Chapter 10

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"Is that us?" I asked as my bottom lip quivered.

"It is." Jake confirmed. Oh god, please kill me now. I panicked, I don't know what to do, I haven't even had my first kiss yet, oh my god. I turned to look back at Jake who was eyeing me expectantly, as if waiting for my permission to kiss me. I gave him a look that let him know that it was okay for him to make a move and he didn't hesitate to do it. 

His lips suddenly touched mine, sending a bolt of electricity all through my body. All I could think was: I'm getting kissed, my first kiss, by non other than Jake, in a big ass screen. OMG. The kiss was slow at first, his soft lips touching mine, and then gradually it started to get more intense, his mouth increasing the rhythm of the kiss with every passing moment. I stepped up my game and followed what Jake was doing. It just all felt so surreal, I couldn't believe that this was happening. It was as if a wave of lust and possibly even love, swarmed me.  It felt like the whole world around us had been muted and it was only us, in our perfect little bubble, but I knew that it would burst any second now.

We finally broke from our kiss, our foreheads still touching and we just looked into each other's eyes for a second before turning our heads to look at the whole stadium. They were all cheering, just like they'd done with all of the other couples. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I should look at Jake, if he was expecting me to say something, or what. I swear that butterflies had just exploded in my stomach, but I was still petrified in my seat.

"Oh my god, everyone saw that." I muttered, embarrassed.

"Yep, they did. But relax, Ems, it was just a kiss." He responded nonchalantly. Well, it sure as hell didn't feel as 'only' a kiss. I turned back to face the court, acting as if I were paying attention to the next victims of the Kiss Cam, as if I could even focus on anything else right now.

"Oh and for a girl who has never kissed someone before, you were pretty damn good." I suddenly heard Jake whisper into my ear, sending chills down my spine. I couldn't help but break into a smile and turned to face him.

"You're a pretty good kisser as well." I responded blushing and then I saw him blush as well. I turned around to face my friends, they were all staring at me in awe, I just wanted to talk to them and tell them every little detail about how it felt and hear all of what they had to say about it. But that would have to wait, we couldn't just all get up and go talk in the bathroom, Jake would realize we were talking about him.

During the rest of the game all I could think about was that great glorious first kiss, I didn't even pay attention to what was happening in the court anymore. Jake Williams had kissed me, my crush since forever, the most popular guy at school, the football star, he had kissed ME, in front of fifteen thousand people. All I could think about was the feeling of his lips against mine and how I wanted to feel that feeling again. I wanted to kiss him again. For someone who just saw me as his little sister, he sure kissed me like he meant it, like he wanted to kiss me too. 

Suddenly I saw everyone start getting up, the game was over. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I hadn't even realized the game ended, I turned to look at the screen, Rockets had won, 113-89. I wasn't ready for a whole ride back home sitting alone in the car with Jake. I didn't know how I'd survive.

"I just have to go to the bathroom really quick before we go." I told Jake as we were exiting the arena.

"Oh, I'll come with you." Liv chimed in, she didn't even wait for an answer, she took my hand and dragged me all the way to the bathroom. As soon as we were inside she grabbed both of my arms, started jumping up and down and screamed:

"Oh my god Ems!!  Oh my god! Jake just kissed you, in front of a full arena!" 

"I know, I know, I can't believe it happened."

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