Confusion (5)

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A/N - Sorry for the late upload I was busy with making youtube videos. My channel is Freyathegeekgirl if you were wondering. I won't bug you any longer so I hope you are enjoying the story and keep reading.

---Your POV---

I blink my eyes open and try to sit up but I suddenly get an aching pain in my leg. I am alive though and I guess that is what matters most. I lift my head and look around, there are dim rays of sunlight seeping through small windows. I am on a bus but I don't think It's the one with the men who were trying to kidnapp me. I sit up and start to examine my body, I have a big cut that is bandaged up on my leg and many bruises everywhere. There are marks on my hand and feet where they tied me up and my head feels sore.

Who bandaged these cuts and where the hell am I. I can see my bag on the side of a small table so I stand up to grab it.  When I look inside it my phone isn't there . Great that must have been stolen as well.

I can hear faint voices outside and faint snores from behind me. I look at the small alarm clock and it says 8am. I stayed here all night. What about my parents they must be worried sick.

"Um, Hey are you okay?" a voice suddenly says from behind me making me jump. I turn my head around to see Ray Toro standing there in skinny jeans and a metallica t-shirt. THE Ray Toro. He looks concerned and sits on the small chair opposite me.  At this point I'm a mix of confusion and disbelief and pain that I don't know what to do

"um.. yeah I..I..I think so but I don't really know where I am or what's going on" I reply nervously as I am literally talking to one of my idols. 

This is when Gerard Way strolls into the bus holding none other than my phone. What the actual hell.

"Thank god you are awake" he replies looking at Ray and then back to me. He looks nervous but why would he be nervous of me.. Suddenly I feel ridiculous laying here covered in bandages and with mascara marks all over my face. In front of the humans whose posters line my bedroom walls.

Ray looks at Gerard and leans over to whisper something. They nod and take a few glances back at me making me even more nervous. Maybe I am dead and this is some fucked up dream.

Then Gerard starts to speak to me slowly and nervously as if I could break.

"Um Hi, I don't know if you remember but last night at the concert something happened and you were hurt. I didn't know where your parents were or anything so I brought you back here and you passed out. Our nurse said you will be okay and I checked your phone.. There has been a terrorist attack and your parents.."

My stomach drops waiting for the next few words. I feel my anxiety rising and it is getting harder to breathe but I take some long breaths and try to calm myself.  The worst part is that Gerard looks as though he might vomit.  When he spoke he sped up towards the end and you could tell that every word was hurting him to say like a knife jabbing his throat or something.  

Ray looks at me and says slowly 

" We think that your parents may have been killed during the attack ". 

Those words hit me like a truck. Like someone had knocked all the air out of my lungs. I didn't scream or cry , I felt emotionless. Like when you are going down a drop on a rollercoaster and you have that moment of nothing. I am in shock to say the least. 

I don't know when I started to cry but tears are streaming down my face and I can't control it. I feel so weak and pointless.

Ray comes over and hugs me whilst repeating the same phrase over and over ..

"It will all be okay"

Wether he was saying this to calm me or saying this to reassure himself and the rest of the band I don't know. 

Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now