Chapter 19 - On a role

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                                                             *****TRIGGER WARNING*****

We all took some nice pictures together with our phones, Daesung high-end camera, Zoe's polaroid camera and even the photo booth. It was so much fun with these guys. Soon the guest started arriving and G was busy welcoming them all. Unnie and Taeyang stayed by my side. He had invited some famous actors, YG, some well-known Korean designers, IU and the AOMG crew. When I did not spotted J I was sort of relieved for a moment. Gray had spotted me and called my name throughout the whole room which made everyone look at him with an odd expression. He simply ignored that and came running to me followed by Cha Cha.

"My sensei, how are you? You have not got in contact with us as you promised... I waited..", he said with a pouting face.

"Sorry Gray I was busy. Things got hectic which does not mean that I did not work on tracks for you guys..", I said beaming a smile at him.

His eyes widened and he nodded. We chatted a bit and then both left to see where Hoody was. I could see that they were worried whether she is being hit on by some drunk guests. You never know right.

TOP came to us with a few plates of food. I looked at the food unsure whether I could eat it.

"There is nothing on that plate that is on that list. I promise", he said pointing at the dish.

What how did he know? We have not told anyone about it yet.

"I took a picture of that list earlier and send them to the others. We all need to keep an eye on what you eat and we really do not want you to lose more weight or even be sick", Taeyang whispered to me.

Oh I see that makes sense and I nodded. I took a bit from the food and words cannot describe how good it tasted and I was not feeling anywhere close to be sick.

"Thanks Oppa. This is the most delicious food I have ever had", I said happily eating the food. TOP patted me on my head and smiled at me.

"That is good to hear", he said and then walked away. Something is not right with TOP. I cannot explain this but he was different. No one seemed to notice expect me. Maybe I am imagining things but this feeling. It scares me. It feels like something bad will happen. My thoughts were interrupted by G who stepped to the Mic and asked us to take seats in front of the screening wall.

"Thank you all for coming today and celebrating my birthday with me. Thank you also for donating to different charities on my behalf as birthday presents. You all know me well. Today is a special day for me and all of YG. Today is the first airing of Idol producer where we officially introduce our best producer at YG A.J to the public. She is one of the judges and is the brain behind all the top hits of YG for the past years. Without further ado lets watch the first episode", he said and everyone cheered.

I blushed really hard. I mean this day is not about me but still they made the effort to watch this today. G took my hand and we all sat at the very back. YG stood at the side with a drink and watched.

"That is embarrassing G Oppa", I said to him. He just grinned from ear to ear and patted me on my head saying that he is a proud big brother.

Before the screening started I could hear the doorbell ring and G stood up and came back with J and Simon D. My heart stopped for a minute. Thankfully they went over to their crew and took some seats on the floor. I thought that they were not coming for a moment. Probably they were held up by work. As much as I was happy to see them again I was also taken back. Seeing J and his tattoo brought back memories of that dream.

The intro for the show started and everyone was cheering. Everyone was quiet and here and there you could hear people giggle and whispering to each other. The judges were introduced and when Zoe saw me on screen she seemed so happy. I could also hear her say "Well done. She looks beautiful" which made us all laugh in the back. To be honest she had the right to be proud of herself. It was interesting to see how they did the cuts and what they showed when. First we saw the judges looking at the tapes and then individual interviews about our impression of the trainees and the other judges. They all said they same expect me. All the judges said that they knew each other before but that I was the new face in there. I was the one saying that I knew some of the work of the judges but never met them before. This made Taeyang scream "Cute" from the back. He was embarrassing and Unnie did not stop him. After a short commercial break the first auditions were shown. It brought back so many memories about the trainees. To my surprise all the judges shared mostly the same opinion with me when they were asked about the potential of the trainees. Everyone lacked the passion and fire. I was sure that Haba would show the showdown between that trainee and me and as if I had called it the trouble child appeared on the screen. Before he started singing they cut to Jackson's interview where he said that his friend is auditioning but that he will not go easy on him. It is a competition after all and he needs to be fair. This made me smile weakly since I knew that happened after that.

The rise and fall of an Idol ProducerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang