Chapter 15

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I tossed and turned all night, thinking about what Jake had mumbled over the phone when he was already half asleep. He'd told me: love you, of course me being me panicked and hang up on him. Which didn't even give me time to see if he had something else to say, or to find out whether he was already asleep, if he had said it intentionally or if it simply just slipped.

I just watched the minutes and then the hours pass by in my bedside clock, I think I finally dozed off at around 4 thirtyish am. So when my 5th alarm went off at 7 a.m. I was seriously sleep deprived, I don't even remember getting out of bed and much less do I remember getting dressed and getting into Liv's car. But what else could you expect from someone that slept less than 3 hours, of course I was going to be zombie like all day long.

We got to school right as the bell rang, same as always. Liv sprinted to get to homeroom on time and I of course took my time, dragging my self all the way up the school stairs and then attempted to reach homeroom, before I stumbled upon Jake in the hallway.

"I was waiting for you. How are you princess?"-He asked, he was casually leaning against some lockers, with one foot up, you know how, the typical pose of a bad boy or football star leaning against the lockers looking all cool.

"Ugh, I barely slept at all."-I answered groggily as I leaned onto him for support.

"Really? How so?"-He inquired as he hugged me, so cute I know.

"You know, I just couldn't stop thinking about last night."-I said, if he brought up the love you bit then I knew he remembered, if he brought the Tyler issue up, then he didn't remember or didn't want to talk about it. It wasn't that I was awake enough to come up with my answers, I had just played every possible conversation we could have over in my mind last night and that's why I knew what to say.

"About the whole Tyler thing?"

"Yeah, about that. I have to get to homeroom, Mrs. Hammond doesn't get bothered when I arrive a little late, but not this late."

"Sure, I have to get to homeroom too, but I'll walk you to class, I'm not entirely sure you'd make it without my help."

"Do I honestly look that bad?"

"Do you really want me to answer that? Or is this some kind of boyfriend test to see if I answer correctly?"

"On second thought, I think it's best if you don't answer."

"Okay."-He said as we started walking to my classroom. When we were just outside the door he leaned over and pecked my lips before mumbling a see you later and running to his class.

"Is that coffee? Gimme."-I asked Liv as soon as I took my seat next to her and noticed the thermos on her desk. I took it without waiting for an answer and chugging it down, I didn't even care that it was still hot, I needed all the caffeine that I could get so that it could get me through the day.

"Seriously what has gotten into you?"-Liv asked as she eyed me cautiously.

"I barely slept last night, I was talking on the phone with Jake until very late. I really needed extra caffeine."

"See, that's why I always tell Luke that I'm going to sleep early, so I get my beauty rest and I don't look like the walking dead."

"Gee thanks. With friends like you who needs enemies Liv?"-I joked, or well tried to joke. "But that wasn't why I didn't sleep, right before we hung up, he was already like half asleep and we were saying goodbye and he kind of mumbled love you."

"What? OMG!"-Liv shrieked, a little too loud, making everyone turn back to look at us and us earning a deadly stare from Mrs. Hammond before she returned to the morning announcements, boring as always.

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