gann. 

"No, it's from Giggles," M'gann looks over her shoulder to a girl who is giggling and waving at us. 

"Oh, she's blue," Mon-El notices. 

"This is unbelievable. That's the fourth round of drinks some girl has sent over," I say to Mon-El. M'gann smiles and walks back over to the bar where J'onn is sitting. 

I'm not jealous but I do notice Mon-El making eyes to Giggles. "Hey, hello? Can you stop flirt-drinking for one second?" I say to him. 

He looks at me and puts the cocktail back on the table. "Okay," he says. I notice from the corner of my eye, Ryder and his friends standing near the entrance of the bar, staring at us. I ignore them and continue talking to Mon-El. 

Kitty: Do you really think we should've followed Kara and her boyfriend here? Won't they see us?

Ryder: Don't worry. What is this place anyway? Is it like a dress-up or costume place, because I see a girl covered in blue and another with elf ears. 

Artie: I heard that National City has a lot of aliens, maybe this is an alien bar and these are real aliens. 

Jake: Okay, then if this is an alien bar then why are those two here?

Ryder: You got me. 

Jake: We should move a little closer so we can hear them.

Ryder: Good call, just make sure they don't notice us, okay?

"I can control things," Mon-El defends and lifts the glass up again to drink. He's already half drunk and any more will make him completely lose it, I know because I've witnessed it before. 

"That's dangerous," I say. 

"You have to know how to," Mon-El starts but stops talking when the glass shatters in his hands and falls on the table. "This was not the prime example of that," he says. 

"Sure," I say while rolling my eyes. 

Mon-El sighs and says, "I'll make a trade with you. You drink this, and I will start training with you again."

"I don't think so," I say. I'm not going to drink.

Jake: Train with her? What does that mean?

"You scared?" Mon-El asks. 

That's it. I pull up my sleeves and take the drink in my hand and gulp it down quickly. A little too quickly, might I add. 

"Oh, my god. that was very quick," Mon-El says and smiles when he asks, "so, how do you feel?"

I think for a moment, "floaty," I pause, "but I'm not floating," I say and laugh. Mon-El joins in and we laugh together. 

"No, you're sitting," Mon-El confirms while laughing. 

"Yes," I say as we continue to laugh

Kitty: What's wrong with them?

Ryder: They're drunk. And not themselves. 

Kitty: Do you think we should help them? I mean, they probably won't even recognize us with that much alcohol in their system.

Jake: No!

Ryder: No!

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