Chapter 25

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Emily's POV:

It's been two weeks already, two very very long weeks. It took literally all of my will power not to unblock Jake from any of my social media accounts or my phone. And then when ever I saw him at school it took even more will power not to talk to him or even look at him. He did tried to bump into me during the first few days after the party at school. I purposely avoided him, I started arriving early to homeroom so that I wouldn't bump into him in the hallway, my friends and I would go to the Starbucks across the street to have lunch every day. I know, they were super nice with me and didn't mind spending the extra money just so I wouldn't have to see Jake in the school's cafeteria. And then, since I couldn't avoid him forever I did end up running into him a couple of times, but when he tried to call my name I just ignored him and walked faster. I was still so angry and disappointed at myself, I didn't like that he'd make me feel this way and I just wanted to avoid him as much as I could. I knew that if I talked to him I would eventually cave in and be with him again. But that couldn't happen, I couldn't let it happen. I had been foolish one, twice, I don't think so.

After a couple of days of me avoiding him in school I think he finally took the hint that I didn't want to see him or speak to him. Took him long enough. And he stopped trying to talk to me and when we did see each other both of us would turn around and look the other way, pretending we hadn't seen each other. I know, totally lame and kiddie like behavior, but at least this was better than getting back with him and risk being hurt again.

Then on Tuesday, I was having a really great day. I hadn't seen Jake at school all day today and that rarely happened, so that made it a pretty awesome day. That is until I walked out of school and headed over to the parking lot. Today was Liv's day of driving us to school, we now took turns since my parents bought me a car and I got my license. We wanted to be all eco friendly so that's why we decided that we'd still ride together to school, plus it had been our tradition since we were in middle school. We couldn't break it now. As soon as I walked through the entrance gates and into the parking lot I spotted Liv talking to some guy in a black leather jacket. I recognized it immediately, what the fuck was she doing talking to Jake?

I think they noticed me approaching because Jake quickly hurried over to his car while Liv pretended as if nothing had happened. But I had seen them. I had seen my best friend talking to the guy that had broke my heart to a million pieces when he kissed some random girl at a party. So she'd better start explaining what the hell she was doing talking to him. I finally reached the car and when Liv saw my straight face she knew that I had seen them talking. We both got into the car without saying a thing, until Liv broke the silence.

"I know, I know what you're thinking. That I'm a backstabbing bitch, that how could I be talking to him when he hurt you and all that shit. But I have a reason, trust me." She explained.

"Okay, then explain, please." I told her annoyed and with my straight face still on.

"Why don't we go have lunch at Panera? Then we can talk peacefully and I'll explain everything there I swear."

"Okay, fine. Let's go. But just promise me you weren't flirting with him or anything."

"What? Seriously? Do you really think that low of me bitch? Of course I wasn't fucking flirting with him, I'm with Luke, I'm not a fucking hoe!" She exclaimed. Well, now that I think about it, it was really a bit rude of me to ask her that, of course I knew she wasn't flirting with him or anything but it just made me so angry. The thought that she talked to him and smelled his cologne  and stared into his deep brown eyes while I couldn't because I was still avoiding him. God I missed him so much, I don't care how much he hurt me, the love that I feel for him won't just disappear from one second to another. That's why it was being so hard for me to avoid him every time I saw him, but I had to be strong, I had to put myself first.

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