Chapter 29

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Jake's POV:

While we were at the party I set my plan to get Emily back in motion. I saw her dancing with Aubrey, Liam and Jacob in the dance floor. I knew that none of my friends would make a move on her, since she and I had dated, which made her off limits to my friends. I went over to the guy that was controlling the music and asked him to play a slow song next. I quickly made my way over to where Emily was and as soon as the song started I grabbed her waist and asked her to dance with me. She agreed. It felt great to be this close to her again, I had missed her so much. Yeah we'd hung out a couple of times and all but we were never this close, her face was so close to mine and as we swayed to the rhythm all I could think about was kissing her. We joked and talked as we continued dancing, just like as if we'd never been apart.

When the song ended, another pop song started and I didn't feel like dancing around with all of my friends. I asked her if she wanted to get something to drink and so we went. With our drinks in hand we went to find somewhere to sit amidst the crowded place. We finally settled for sitting at the edge of the pool. She dipped her feet in the water and so I did the same. Even though the weather was warm and all, the water was freezing, don't ask me why. She splashed around, soaking my clothes and then I did the same to her.

"Jake stop! You got me all wet!" She shrieked. That sounded so dirty, I guess she hadn't thought that through before saying it. I couldn't let is slide of course. So I replied:

"Oh really? Glad to know that I have that power over you. That a simple splash of water is all it takes." I saw her cheeks get all red and I just couldn't contain my laughter.

"Oh come on, you know what I meant!" She called back embarrassed.

"I was just messing with you." I responded as I shook her hair, since she wanted us to be 'friends' and this is what I do to my friends all the time.

"Stop it Jake, I'm not your little sister." She told me as she yanked her head back.

"I know you aren't. That would be disgusting, considering all the things we've done." I smirked at her. She was on a roll with her comments and I just couldn't refrain myself from making my typical snarky comments.

"Eww Jake, why do you always have to say some nasty shit?"

"Hey, I'm not the one that said that you were my little sister, that was all you." I responded as I moved a bit closer to her. My plan was working. First we'd danced a slow song to show her that we could still do that. Then I took her here so that we could talk without the loud music and there weren't a lot of people around, to show her that we could still talk like before. Snarky comments included and everything. Now the final move was to kiss her. I could see it in her eyes that she wanted to kiss me as well. 

"Oh shut up." She responded as I continued getting closer and closer to her. Our faces were inches apart, we were about to kiss, finally after all this time. I would finally get to feel her lips on mine again. I started to close my eyes as I got even closer to her, just as our lips were about to touch I felt her push me. I wasn't expecting that at all, so I lost my balance and fell into the pool. 

"Emily! You're so dead. This is fucking cold." I told her while I was still recovering from being thrown into the fucking freezing water.

"Oh come on, it's not that cold. Don't be such a baby." She teased.

"Oh it isn't? Then why don't you prove it to me?" And with one swift move I pulled her down to the pool with me. After all she claimed the water wasn't that cold, let's see what she thought about that now.

"Jake!" She shrieked as I saw her skin get filled with tiny goosebumps from the cold water.

"See I told you the water was fucking cold." I laughed.

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