Chapter 4

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The following Monday morning Liv came to pick me up, at 7:30 a.m., same time as always. And again, I was barely ready, I hurried down the stairs, waved goodbye to my parents and little brother Max who were having breakfast in the kitchen table and ran to her car. I hadn't told anyone what had happened on Friday evening at the bonfire, not even her, I was just so ashamed. When she called me on Saturday morning to find out why I had left early I just told her that I wasn't feeling well.

"So, tell me all about it." I demanded.

"He's such a good guy, I swear to you. He's so sweet, I stayed with him all night, we talked and talked, for hours. You know how that I always get bored easily, but with him, it was different, there weren't any awkward silences, no dull moment, it was great." Liv spilled.

"But he didn't try to kiss you or anything right? He didn't force you into doing anything you didn't want?" I asked scaredly. After all, Luke was Tyler's friend, you could never be too sure. I hoped Luke wasn't like that Tyler bastard.

"Not at all, he didn't even try to kiss me. Oh my god, do you think he's gay?" She suddenly asked concerned.

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Well, he didn't try to kiss me."

"Oh relax Liv, just because he didn't try to kiss you on your first 'date' doesn't mean he's gay, maybe he just really likes you and doesn't want to rush things."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. He's been texting me non stop since that day."

"See, he's into you. You've got nothing to worry about."

We pulled up to the school's parking lot and found one last free space. Liv quickly got out and made a run for homeroom, same as always. I, on the other side, took my time, as always as well. We were so different. Liv was always ready on time, organized, responsible, she always dressed as if she were on a runway, had perfect makeup and her beautiful light brown hair was always flawless. I was the complete opposite, I was always running late, forgetful , unorganized, wore the first outfit I saw on the closet every morning, wore little to no makeup and my long brown hair was always a mess. I honestly don't know how we became best friends, but I'm glad we did.

I arrived 5 minutes late to homeroom and sat next to Liv, Mrs. Hammond just acknowledged my presence and continued giving the morning announcements, as she always did.

"Why does she never give you any tardy slips? You're always late, you should have detention like every day." Liv complained.

"I have my secrets." I playfully said as I winked at her.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, both of us got up from our back row seat desks and headed to our lockers to get the books for our next classes. I had math and Liv had biology. So she headed in the opposite direction I went to get to her next class. I took about 15 steps when I saw Jake. He was by his locker, getting his books. It was so weird, I hadn't seen him in school since like forever, he had the worst attendance record. I passed next to his locker, because there was no other way to go. Even though we'd had a great time on Friday night, I was still ashamed at what had happened at the bonfire.

"How you've been?" He called as I passed by and it took me by surprise, we almost never, ever spoke in school. Whenever we saw each other we just acknowledged the others' presence by giving a slight nod and then carrying on with whatever we were doing.

"I'm doing okay, considering. How about you? Did your mom get mad at you for getting home late on Friday?"

"Shh, I don't want people to hear that, I told you." He said smiling at me. "And no, I didn't get into any trouble, you know my mom, she's all talk and no action."

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