Time for this to stop (20)

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We walk in silence for a while winding our way throgh streets until we reach the park. It looks beautiful, there are fairy lights strewn around the trees and the flowers have a sort of lilac glow in the moonlight. Neither of us has said a word and I'm starting to feel a bit tense but I know I can trust Gerard and that he won't let anything bad happen to me.

We sit on a bench covered over by some old oak trees and for the first time tonight Gerard looks at me. He looks serious but not angry or concerned. He almost seems a little nervous and jittery. I smile and feel my cheeks go blush red.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something about my past. I have struggled with all kinds of shit, and I was seriously suicidal a few times in my life. I know how it feels to loose control and hate yourself. Hate yourself so much you don't even recognise yourself anymore. I needed someone something to save me and luckily I had the guys. I had one night where I was gonna do it but my manager stopped me" Gerard struggled to say this you could tell. He had tears in his eyes and I suddenly feel oddly protective. I think I know where this is headed but I look down trying to avoid his eyes.

He grabs my hand and lifts my arm up. My hoodie starts falling revealing all my scars I have so desperatley tried to hide. I am crying too now tears streaming down my face because I realise how serious this actually is. I wait for the reaction but there is none. He traces his hand over my scars and some of them start bleeding but it doesn't hurt because he is being so gentle. I feel one of his tears land on my arm.

He leans down and kisses my arm softly so he won't cause any damage. "I should have known earlier" he whisperes. He takes a tissue out of his pocket and gently wipes the blood from my arm and rolls my sleeve down again. He cups my chin in his hand and forces me to look in his deep hazel eyes still filled with tears.

"I know how hard it is. I will never let you hurt yourself again. I want to be the one to keep you alive" he whisperes at me. "This needs to stop because you are too beautiful, can we make it through this life toether?" he asks quietly. Tears roll down his cheek silently and eerily and I can feel that mine are doing the same. I can't explain how long I have waited for someone who cares. Someone who actually likes me for who I am. Someone I would stay alive for.

"I guess this is the right time.I.. uh I know we just met but Y/N I really like  you, God, I like you so much please don't leave me now" he says firmly and with a voice crack he breaks. I collapse into his hug and we both sit there crying hugging and I wish this moment would last forever. He kisses my forehead and I feel safe. The world can no longer hurt me.

I reluctantly break away and whisper "I love you too, You are the first person to notice.. to care" and dry my eyes. He bends down and his soft lips brush against mine. The connection is like nothing I have ever experienced. He feels so warm and it feels like little sparks going off everywhere. It's electric. It's passionate and it means something. 

It's time to start living..

Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now