Chapter 1

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"Come on Emily, you're going to make us late... AGAIN"Liv hollered from the kitchen.

"Coming, coming"I called back as I headed down the stairs from my room.

"GOD, you take forever to get ready"

"Sorry, but you know he might be there." I answered as I emerged through the kitchen door in my little black dress. By 'He' I was referring to Jake, my crush for as long as I can remember. When we were little we used to hang out a lot, that was partly due to our mothers being best friends and all, but still you could say we were close. As we grew older we started seeing less and less of each other, now, I barely see him, just occasionally on parties since he almost never goes to class but that hasn't stopped me from liking him.

I opened the passenger door of Liv's car and got in, careful as to not crease my dress before we even got to the party. I just loved the smell of the new car, her parents had given it to her for her 16th birthday, 5 months ago and I just loved to have a chauffeur to drive me around since I was to lazy to get my driver's license even though I was already 16.

"Hurry up Liv, now who's taking forever?" I teased her.

"Shut up, you wouldn't even have a ride if it wasn't for me and if you keep on with this I'm going to leave you here."

She was kidding of course, Liv- short for Olivia- has been my best friend since we met in Kindergarten, when we were only 5 years old. We've been inseparable ever since. She would never leave me here, even if I annoy the hell out of her sometimes.

15 minutes later we arrived at the party, fashionably late as always thanks to me. I hoped he was already there. As soon as we walked through the door I saw him, or well, at least I saw his golden brown hair perfectly styled, standing in the far corner surrounded by friends. His gorgeous brown eyes suddenly turned to look at me. I, of course pretended that I hadn't seen him, but I could see him checking me out, out of the corner of my eye for a solid 5 seconds before going back to talking with his friends.

"C'mon Ems, let's go find some cute guys to talk to." Liv said as she saw my face of disappointment when he didn't even wave at me. I mean, I don't even know why I got disappointed, I ignored him too. "Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky tonight." She continued, teasing me. She knew I hadn't had my first kiss yet and she teased me anytime she could. Its not like I hadn't had the opportunity to kiss guys before, I had, I just didn't want my first kiss to be with some random guy who I didn't have feelings for. I wanted my first kiss to be memorable, unforgettable, with someone I liked. I know, I know, I'm such a romantic.

We went around to see who else was at the party, we greeted some of our friends from school and pretty soon two guys we didn't know came to chat with us. They were kind of cute, not Jake level cute, but still, it was something.

"Hi ladies, my name's Tyler and this is Luke." The tall brown haired guy said, sounding just a little bit tipsy while pointing to his kind of redhead haired friend.

"Hi, I'm Olivia, but you can call me Liv, and this is Emily." Liv answered, introducing ourselves. We started chatting with the guys and they told us that they went to a different high school, but they were in the same year as us. I got distracted and started looking for the only person I cared about, Jake, I caught him glaring at the boys that were talking to us and as soon as he saw me staring at him, he turned his gaze away.

Not 5 minutes had passed when I felt someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who." I heard a voice whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I would recognize that voice anywhere, anytime.

"Jake." I said as I removed his hands from my eyes. As soon as I turned around to face him, he put his arms around me and hugged me for a really long time. I could see Liv's puzzled look, which I guess was kind of the same look I had plastered on my face. Why was he hugging me like this? Could he be jealous? C'mon Ems of course he isn't, he's never been into you.

He finally stopped hugging me and stood there, staring at Tyler and Luke. "Are these guys bothering you?" He asked me.

"What? Of course not! What are you talking about Jake?" I answered and I swear he started glaring even harder at the boys.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." And before I could protest he took me by the hand and lead me across the room.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing? I was honestly having a good time with those boys." I asked annoyedly.

"Those guys? Are you serious? Tyler's a player and so is Luke."

"And so are you. So what's the problem?"

"You haven't even dated someone, you have zero experience, trust me when I tell you, neither of them are the right guy for you."

"Jake, seriously, stop bossing me around, you don't get to decide who I speak or don't speak to, you're not my father."

"I know I'm not your father, but you're kind of like a little sister to me. I mean, we grew up together. It's not nice watching those guys trying to get into your pants." Wow, little sister, I'd been sister zoned. That hurt like hell. I hoped he wouldn't notice how much those words hurt, I mean, being told by your crush that he sees you as your little sister? Definitely not cool at all.

"You're only a year and 10 months older than me, so stop controlling me Jake, I mean it." And with that, I turned on my heel and left to find Liv. Who did he think he was? Telling me who I could talk to and to whom I shouldn't, ugh I hate you Jake for getting inside my head like this.


Author's Note:

Hey there guys! This is the second story I write, I've been wanting to write it for quite a while now and I've finally got the time to start doing it. I'm really hoping you enjoy it and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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