Chapter 16

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By lunch period, everyone and I mean everyone at school had heard about Jake and I, so naturally when I strolled into the cafeteria to find my friends and Jake of course, everyone turned to look at me. They were all watching my every move, I pretended not to notice, but it was getting kind of annoying, I was friendly with all of these people, give my status as somewhat popular but that didn't mean that I wanted them watching out for my next move.

I walked over to the cafeteria line, I know everyone thinks cafeteria food is awful but at my school it was actually pretty tasty and I was so damn hungry since I don't recall eating anything for breakfast given that I could have easily passed as one of the zombies from The Walking Dead. I saw Jake stand up from his usual table with the rest of the Football team and watched him as he strutted over to where I was, never loosing his bad boy half smile as he did.

"Hi, how was the rest of your morning?" He asked as he slid his hand to hug my waist, making sure everyone was seeing.

"It went better actually, after taking Liv's coffee and then buying another one after Math I feel very awake. how was yours?"

"It was kind of weird, everyone kept staring at me, I mean I'm accustomed to having girls gawk at me all the time given my good looks, but this time it was different." He responded being his cocky self, same Jake as always.

"I know what you mean, people kept staring at me too. And in every class people would ask me if we were really together, it was so annoying."

"Oh come on, you love telling people we're together. You're the girl who finally got Jake to settle down." Jake teased.

"Oh really? Because if I remember correctly you told me that you didn't want to have relationships before because you liked me and you only just hooked up with girls to try and forget me."

"What? I never said that." He playfully answered, knowing quite well that he had in fact admitted to it. I ordered some yogurt with granola and fruits and scrambled eggs along with a bottle of water, while Jake, on the other side, ordered pancakes with nutella not syrup because well, it is much tastier and fatter, bacon, sausage, eggs and a muffin. I told you the food in my cafeteria was good, though what I didn't understand was how Jake could eat all of that and sill have killer abs and body, ugh I wish I could eat that much without having to spend at least 2 hours a day at the gym. 

After we paid for our food Jake asked

"Hey do you want to sit at our table? I want to show my girl off. I know you usually sit with your friends, they can come on over as well."

"Sure, let's go. I'll text them to join us because I don't see them here yet."I said as I followed him, carefully as to not to drop anything from my tray or stumble because everyone was watching us. We made it to the table with no accidents, phew. Everyone said hi to me, again this were guys and girls that I was friendly with, but not exactly my friends. I'd always tried to get along with everyone at school because I don't like having enemies, it's just better to be nice to everyone and everyone is nice to you in return. 

I quickly texted the girls to come join us as soon as they got here, I knew Liv would be thrilled to be here, at the most popular's table. About a minute later they arrived there and sat with us, they were also friendly with everyone at the table, so we were all having a good time.

"So tell us, how was it that you two became a thing?" Emma, a cheerleader inquired. 

"Oh my god, it's just the cutest story you guys.!" Liv exclaimed before Jake and I could answer.

"It really is." Massie chimed in. 

"Oh come on, tell us Emily!" Laney begged, the boys had stopped paying attention for now, they started talking about the upcoming game they had, so only the girls were listening.

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