t w e n t y - t w o

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"Sorry about that," I say when both Barry and I get back to Adam, Ryder, and Blaine. "As I was saying before, please stop asking me about Marley, the topic makes me really uncomfortable," I say. 

"Sorry," Blaine and Ryder say together. 

"And Adam, why did you want to see me?" I look at him. 

He looks almost embarrassed. "Um, I just wanted to see how you're doing. I miss you," he says. I almost feel bad. 

"Um, I don't really know what to say except that I'm sorry," I say to him. 

"I know it's a longshot, but would you ever consider us getting back together?"

"Adam, I'm sorry, but no. I'm already seeing someone," I say. I feel bad.

Blaine cuts in. "Quick question, if this isn't Sebastien, why does he look like him?"

"Well, I'm not Marley but apparently I look like her so I guess there's no right answer," I say. 

"Okay, but I do have one question, why are you in an alien bar? I mean the last time I confronted you about Mike you said he wasn't but I can see him right there. So, is it true?" Ryder asks. 

"For the last time, it's none of your business. I'm sorry if that sounds rude. I think you guys need to go," I say quietly. 

"Sorry, Kara, we won't bother you anymore," Ryder says. The three of them take one more look around, Adam's eyes lingering on me, and they leave. 

"Oh my god, this is a nightmare," I say as I walk back to the group with Barry. 

"Tell me about it," Barry joins in. 

"Who's Mike?" Caitlin asks. 

"Oh, Mike is Mon-El," I say with a laugh. 

Kitty: Marley's really gone. 

Ryder: That's what Kara said. That's why she would get nervous every time we brought up the subject. 

Unique: I don't blame her.

Blaine: That guy, Barry, I swear he looked like a carbon copy of Sebastien. 

Ryder: Well, Kara looks like Marley. I guess there really is no explanation. Oh, and by the way, Jake, Kara knows that you cheated on Marley, and she didn't sound happy while saying it. 

Jake: How did she find out?

Kitty: Marley must have told Kara. 

Adam: Guys, could you just pause for one second? Ryder, you said something about a guy named Mike, who is he? 

Artie: He's Kara's boyfriend. They've been going out for a long time and your mom, I mean Ms. Grant seems really interested in him, god knows why. 

Adam: Huh.

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