Chapter 21

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Jake's POV:

I arrived at the party at around 9:30 pm I looked everywhere for Emily but apparently she hadn't arrived yet. Liam and the rest of the guys decided it was a good idea to do a drinking contest and all of us had to participate. I wasn't too eager to do it because I'm not a big drinker, in spite of what people may think. I almost never drink at parties because most of the time I drive myself to the parties and that's the excuse I use when the guys ask me to drink. After I tell them I need to drive, most of the time they stop bothering me. Today, however I didn't bring my car, Jacob gave me a ride because my dad took my car to the dealership for maintenance. So today, I had no excuse, they were going to make me drink, whether I liked it or not.

After about an hour of their 'super fun' drinking game, I was pretty hammered, to say the least. I couldn't even stand up by myself. Liam and Jacob took me to the kitchen, they sat me on the counter and left me with a bottle of Gatorade so that I could rehydrate myself and the booze would get out of my system. I started drinking it and minding my own business when Michaela, one of the cheerleaders waltzed into the kitchen. She was one of the top cheerleaders, we'd made out a couple of times before, and not just me, I can guarantee you that almost everyone from the team had. Michaela had tan skin, curly light brown hair, green eyes and a killer body, plus she was kind of a slut, so it is no surprise that everyone from the team has had a taste of her lips. Last time I made out with her was about 8 months ago, so way too long before I even started dating Ems.

"What happened to you Jake? You look like shit." She exclaimed as she walked in in her skin tight little black dress. I told you she was kind of a slut.

"Gee thanks Michaela." I mumbled, my vision was still a bit fuzzy from all the different drinks they had given me, but I could obviously recognize her with her bold red lipstick.

"I'll stay here and take care of you, don't worry." She said as she suddenly made her way to me and stood in between my legs, holding my Gatorade for me. I wasn't an invalid, I could hold the Gatorade by myself just fine so I took it away from her.

"You don't have to, it's okay. Emily is on her way. She already texted me." I lied, I hadn't heard from Emily since we last saw each other at school. But it was fine, she was probably on her way over here, she loved being late to parties.

"Well, until she gets here I'll be here for you." She stated as she took the Gatorade bottle away from me, again, making me lose my balance due to the force with which she yanked it away from me. I tried to hold on to the first thing I could so that I wouldn't fall down from the counter. Unlucky for my, that happened to be her waist. And she must have taken that the wrong way because she decided to crash her lips into mine. I froze at first, for about two seconds thinking What the fuck? By the time I reacted and pushed her away I saw Emily's brown hair running out from the kitchen. Fuck. The fucking kiss lasted to fucking seconds and she just had to open the kitchen door in that exact moment. Just my luck. I got down from the counter as fast as I could, pushing Michaela out of the way, not even caring about her, I would deal with her later. I started calling out her name as I made my way through the party. She was a mere 15 steps away from me, which meant that she could hear me, she just didn't want to stop. She ran to the front door and by the time I reached it, she was already getting inside her car.

I started walking faster towards her car, I just wanted to explain things to her, it had all been a misunderstanding. As soon as she saw me she started the car and drove away as fast as she could. Shit, shit, shit. The only time I decide not to bring a car and this is what happens. I can't believe my luck. I took out my cellphone from my pocket and started calling her frantically, the phone rang and rang but no one answered. I called back again and again. I must've called about 15 times before the fucking phone started going straight to voice mail. Great, she'd turned off her phone. Exactly what I needed.

Emily's POV:

As soon as I started driving down the hill my phone started ringing and ringing, it just wouldn't stop, one call after the other. I knew that it was Jake, trying to talk to me, but I just didn't want to speak to him. Not after what he had done to me. And to be honest I wasn't even that angry at him, I knew what I was getting into when I decided to date him, I knew he was a fucking player that loved to hook up with different girl. So I wasn't angry at him, that's just who he was, but I was angry at myself, for letting myself get into a relationship with him. Why the fuck did I think that it was a good idea in the first place? How could I have been so fucking stupid as to think that he'd change for me?

By now, I was in full crying mode, tear after tear rolling down my cheeks and I tried to control my sobs, but I just couldn't. They weren't sad tears, they were angry tears, i was so fucking mad at myself, I couldn't believe it. Of course Jake would hurt me sooner or later, he's a fucking womanizer. I started hitting the driving wheel with one of my fists as I held on to it steady with the other, I was angry but not as stupid as to put my life in danger. I just kept on pounding it, one blow after the other, until I finally calmed down. My hand was red from hitting the wheel so hard but at least I managed to stop crying. I decided to stop in a McDonald's parking lot, I couldn't arrive home looking like this mess. Mom would start asking questions and honestly I wasn't in the mood to answer them. So I stopped, saw my phone was still ringing and ringing, I waited until the call stopped and quickly wrote a text to the girls

Me: Guys, I'm so sorry, I had to go back home, could you please try getting a ride with someone else? I'll make it up to you, I swear, I'm really sorry.

I sent out the text quickly before another phone call from Jake blocked my phone. I didn't even bother explaining to them what had happened, I would tell them tomorrow, tonight I don't wanted to think about that any longer. Another call from Jake came through, I hated that I couldn't do anything else with my phone while trying to ignore the call unless I declined it. And I didn't want to give Jake the satisfaction of even letting him know that I was receiving his calls, that's the only fucking thing I hated about the stupid iPhones. I decided to put the phone in airplane mode, so that I wouldn't get anymore calls from him and his calls went straight to voice mail.

I stayed in that parking lot for about half an hour, just calming myself down, cleaning my face, which was covered with run makeup from all the crying, with a Kleenex and then just waited for my eyes to return to their normal state. Because you know how when you cry your eyes become bloodshot red, so I needed them to get back to normal. After they did, I started on the engine again and drove the remaining ten minutes back to my house, it was already 11:30 pm so I could just tell my mom that the party wasn't great and we decided to come back early. I hoped she believed that.

As soon as I entered my house I took off my shoes, trying to make as little noise as possible since everyone was already asleep. I went into my room and got changed into my pj's, removed my makeup in case there was any trace of run makeup and then went into my parent's bedroom. I gently shook my mom's body to wake her up

"Mom, I'm already home." I whispered in her ear.

"Okay honey, good night." She responded sleepily. Great, she hadn't asked any questions and didn't even bother to look at the clock, phew!

I tiptoed back into my room and shut the door behind me and then collapsed into my bed. Tears started rolling down my face again and I tried to muffle my sobs with the pillow so that no one would hear me cry. I cried and cried, I don't even know for how long, but it must have been a lot because suddenly there were no more tears left to flow through my eyes, I wanted to keep on crying but I just didn't have any more tears. Wow, this definitely was a first one for me, I had literally cried my tears out, all of them. That's how fucking hurt and angry I was. Fuck Jake Williams, fuck that bitch that he kissed, fuck everything.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! What did you think about this chapter? I changed the whole course of the story, I didn't like where it was heading to. Did you like that I included Jake's POV? The next few chapters will be told from both of their point of views, so that you can hear both sides of the story.  Do you think she'll forgive him? Will she listen to his explanation? Anyway, I'm really hoping you enjoy this chapter and any suggestions and/or grammar corrections are more than welcome. Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment, it really helps me out and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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