Chapter 27

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Emily's POV:

The next following days Jake and I started hanging out more again, as friends of course. We'd have lunch together with all of our friends and talk and joke around. On Wednesday when I got to math class and Michaela was being all nice to me I just told her

"I already know. And just so you know, what you did was a really bitchy move." She just started at me with a surprised face. Guess she thought I would never find out.

"I'm really sorry Emily. I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry. It's just that he is so hot, I couldn't help it."

"Just hear yourself Michaela, how could you not help it? You're not a fucking animal that can't control her impulses, even a dog can!"I exclaimed back angry because of her lame half ass apology.

"I'm sorry, really. But please understand, I mean, I had him right there in front of me, I just had to kiss him."

"Oh my god Michaela, just shut up, please, you're making it all worse. You ruined my relationship just because you couldn't control your 'impulses'. And btw you're making yourself sound like a slut, honestly." I stated. I was so fucking angry at her. Like seriously? She just couldn't help it but kiss him? I was never this mean to anyone, I mean it. But today I just snapped, she said all the right words and made me snap. 

"Sorry." Was all she mumbled under her breath as she fought to control her tears. Good. I hope those she is able to control.

Of course Michaela didn't show up at lunch that day, or the following days. Thankfully because I don't know if I can handle seeing her there after knowing that she is the reason Jake and I broke up. She's the reason my heart broke into a million pieces and most importantly she is the reason why I now have major trust issues. So thanks Michaela, you ruined me and my relationship. You got off easy considering what you did to me.

The girls and I hung out with the football team during lunch, along with Jake of course, as friends. They had a very important game coming up this Saturday, it was the game that defined whether they would pass to the play offs or not. It was major. 

"So will you come to the game tomorrow?" Jake asked me during lunch on Friday.

"Yeah, of course, we'll be there supporting the team. We wouldn't miss it." I responded.

"It will be great to have you there. Cheering for us." He answered with a smile.

"Wait, who said that I would be cheering for you? I'm rooting for the other team." I joked.

"What?" He said as I chuckled.

"I'm just kidding, relax. Of course I'll be rooting for our team Jake." I told him.

"Good. Then after the game we're going to celebrate the victory at Jacob's house, so if you guys want to come you're invited." He told me and my friends.

"Wow, cocky much? To celebrate the victory?" I asked him, I couldn't believe how conceited he was, they were already 100% sure that they would win the game, wow.

"We'll win. We always do, you know it Ems." He responded.

" Of course we will be at the party. Thank you for inviting us Jake." Massie responded as she shot me a shut up look with her eyes. She had a little crush on Jacob, so of course she wanted to go the party at his place.

On Saturday all of my friends came over to my house to get ready. The all loved getting ready here because I was the one with the biggest closet and bathroom. My closet was a 2 story closet and it had a full wall of floor to ceiling mirror, which was great when a bunch of girls were trying on clothes at the same time. The bathroom had lots of counter space and great lighting, making it the best place to apply on our makeup. Plus, lets not forget about my makeup addiction, which was the actual reason that everyone wanted to get ready at my place, they loved my makeup collection and I couldn't blame them, I loved it too. I had all sorts of different shades of foundation, blushes, lipsticks, anything you can imagine. I went through a phase last year in which I was all about the contour, and that's when I bought a very wide range of shades. Good thing that I now toned it down a notch and do a more natural makeup, I look way better.

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