Chapter 7

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As soon as Jake left I went back upstairs to my room. I was so bored so I just opened Netflix on my computer and decided to watch an episode of Gossip Girl, this was the 5th time I saw the show but I just liked it so much, I couldn't help it. I heard my phone buzzing in my bed side table and reached for it. I'd gotten a text from Liv.

Liv: Where did you go to last night? We couldn't find you!

Me: You won't believe this.

Liv: What is it? Spill already.

Me: Jake dragged me out of the party, like he was my father. Can you believe it?

Liv: What? Seriously?

Me: Yeah, he literally carried me all the way to the car because of course I didn't want to go.

Liv: Omfg, he can be such a party pooper.

Me: I know and that's not all. I was dancing with Liam and then Jake came over and told him that I was his cousin and that he should back off.

Liv: What? That little fucker. Unbelievable. 

Me: I know, I really wanted to kill him right there on the spot. 

I decided to keep our little sleepover to myself, because honestly I didn't know where Jake and I stood. One minute he was all charming, laughing with me and just being my friend and then the next one he would be controlling my love life, lecturing me and dragging me out of parties. And what was it with him and his snarky comments, like the one about showering together, or me wanting to see him naked, or sneaking into my room while I was taking a shower. I was so confused, I didn't know whether he saw me as a friend, a little sister, a cousin, a person to bully,  a romantic interest or god knows what else. He keeps sending me all kinds of mixed signals and I am just so tired of it. I snapped out of my thoughts and continued texting my best friend.

Liv: He can be so annoying sometimes.

Me: Tell me about it. But enough talking about me, tell me, did Luke make it to the party?

Liv: OMG Yes! I have so much to tell you.

Me: Well, then spill bitchh! What are you waiting for

Liv: You know when we were going to go to the dancefloor... 

Me: Of course I remember you idiot, you left me there on my own

Liv: Sorry about that, it's just that I got a text from him telling me he was there already and then I spotted him and went to say hi.

Me: Fine, I forgive you, I was too hammered to even dance to be honest. Continue...

Liv: Of course you forgive me idiot. Well then, we started talking and shit and he offered me a ride home so I agreed. And then we got into his car and he drove me home and he opened the door for me and everything, when we got in AND when we got out out the car as well, isn't he so cute?


Liv: I knooow and then he walked me to the door and well you knoww

Me: Do tell....

Liv: Well he hugged me goodbye and then he kissed me, like this really really long great kiss



Me: That's great, I'm so happy for youu

Liv: I'm so happy as well, and then when he got home he texted me and wished me sweet dreams, and OMFG, I just like him sooo much. We've been texting non stop all morning. We've even made plans already for next week.

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