Chapter 31

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Emily's POV:

I knew that something would go wrong at this party, I shouldn't have come. I tensed as soon as I heard his voice. He was only a few feet away from me, but I paralyzed. What the fuck was he doing here? Liv promised me that he wouldn't be here. I needed to get out of there, like yesterday. My friends saw me get all tense and nervous.

"Are you okay Emily?" Aubrey asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to go get some air." I responded.

"You sure?" Massie asked.

"Yes, don't worry." I told them.

"I'll come with you, you stay here Massie." Aubrey told us, we didn't want Massie to stop talking to Jacob, he was her dream crush.

"Thank you." I responded as we both started walking towards the door. The only problem was, that to get there we had to pass right next to where Luke and Tyler were still hugging. Shit, I hoped he wouldn't see me. But of course, I being my unlucky self didn't get what I hoped for.

"Well, well, well, look at who we got here." Tyler called out when he saw me. I froze right there in my spot. "Why are you even here?" He asked as he got closer to me. Liv, Aubrey and Luke just staring at us with what the fuck faces.

"I'm just trying to leave, so can you please let me?" I pleaded, not even looking him in the eyes.

"You won't even look at me? After what you did to me? Seriously? i went to fucking military school because of you." He exclaimed angrily, making a bunch of people turn to look at us. Fuck.

"What I did to you? Are you kidding me?" I asked him, getting worked up as well. " Just let me go through." I said as I extended my hand to try to move him out of my way, but he grabbed my arm, and not in a nice way. "Let go of my arm Tyler."

"What the fuck is going on between you two?" Liv asked confused, causing Tyler's grip to become stronger.

"Seriously Tyler, stop it, let me go." I said raising my voice.

"Dude, what the fuck? Let go of her arm, it turning fucking red!" Luke exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up, all of you." Tyler screamed at us. I was so fucking scared and with every second that passed his grip became tighter and tighter. My hand was starting to go numb. I felt tears forming in the rims of my eyes.

"Do you want me to punch you again? Was last time not enough?" I suddenly heard him scream at Tyler from behind me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. "Let her arm go." He demanded, but Tyler wouldn't let go. Jake didn't even hesitate and threw a punch straight to his jawline, making him lose his hold of me. But Jake being Jake, didn't stop there. He continued trying to punch him and then Tyler started hitting him back. Pretty soon they were both on the floor and I could see Jake beating the shit out of Tyler. Aubrey and Liv were hugging me as tears fell down my face. No one knew what was going on, no one knew why Jake and Tyler were fighting or why Tyler held me the way he did, just the three of us. 

Luke and a bunch of other guys tried to break them apart. I couldn't even see what was happening, Massie rushed to my side and the three of them started asking me what had happened but I just couldn't stop crying. I was so scared and angry at the same time. Why did he always had to ruin everything for me? The guys finally managed to stop Tyler and Jake from punching each other. I could see the rage in Jake's eyes, he wanted to kill Tyler, no kidding. Four guys had to held each one back until they calmed down. Everyone at the party was trying to figure out what went down, they all wanted to know why they fought. I finally managed to control my tears.

Jake got out of the boy's grip and came rushing to my side.

"Baby are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he do something to you?" He asked, and I guessed he didn't even realize that he had called me babe.

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