I'm here now (42)

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A/N- Hey everyone, so this story is doing really well and I'm so proud. Thank you all so much. Also I joined a discord server recently and a few of you recognised my username from this story which is pretty cool. I love you all, stay amazing. Killjoys live on xx


I am such a mess of emotions right now. I am still gently crying but not from sadness anymore, I feel kind of comforted like a child when you hug a parent or something. The room is kind of quiet but not silent because you can still hear the mumbles of people downstairs and he occasional shouts from Mikey.

I lay down and lean my head on his chest and I feel him take a deep breath. I decide to try and make him laugh. "Speak away mr.therapist" I say in a posh british accent to diffuse the scenario even more. He chuckles and I know everything will be fine.

He talks for a while and I just let him talk. Sometimes a rant is the best thing. He explains how much he struggled when we split apart. He said his depression came back and super strong too. We talked a while about purpose and how he felt is he wasn't doing music or looking after me he shouldn't deserve to be here. I told him it was stupid and he has as much of a place here as anyone else. 

Then he moved and hugged me with his arms tight around me. I leaned my head on his chest and counted how many times he bretahed in and out. It is almost relaxing. He whisperes back something that I'm not sure if he wanted me to hear but it tugs at my heart anyway. "I missed you so much it was unreal". That's probably one of the nicest things anyone has said to me. 

After a few more minutes I look at the clock on the wall and realise that I probably should have gone to sleep hours ago. I am so tired and my eyes are getting droopy. I stand up and head to the door to leaving muttering a gentle goodnight. But then Gee turns around to face me.

"Can you stay here, with me.. please" he said nervously adding the please as a little afterthought. I swear everyone thinks he is this swearing dare-devil but he is so sweet on the inside. I turn around and agree because I didn't really want to sleep on my own in a foreign room anyway.

I can't be bothered to put any pjamas on so I just lay down next to him on the bed. It's a double bed so there is enough space but Gee still pulls me in next to him. We lay there for a while, quietly and I can begin to feel my eyelids drooping from sleep.

Then Gee whisperes something under his breath, "Y/N I really like you". It was so quiet that if you  weren't actually listening you wouldn't have heard it. 

"Gee, I really like you too" I mumble as a reply. Then I rest my head on his chest and allow my eyelids to droop one final time. I fall asleep.  


The next morning I wake up squinting my eyes from the sunlight pouring through the open window. I look beside me but Gee is gone and if I'm honest it puts me on edge a bit. I sit up, trying to summon some life back into my legs after having slept in skinny jeans that cut off my circulation. 

I get up and walk back to my room to get some fresh clothes and a new towel so I can shower when I bump into Mikey on the landing. He gives me a friend punch on the arm and then hugs me. "Hey, I didn't see much of you last night" he says giggling. It makes me smile and I explain how I was super tired but I leave out the time I spent with Gee.

I ask for the shower and he directs me to the bathroom. I thank him and turn on the water and close the door. My leg is nearly completely healed now, I no longer have medication, just a few exercises on it daily and it feels okay most of the time now.

I climb in the shower and since this is a big house and I'm currently alone I assume I am allowed to sing. I start humming but then build up until I'm full on belting the words. It feels so good, like it's a part of me that I just have to do every now and again. I no longer have massive red scars on my arms because they have almost healed. It makes me feel so free and like maybe this is the new start I needed.

I turn the shower off and use my towel to dry off. I pull on the clothes I grabbed ( a tighter fitting Palaye Royale shirt and ripped black denim shorts) and open the door to go back to me room.

But when I open the door I swear the whole family is just standing there gawping at me. What. The. Hell.

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