Chapter 14

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My mom kept trying to comfort me and she felt terrible for not realizing it, but honestly there was no way she could've known, I just wanted her to stop blaming herself. She wasn't the one that procreated that little fucker, nor raised him, it wasn't her fault that he was that messed up.

It was about 10 o'clock when she left my room, until both of us finally stopped crying. I was so glad that I had finally told her, it probably wasn't the best way to get it all out, in the dinner table and everything, but at least she knew and those fuckers could finally realize the kind of sick psycho that they had for a son. I hadn't even checked my phone and I had promised both Liv and Jake that we'd talk later. I checked my text messages.

Liv: Heyy girl, so do you want to plan Valentines?

She had sent that text about 2 hours ago, I looked at the clock, by now she would probably be sleeping already, since tomorrow is a school day and she likes to get her beauty rest. I texted her back, knowing she wouldn't respond, at least not tonight.

Me: Sorry Liv, the fucking dinner took longer than I expected. Can we talk about it at school 2morrow?

Next I checked Jake's conversation.

Jake: Hey beautiful, how's the dinner going?

Jake: I miss you already, I can't wait to see you tomorrow

Jake: Are the guests there yet?

Jake: Ems...

Jake: Hello, you were the one who told me to keep you entertained

Jake: I had already prepared some jokes and everything to entertain you

Jake: Jk...maybe

Jake: Well, I'm guessing it's going pretty well, considering you haven't even checked your phone.

Jake was one of those people that kept on texting and texting, having a conversation with himself thru the texts if the person he was trying to text with didn't answer. I always found it hilarious, but I'm guessing that right now he wouldn't be too happy, considering his last text, which he had just sent 10 minutes ago. I decided to text him back immediately. I debated for a second about telling him who had come over for dinner tonight, I opted to tell him because I didn't want to start our relationship, if we can call it that, by lying.

Me: I'm sorry Jake, it's just that dinner didn't go as planned, it was awful, you're never going to believe what happened.

Not even a minute had passed when my phone began ringing. It was Jake, of course, I didn't even hessitate to answer.

"What happened baby?" He spoke concerned, aww I just loved it when he called me that, it made me forget about everything that was wrong in my life. As soon as I heard his voice, this lump in my throat formed, fuck, I was going to cry.

"It was...Tyler's family that came over...for dinner." I said through my tears.

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner Ems? I would've gone to your house and kick that dick's ass."

"It all happened to fast. I was shocked, I couldn't believe it that out of all the people that live here, it had to be him."

"But are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Because if he did, I swear I'm going to kill him." He asked enraged.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry."

"I'm glad Ems. But, did he try to do anything to you at dinner?"

"Well..." I started, choking up as the memories came back, not only the ones from last night, but the ones from the bonfire too.

"What? He did? I'm going to kill that piece of shit Emily." I couldn't even recognize his voice from how angry he was.

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