Chapter 2

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At exactly 7:30 I heard Liv's car pull up my driveway, just in time and as always, I was running late. I finished zipping up my skirt, put on my shoes and hurried down the stairs, grabbing a granola bar and water bottle on my way out.

"See you later." I called to no one in particular as I closed the front door behind me, I didn't know where my mom or dad were and I wasn't going to waste time looking for them just to say goodbye.

"You're unbelievable Ems, there hasn't been a single day, ever since we've been riding together to school that you're ready on time. How do you do it?"

"Well, it takes time to look this beautiful." I responded as she nudged me. We both started laughing because I looked like hell. I don't know why, but I can never wake up early to go to school, I set up 5 alarms in the morning, but I never get up before the fifth one goes off. That only leaves me enough time to brush my teeth, splash some water on my face, get changed and race through the door. 

"I could set my alarm earlier, but then what fun would it be to arrive on time to school?"  I said as Liv, rounded the corner into the parking lot of our beloved high school. 

"Oh shut up." Olivia answered as we got out of the car. As if on cue, the second bell rang, signaling that we were supposed to be in homeroom in less than a minute. Liv darted through the school parking lot, running to get to class before she was late. While me on the other hand, I took my time, I didn't care if I got late to class, I had an agreement with Mrs. Hammond, she wouldn't give me any tardy slips and I wouldn't say anything about seeing her making out with Mr. Morrison, our vice principal. Ugh, just thinking about that time when I forgot my notebook in class and ran back to get it and saw, well, that, makes me sick to my stomach. 

I was busy checking Instagram while walking the hallway when I bumped into someone and fell right to the floor.

"Oh, of course it just HAD to be you. Just my luck." I snorted as I saw who I had bumped in to. 

"You're pretty damn lucky I guess, getting to see someone so handsome to make your day brighter." Jake exhorted as he extended his hand to help me get up. He pulled me up with such strength that when I got up our faces were mere inches apart. Oh god, his lips looked so kissable.

"Oh come on, you wish, it's me who made your day better." I counter attacked playfully.

"Ems, Ems, Ems." Was all that came out of his mouth as he stepped away from me and left for his class.

"What took you so long snail?" Liv wondered as soon as I sat next to her, not bothering to pay attention to whatever announcement Mrs. Hammond was making today.

"Guess who I just bumped into in the hallway?" I lifted my eyebrows.

"Really? Nice way to start your day."  She winked at me.

"Gosh, I just wish he wasn't so gorgeous, or he didn't go to this school, or that I didn't have a crush on him, it would just make it way easier for just to be friends like before. I don't ask for much."

"Yeah sure." Liv snickered. Mrs. Hammond stopped mid sentence and glared at us, marking the end of our conversation.

"Guys!" Massie hollered from across the cafeteria in our free period motioning for me and Liv to come and sit with her and Aubrey, our two other best friends. I was close with them, but not as close as I was with Liv, she was basically my sister.

"You're coming to the bonfire tomorrow night right?" Aubrey questioned us as soon as we sat down.

"I don't know, I'm really not in the mood." I responded when I felt a sharp pain in my kneecap. "What the fuck Olivia, that hurt."

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