Chapter 20

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I still can't believe it. Yesterday Jake and I had sex for the first time, an now as I lay here next to him I just can't stop thinking about it. It was just perfect, he was so caring and comprehensive given the fact that I'd almost been raped a month before and I was a bit terrified, to say the least. And last but not least, he told me he loved me, which was something major. 

I laid there, with Jake's arm still around my naked chest, spooning, I didn't want this moment to end. I felt him wake up after about ten minutes and he starts planting small kisses on my neck, so cute. I turned around to face him and give him a sweet kiss on the lips before I started to get up. As soon as I did I realized that I was still naked, I don't know how I could have forgotten that and in an instant my face turned red. It was one thing for Jake to see me naked in the heat of the moment, but now, it felt kind of awkward. I quickly grabbed one of the blankets to cover myself and started gathering my clothes, which were laying all over the room. I started getting dressed, struggling as to not to drop the blanket that was covering my body, while Jake was just watching me and laughing. 

"Shut up. Don't make fun of me." I told him playfully.

"I wasn't making fun of you baby, I swear. I just find it really cute." He continued chuckling.

"Yeah sure." I told him as I finally finished getting dressed, zipping up my jeans. "Do you want anything for breakfast?"

"Sure, what do you have?" He asked me.

"Well.." I said looking around the room at all of the leftover food from yesterday. "We have leftovers."

"Seriously?" He eyed me questioningly. 

"Why not? I mean don't you want some strawberries with nutella, bananas, marshmallows with graham crackers and chocolate? It's the perfect breakfast."

"Well, when you put it like that, it does sound kind of delicious." He said as he started reaching for the marshmallow bag.

After our little improvised breakfast, which of course, was delicious, it was time for Jake to head home. He had told his parents that he'd be sleeping at one of his friends' house but if he didn't arrive home before noon, his parents would definitely know something was up. I didn't want them to know that he had slept over at my place, I didn't want the Williams' to lose respect for me and start seeing me as a whore or something. 

"I have to get going." He said as we finished cleaning everything up. "I had an amazing time Emily, well, more than amazing." He continued while smiling.

"I had a really great time too, it was fantastic."

"It really was."

"I'll walk you to the door." I told him as we left the game room and walked over to the front door.

"Thank you again, for everything baby, I love you." Jake spoke as he held me in a tight hug before planting a big kiss on my lips.

"I love you too babes." I responded after we ended our kiss.

As soon as he left I called Liv, this was huge and I needed someone to talk to about it. I had lost my virginity to none other than Jake fucking Williams, the most popular guy at school, who also happened to be my boyfriend and loved me. Oh my god.

"Liv, are you busy?" I asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Not at all why?"

"I have something major that I have to tell you. Can we meet up for lunch?"

"Of course girl, where do you want to meet?"

"I'll see you at The Republic Grille in an hour, is that okay?"

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