Chapter 23

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Jake's POV:

I woke up disoriented, I didn't know where I was. It wasn't my room and my head was pounding, a lot. After a few seconds I remember that I had crashed over at Liam's and I was in his bedroom. Ugh, my head kept pounding, this is why I hated drinking, because of the hangover. Then I remembered everything that had happened last night and it just made me feel 10 times worse. I frantically started searching for my phone again, to see if Emily had called me back or something. I found it on the floor next to the bed and I checked my notifications, none of them were from Emily. I decided to text her.

Me: Emily

Me: Please answer me.

Me: Emily I'm sorry.

Me: It was all a misunderstanding

Me: Let me explain everything, please

Me: Just answer the phone baby please

Me: I love you Emily

Me: I didn't kiss Michaela, she was the one that kissed me

Me: I swear to god that I pushed her away as soon as she did

Me: Please baby, I don't want to lose you

Me: Emily...come on

I sent her a bunch of texts, they were delivered, but she didn't receive them. That could only mean one of two things: that she had her phone off or that she had blocked me. I hoped it wasn't the latter because if it was then it meant that she was pissed as hell. I tried sending a text to her through Facebook Messenger, I sent her one message that only said Emily and when I wanted to try and send a second message an error appeared. It read: This person isn't receiving messages right now. Shit she had blocked me. What the fuck was I going to do, how was I going to explain everything to her. It's not like I could go over to her house and ask her to talk to me. If I did, I would cause a scene, then her parents would find out that we were fighting and Emily would have to explain to them why. And they would never see me the same anymore. So that was out of the question. I had to talk to her friends, only they could talk some sense into her and convince her to talk to me so that I can explain things. 

Emily's POV:

I don't even remember falling asleep, all I know is that I barely slept at all. I woke up and checked my phone, and I soon as I checked my notifications I received a new one from Jake, he had sent me a message through Facebook. I still don't feel like talking to him after what he did last night, I don't need any of his lame ass excuses. So as soon as I got the message I blocked him on Facebook messenger. I recently discovered this feature when I was mad at Liv and I didn't want to talk to her. I don't even remember what we were fighting about, but surely it was something stupid, and I blocked her from my contacts and then she tried to talk to me on Facebook and I blocker her there. It didn't remove her as a friend or anything, it just prevented her from sending any messages to me, so I decided to do the same with Jake. He didn't deserve that I hear whatever excuse he'll come up with, he cheated on me in a party that he knew I was attending. That showed that he had zero respect for me. 

I finally got out of bed, it was already 11 am, super late for me since I never ever wake up after 10 am. No matter how late I sleep, I can never sleep past 10 am. I decided to text Liv and see if she wants to come over to my house, I could really use a friend right now.

Me: Hey Liv, you want to come over to my house?

Liv: Sure, btw what happened yesterday? Why did you leave us hanging?

Me: It's a long story, I'll tell you when you get here.

Liv: Omw, we're having lunch at your place right?

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