Chapter 19

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The bell rang, finally, signaling the end of the school day and the beginning of the weekend, at last! I sprung from my seat, eager to get to my house and prepare everything for my evening with Jake, to celebrate Valentine's. I quickly went to my locker to gather all the gifts I'd received throughout the day, I had gotten a lot from many different people, but Jake's was the best, his dozen roses were the most perfect ones, the most red and most beautiful, I just loved them.

"Hurry up hoe." Liv hollered at me, she was already standing outside her car, waiting for me, as usual. I honestly don't know how she does it, there hasn't been a single time that I arrive before she does. Sometimes, I even sprint from my last class to the car without stopping and even then she beats me to it.

"Coming, coming." I said as I tried walking faster but cautious as to not to drop any of the gifts I was carrying. She helped me get the door open because my hands were full, literally. As soon as I was settled in my seat and she was in hers we took off, not wanting to waste any minute more.

"So are you excited for your plans with Jake?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. He'll come over at 5 so I have about 2 hours to get everything ready. Do you think it will be enough time?"

"It's more than enough, don't worry Ems. I'm sure it will all be perfect."

"I hope so. So what are you and Luke doing today?"

"Well, first we'll meet up at my place so that I can give him the cake I baked him and the card I bought. Then he's taking me out to dinner to this new fancy italian restaurant that just opened over by Branch Crossing Drive."

"That's so cute. I've seen the restaurant, it looks fancy as hell."

"Well, what can I say? Luke knows me too well, he knows I have an expensive taste."

"Of course you do Liv. I can't wait to hear all about it, promise me you'll call me tomorrow."

"I will of course, and I can't wait to hear about your romantic evening with Jake either."

"We can go out to lunch tomorrow or you can come over to my place, since my parents are out of town."

"Yeah, we'll see how everything goes, maybe by that time tomorrow you won't be done with Jake, if you know what I mean." She answered winking at me, and of course I knew exactly what she meant.

"Shut up Liv. Anyway, thank you for driving me home, talk to you tomorrow. Good luck on your date."

"No problem, and yeah we'll definitely talk tomorrow, good luck to you too."

I quickly got inside my house, placed all the flowers in a vase with water so that they wouldn't die and then proceeded to get everything ready. First I moved the football table and the hockey tables that were dead center in the middle of the game room, I pushed them off to the sides to make room for the blankets and pillows. I went to get the fluffiest blankets that I could find and laid 2 of them over the floor and then another 4 on top of them, so that there would be kind of like a cushion and we'd have something to cover ourselves with without sitting on the floor. Then I went around gathering throw pillows and regular pillows from all over the house and I arranged all of them lining the blankets and then 4 pillows over by the top so that we could sit on them or rest our heads in them.

I decided to grab some petals from several of the flowers that I'd received and threw them over the floor, creating a path from the front door to the game room, so that it would look a bit more romantic. Next thing were snacks, I gathered brownies, cookies, cheese strings, crackers, cream cheese, peanut butter, nutella, strawberries bananas and marshmallows. Yeah, I know it is a lot of food, but I wanted there to be variety. I put all of them in little heart shaped containers and took them to the game room. I brought down my parents' breakfast tables, you know the ones that you use when someone brings you breakfast to bed and I placed them on top of the blankets. I arranged the food on top of them, along with some napkins and more rose petals. I brought a little cooler that I filled with refreshments and a bottle of red wine that I had found, to kick the romance up a notch. I just hope my parents won't notice that it is missing. Oh well.

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