Chapter 26

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Emily's POV:

I woke up the next day tired of course since I had spent a lot of time thinking about what I should do with my relationship with Jake. I mean I loved him, a lot, but I just don't know if love is enough to keep us going. Everywhere we go girls are always staring at him and drooling all over him, I don't know if I can trust him enough when he swore to Liv that he wouldn't get into another situation like that. I mean if you have girls swooning at your feet everywhere you turn, sooner or later you're going to cave in. At least one of them is going to try to make a move on him again and I just don't know if I can handle that. If seeing him being kissed by Michaela this time shattered my heart into a million pieces, imagine what will happen if this situation presents itself again, I'll die, no joke.

I decided that Jake and I needed to talk. Like today, so I decided that I'd text him after school. We could meet up at my house since my parents won't be around to hear what we'll talk about. I head over to Liv's to pick her up. I actually enjoy driving a lot, who would've thought? It's just so peaceful and it is great to be able to go wherever I want whenever I want without having to rely on anyone. I arrived there at exactly 7:30, right on time.

"Wow, you actually made it on time today." Liv teased me as she got into the car.

"Shut up Liv." I answered.

"So what have you thought about Jake and you? Will you talk to him?" She inquired.

"Yeah, we definitely need to talk. But I still don't know where I stand. There are a lot of pros about being with him but also many cons. So I don't know."

"I understand, it is a big decision. I just don't want you to rush into it and then regret whatever you decide to choose."

"Don't worry, I won't." I told her as we pulled up to the school's parking lot.

We headed over to homeroom but then I saw him standing by the door of my classroom. So much for avoiding him, there was no fucking way I could avoid him now, I couldn't be this rude, I couldn't humiliate him in front of the entire school. Shit. Olivia quickened her pace and mumbled a little Hi to him before heading into the classroom, leaving me alone with him. Such a great friend that she is!

"Hey." I started, unsure of how to proceed.

"Hi, did you talk to Liv?" He asked me.

"Yeah, she explained it all to me."

"So, what do you think?" He wanted to know, there was hope in his eyes. Just then the bell rang. Phew, saved by the bell.

"Umm...why don't we meet at my house after school and we can talk there." I told him.

"Okay sure, I'll come on over. Is four okay?"

"Yes, I'll see you there then. Bye." I responded heading into the classroom, not even waiting for his response. I didn't do it to be rude or anything, but I just couldn't keep on staring at his deep brown eyes and those rosy lips and not want to kiss him. I just wanted to throw myself at him and hold him real tight. Tell him how much I missed him, how much I loved him. And now he was going to come on over to my place. What the hell was I going to do then? If I couldn't even stand being close to him for a minute, how was I going to be alone with him in my house and not kiss him?

Jake's POV:

Liv had told me to give Emily time and space so that she could think things through. But I couldn't wait any longer, I just needed to know. So I decided to head early to school and wait outside her homeroom until she arrived. I knew she wouldn't ignore me there, in front of everyone, she was not that kind of girl. And just as I had thought, she didn't. She stood right there in front of me and we talked. She looked so beautiful, I hadn't been this close to her for more than two weeks. I had forgotten the smell of her perfume, the way her eyes light up whenever she talks and the small dimple that forms in her right cheek when she smiles. God, I just wanted to kiss her, right here on the spot, I didn't care about anything else. I just wanted to tell her how much I missed her, that I was really sorry for hurting her, but most importantly I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how she was the only girl that I had eyes for. As corny as that sounded, it was the truth. I didn't like any other girl, I never had and I never would, for me she was the only girl that existed.

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