Chapter 6

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I woke up the following day and I could already feel my head throbbing, I felt as if it were going to explode. Great, fucking great, I just loved being hungover. I gathered all of my strength to pull myself up from the bed, without opening my eyes just yet, I just couldn't bear opening them. I put both of my feet down on the floor, but something didn't feel quite right.

"Oww, that's my stomach. Get off of me." A sleepy voice answered. I panicked, who the hell was sleeping in my bedroom's floor? My eyes darted open and I peeked at whom ever the voice belonged to.

"Jake? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked puzzled. He just grunted and shuffled around, before finally stretching and opening his eyes to look at my shocked face.

"What do you mean? You asked me to stay, and given the state you were in, I couldn't leave you here alone, you could've vomited on your sleep or something. Someone had to look after you." Holy shit, he was just so fucking cute, he cared about me.

"Aww, thanks Jake." I replied before getting out of bed. Suddenly regretting it as I saw what I was wearing. I was in my undies. What the fuck. I quickly got back under the covers before Jake saw me.
"I was fully clothed when we went to sleep right?" I asked, praying he would say yes.

"Yeah, why?" Oh thank god, he hadn't seen me in my undies.

"Could you just pass me a t shirt and some shorts from the drawer please?" I asked with puppy eyes. He grunted before getting up, oh my god, he was shirtless. His body, wow, it was the body of a greek god, it was just perfect, his 6-pack perfectly defined, his muscular back, just wow. This didn't help with my crush on him, with every second that passed it only became stronger. Too bad he only sees me as his little sister and cousin as well according to what he said yesterday's night. He caught me staring at him. Shit.

"You've got some drool, hanging right there from the corner of your mouth." He mocked me while laughing. "I don't blame you, I'm a piece of art." He continued as he did a turn, showing of his assets before throwing me the clothes.

"Yeah right. Keep dreaming Jake." I grabbed the clothes and tried to get dressed under the covers, it was way harder that you'd think it was, specially with my throbbing head. "So are you going to stay shirtless the whole day or what?"

"You wish Hayes, I'm just looking for my shirt, I have to cover up myself to give other guys a chance." He was so conceited, but I liked him anyway. He finally found his shirt over by my desk and put it on while I finished getting dressed as well, still under the covers.

"Gosh, I need some aspirin, my head is going to explode."

"Well yeah, you drank all of the alcohol in the party yesterday. I'm surprised you're not worse."

"Stop being so dramatic, I didn't even drink that much."

"You couldn't even stand up by yourself, I even had to carry you to the car."

"Oh my god, really? I'm so sorry Jake. I'm sorry you didn't have fun at the party because you had to take care of me."

"Don't worry, the party wasn't even that great." He said as he leaned on one of my bed posts. Gosh, he looked so great. I just wanted to go and grab his muscular arms and kiss those beautiful rosy lips of his.

"At least let me make you some breakfast. After all the trouble you've had to put up with, it's the least I could do."

"That'd be nice, I'm starving actually."

"When aren't you?"

I got up from the bed, and the headache got even worse, I didn't even think it was possible that it could get worse. I went to my bathroom to find the aspirins, poured myself a glass of water and chugged down the pills.

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