Chapter 12

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It's the Sunday morning after my little non date with Jake, yes, yesterday was the day we kissed, yesterday was the day he admitted he likes me and then asked me if I wanted to date him. I barely slept, I couldn't stop thinking about the night that I'd just had, I still couldn't believe it. Jake Williams liked me, ME. He could have any girl he wants, and I mean literally anyone, every single girl is drooling over him at school and still, he decided that he liked me. Yay! I suddenly heard my phone buzzing in my bed side table, I extended my arm to reach for it as I was still to lazy to get up. Yay, it was Liv, already up and about at 9:07 am!

Liv: Bitchhh, get your ass up already, we're going for breakfast.

Me: What? It's too early Liv.

Liv: My treat.

And with those two simple words she had me up, I never, but I mean never, refuse free food.

Me: I'm up, I'm up

Liv: I'll pick you up in thirty, how do you feel about Starbucks?

Me: It's perf. See you in a bit.

I quickly got up from my bed, I knew I didn't have time to shower, but whatever, I'd shower at night, it's not like I smelled or anything. I threw on a pair of dark wash jeans, my favorite pink hoodie and my Nike Air sneakers. I splashed my face with water, put on a little mascara, blush and lipstick and just passed the comb through my hair. I checked the time, it was already 9:35, Liv would be here in any minute, as if on cue I heard her honk pulling up to my driveway.

I quickly ran down the stairs and found my mom and dad drinking their morning coffee and reading the newspaper, Max wasn't up yet I presumed.

"Morning mom, morning dad." I said as I went over to kiss both of their cheeks.

"Morning sunshine." My dad answered.

"Morning darling, is that Liv's car I heard pull up to the driveway?" My mom inquired.

"Yeah, she's taking me out for breakfast, we're going to Starbucks, shouldn't be long, I'll be back at noon tops. I swear."

"Fine, go, just remember that tonight we're having dinner with one of your father's clients and his family, it is very important that you're here."

"Don't worry, I didn't forget, I'll be here on time to get ready and help you set up the dinning room and everything, I promise."

"Have a good time." She called as I walked to the door to go meet a frantic Liv, who wouldn't stop texting me telling me she was here, I could feel all the messages buzzing right in my left buttock.

"Coming, coming, gosh you have zero patience Liv." I called as I approached her car and got in.

"Whatever hoe, you and I have a lot to talk about. I'm expecting a full report about last night, don't leave any little detail out." She demanded.

"I know, I have a lot to tell you, you won't believe me, honestly."

"Start spilling."

And so, I told her the whole story, careful as to not leave any little detail out, just as she had instructed me. Even as I was telling here all that went down, I still couldn't get over the fact that this really happened to me, it wasn't just some random story about some girl I knew or heard about, this fairytale was about me. We stayed at Starbucks for about two hours, Liv paying close attention to every word I said and cooing and awwing at all the right moments, which made me really happy.

"So you're an item now? Jake and you?" She asked as she drove me back to my house.

"Well, I guess, I mean, we're dating so..." My inexperienced self answered, I'd never been kissed up until last night, let alone date a guy, how was I supposed to know if we were a couple or an 'item' as Liv called it, I honestly have no clue.

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